Income Tax and Deficit Solution

My solution to our tax problem is simple. Every person or company making income in this country no matter the country of origin or if it is a non-profit or religious affiliation pays to the federal government a flat 20% tax with no refunds. Those making social security or disability income do not pay income tax at all or receive refunds. 

Using this new tax system, those hackers taking our personal information to make out bogus tax returns will no longer be a problem. It also means that everyone is paying an equal share. It also means that people do not make out tax returns anymore which alleviates a lot of stress for citizens and companies. 

Not only does this tax proposal fund our military, aerospace, infrastructure, and biomedical programs, but we can also eliminate many departments of the government that will no longer be necessary such as Medicaid, Medicare, and the ACA (Affordable Care Act). The IRS will be a simple department to account for the twenty percent tax. In fact, we may not need to worry about Social Security being funded as most people will have their basic needs met and may opt out of this program.

Below are bulleted social programs funded by our flat tax proposal. Please note that this is not a socialist or communist solution as there is nothing political about it at all. And, you do not have to avail yourself of these services as they are not mandatory. As a taxpayer, though, you will be required to fund programs that benefit your safety and security in this country. You are more than welcome to supply your own needs. This is simply a democratic solution to a social deficiency:

  • Subsidized total health, vision, hearing, medical, wellness, and mental services for all citizens of this country is our first basic right and helps all of us feel good about ourselves. Keep in mind that this also helps companies with workers as they do not have to provide insurances or services such as these; thereby, increasing their bottom line. Head to toe healthcare including medical, dental, vision, hearing, hospital, emergency and ambulance, medical supplies such as walkers, oxygen, or handrails, and any health problems including cancer, pre-existing conditions, or elective surgery. Wellness programs include such things as gym memberships, local swimming pools and lessons, messages, hygiene services such as nails and hair, and informative services that improve physical healing. Mental health services include total mental health programs such as one-on-one therapy sessions either in person, computer, or phone with psychiatrist services for those with suicidal tendencies, eating disorders, or extreme anti-social behaviors. It also includes group sessions for addictions such as gambling, drug, or alcohol abuse. It also provides domestic abuse help or family intervention programs. Our solution also includes child services, all of them. We do not leave out our children as they are an integral part of our society. So, we include my Daycare and Childcare Solution found in the article when you scroll down the solutions page.

  • Subsidized public transportation such as a Commute, taxi or bus services anywhere in your community or scheduled longer distance services for rides to the doctor, the store, the gym, the lake for fishing and swimming, or to parks. Citizens should have the option to not drive, especially for those who may not be able to drive or cannot afford their own transport. Even children can be taken in our Commute Vans with 24/7 onboard streaming video showing everything going on inside the vehicle. We can even talk to the rider or driver if we are connected to that rider's friends and family list. This way, the child can be taken to Grandma's house whenever they want to see their elder. Also, if Grandma or a disabled person wants to be socially active or go to the store, the ride is easy and is paid for by the government with professional drivers trained to be able to help load and unload people needing help for transport. You just call to schedule your ride wherever you need to go.

  • Subsidized public housing is also important as we can now provide permanent shelter for the homeless. As we implement my No Public Schools and Welfare Solution found by scrolling the solutions page, we can modify existing structures like schools to temporarily or permanently house people (not necessarily homeless persons) so that all abandoned or unused buildings may be utilized for the benefit of those needing housing. If a person is able to work, but is homeless, we provide them access to a work program so that they may qualify for subsidized housing. As they produce taxable income, they are treated just like all citizens in this country and must pay the minimum tax. If, however, the person is qualified as homeless, physically or mentally disabled, widow, child or elderly, then they automatically qualify for government housing first. Then, regular citizens may apply for any open houses, apartments, modified or commissioned school buildings and grounds or other buildings abandoned that the government may take over possession of and restore for housing any citizen on the list.

  • Subsidized food or commodities is already supplied for qualified elderly or disabled, however, using our new tax system, all citizens qualify for all food because it is a necessity. Basic foods are flour, oats, rice, milk, butter, bread, fruits, vegetables, meat, cheese, nuts, peanut butter, eggs and cereals. But the really cool part is that all foods, even expensive foods, may be included in our list. Because our government negotiates prices for all foods and agriculture, we can have what we want to eat as long as it is available. This is especially important for our nation's children as they will never go hungry. This program completely eliminates hunger in the richest nation on earth! Water quality testing for all wells or public water is included in this proposal. We think that clean drinking water for the entire nation is vitally important. In fact, we stop drilling holes in the ground for water and simply draw water from rivers and filter it as drinking water. Springs are sometimes large enough for doing this as some farms are out in the sticks, but for the most part we can draw water that swells our rivers instead of taking it out from under the bedrock or tables. This prevents earthquakes from collapsing empty pockets under the bedrock which could cause a domino effect and massive earthquakes worldwide. As I roll out new energy machines, new transportation machines and housing machines that fly without using any fossil fuels, we will finally be able to stop sucking water, oil and gas from underneath the bedrock which is the major contributor to the possible collapse of empty pockets under the bedrock. Of course, making then offering transportation and housing services from my company takes time, so we must do our part establishing newer and most times smaller water pumps and filtration units and piping for every house or building until we can build my new ones.

  • Subsidized clothing such as a commissary or thrift store that offers clothes and other items of discount, but not necessarily poor quality. We can stock these stores with donated items, or our government can negotiate with manufacturers to provide us with quality factory defect or even better products. We can also have our government purchase any kind of stuff or products and services that may be unwanted and place them in a warehouse so that we can simply go down, like at a thrift store, and pick out anything we might want or need. Free.

  • Subsidized energy for all citizens. We paid for those nuclear plants, gas wells, oil wells, gazillions of cable telephone lines, poles, and wind and solar company start-ups, so let's demand actual relief from eons of electric or gas bills by negotiating prices paid by our government to distribute nationwide free energy on demand. I will be rolling out new machines (I have over nine at the moment to explore as possible perpetual energy for us) and we can take all transformers from off the lines that are sucking juice into the canisters that are feeding energy to people who are using them to energize their corrupt organizations and their houses. When we unplug these evil thieves from taking energy out of the lines, we will have plenty of energy (no rolling blackouts) until we can make and distribute my safe, affordable, and clean perpetual energy machines. Have you ever looked up at these "transformers" yourself and wondered exactly what they are supposed to be transforming? I mean, really, do we shoot energy down those copper lines, and it stops exactly at each canister on the pole so we must put the energy into a canister of acid to recharge it and send it further down the lines? Or maybe we should install breaker boxes instead at each juncture to boost the energy into a different wattage? What do you think? I mean, seriously, why do they have coils and lines clipped onto the energy cable running into these canisters of supposed acid that blows up occasionally in bad weather? No, really, I can't figure it out. We have to re-boost energy in a line? Maybe we should simply build another substation at some point along the way? I don't get it. Can someone, a lineman perhaps, please explain exactly how these transformers are helping transform one line of energy into another line and how it needs to be acidified and heated up to achieve this miracle? Or could these suckers of our energy actually be feeding video all over the world? My neighbor swore up and down that even though I had been gone three days overnight in my truck that it had been sitting in the same spot all that time and that she had even seen ME walking around outside so there is absolutely no way I could have been gone. My truck never moved from its spot in the parking lot! I had gone to Oklahoma for a short trip and went through a tornado area in Shawnee where my truck got a brand-new huge dent in the front of its hood from a huge hailstone that hit it. It made a loud clunk sound, and I was very sad when I got back out of the truck and saw the damage. So, I do know for sure that I was gone on my trip. My truck has that new dent and I have many pictures of the truck with no dent before I went on vacation and then I took pictures of the hood and dent and truck after I got back. My neighbor may think I am a nut! Do you? Have you had people look at you sideways whenever you told them something you know they should have seen or heard from you? It is a possibility that we have been under some kind of visual and audio control because outside my bedroom window I can hear the distant sound of truck traffic on the freeway. Now, I must explain that I am a veteran million-mile truck driver. I know exactly what the freeway sounds like, anywhere, anytime of the day, and how many trucks are passing by. The audio feed that I have heard is the same damn truck with the same damn jake break going by for several hours. You see, these people messed up that stepped on me, the good person, and unknown till now genius beyond your wildest imagination. I am also the truck driver from hell! You can't fool an old dog, can you? You old farts know exactly what I mean! I think that as a normal common-sense person you may be able to provide your own answers with a bit of investigation. So, I'll leave the groundwork to you.

Why are we getting refunds? Who came up with this idea? Aren't we supposed to fund the government? When you buy something from the store, doesn't that tax money go toward funding organizations that help you at the local level? (NOTE: This proposal also eliminates the need for sales tax!) Why do you get to claim a refund on this expenditure if it goes to the good of the whole community? And, if you are a charity, aren't you supposed to give away your money? Why do you get a tax break to make the world a better place? Those of you getting a tax break on your income taxes from tithing to your church every year are using the government as your personal savings account. That money should be given without the expectation of monetary return...especially from the government coffers. The government shouldn't fund your spiritual well-being; separation of church and state, remember? I know this thought will make some people howl at the moon, but we actually save money in the long run and have better services from the government if we simply give our percentage up front. Eventually, there will be no more taxes on our goods. We won't need it. 20% goes a long way.


Religious organizations received about $128.2 Billion in 2021 = We use all of this money as it is illegal as church is separated from the state! = $128.2 Billion

Business income was approximately $2.77 Trillion in 2021 times 20% = $554 Billion

Personal income was about $21.06 Trillion in 2021 times 20% = $421.2 Billion

Total approximate aggregate income made in the U.S. was $27.5 Trillion.

But this number does not include income from religious (128.2 Billion) and charitable organizations ($90.88 Billion) or international income made in this country. Because international income is not reportable nor taxed income in the U.S., I can only estimate that these may number as much, at least, as domestic companies; therefore, the approximate amount may be $2.77 Trillion or more income that international companies have made in this country WITHOUT paying anything in taxes to our government coffers. In fact, we GAVE AWAY to international corporations who are in this country $12.2 Billion in 2021. So, we may need to reconsider taxing international organizations set up or established or making income in this country the minimum 20% tax, too.

Is this giving anyone else but an economist a headache? I’m not finished.

Total amount given by Americans in 2021 for charitable giving was said to be $484.85 Billion. Where's the beef?

If we take 20% tax off the top from all income produced by all above with no refunds, deductions, or exemptions before the taxpayer receives their 80%, the tax revenue would be about $6.5 Trillion or much, much more.

Current 2023 national debt is approximately $31.12 Trillion.

Current U.S. government yearly spending is projected to be about $4.83 Trillion.

$6.5 Trillion Revenue – $4.83 Trillion Spending = $1.67 Trillion Paydown Debt

Okay, so I did some actual math proving my plan, but please include other unsaid possibilities to adjust actual calculations.

My 15-year plan to pay off the national debt:

1.   Implement my 20% Income Tax and Deficit Solution with no refunds or deductions or exemptions to all income produced in this country and territories from all entities or persons, as well as establishing the social programs listed in that solution.

2.     Apply the 60/20/20 rule as our national budget:

60% basic yearly bills (monthly set or mandatory bill pay planned spending and then the compound interest accruing on remainder not spent until next month’s allocation spending). This means that we only pay our bills on a monthly basis as do most Americans. The remainder of our income in the bank accrues interest or compounded interest which actually MAKES U.S. money above our initial income tax revenues!

20% discretionary spending cushion (compound interest accruing) This money is allocated monthly as future needs-type spending and goes into an interest-bearing bank account to also compound until it is actually spent.

20% (compound interest accruing) This is savings or wants and whims spending interest-bearing bank account for the nation to also compound until it is actually spent.

Note: If we know approximately what our monthly obligations are to be for each month, we take these off the top of our income statement as already spent funds for that month. Then, we leave a cushion again for the main account at all times of at least three months-worth of possible disaster funding or unseen obligations.

3.     Eliminate payouts to other countries, organizations, or people as nation-building or pro-democracy charity. We can volunteer services helping other countries establish a democratic system, but this should not be funded by taxpayer dollars.

4.     Call in markers or debts owed to the U.S. government or cross out any debt we owe any other country, organization, or persons if they owe us anything. If they do not pay, put them on C.O.D. (cash on delivery) or withhold anything they might expect from us in the future.

5.     Disband or eliminate unnecessary departments, processes, or programs as we implement social programs benefiting our citizens as outlined in my Income Tax and Deficit Solution.

6.     Do NOT give incentives to corporations for them to build or manufacture in our country. Rather, make laws that accept 75% made in America products and services for government use. The 25% remainder is ONLY those products or services from allied countries and peaceful nations or governments. This means that those countries who are aggressive or not allied or approved humanitarian acceptable countries should be entirely shunned and blocked from any trade, economic relief, establishing themselves in our country, or buying real property in any of our states or territories. We should immediately make laws allowing only allied countries real property leasing. If they lease the property, they pay property taxes, too. Non-citizens should not be allowed to own any real property in our country. Yes. This means that China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela and others would be blocked as a trading and economic partner in this country. We can make what we need or trade with approved allied good countries until such time as those autocracies cease aggressive behaviors or implement democratic human rights for their citizens. For too long we have accepted junk and fake stolen products from these countries as well as turned a blind eye to their assassinations, oppressions, and torture of their citizens to stay in power. Our people have been subject to product toxins and most products from these countries end up in our landfills or oceans. In fact, the products are purposely compromised (my new t-shirts – several bought at the same time that a week later after one wash a hole appeared on the belly same section on each t-shirt so that I would have to buy more - made in China) so that people will buy, buy, buy more and more and more products. 

    Many “competitive” products with different brand names are made by one company and marked as different to us, and our country officials have been inundated by so much of it that it is a monstrous task to try to play whack-a-mole. They simply establish another “brand” name and continue the same process or product (maybe a different color or material). This must all STOP NOW!! I know this all seems extreme, but these times are an inflection point in our history where we must take drastic measures stopping the undermining of our democracy and infiltration of internationally funded and corporate-funded political candidates. Read my other articles solving all government problems Supreme Court Solution, Voting SolutionElection Solution, and Campaigns Solution. We must stop the buying up of our land, buying off people, horrible non-quality products, propaganda media, and sneaky acting as harmless but data-soaking services.

    Take the extra $1.67 Trillion or more and pay off the national debt within 15 years. Then, keep going with the 60/20/20 plan.   THERE.

My solution is that we tax every person's income twenty percent with no refunds no matter if they are citizens or not. Companies should pay a percentage of taxes on the same scale as above. This way, everyone pays their fair share. From the migrant worker to the CEO, everyone is funding the government. In fact, we can even tax illegal aliens that come into this country (some 11 to 18 million or so) and have so much money that we can not only pay off all our national debt, but we can also pay for those programs listed above and more. 

Currently, according to our national debt budget is at least 3.8 trillion. We have approximately 83.5 million income producers. The tax rates in this country are graduated percentages at this point. However, if we apply flat rate percentages to all income (foreign and domestic individuals and corporations equally) with no deductions, exemptions, or refunds of any kind, we will have more than enough to pay off our debt and any budget expenditures. This is not just a flat tax as proposed by some law makers. What we are proposing makes more sense than just a flat tax. Loopholes will continue to exist if you give even one person, organization, or company exemptions or deductions or refunds.

So, our better way forward is to tax them all at the same rate across the board with no refunds. Further, we could look at how companies situated overseas make income in the U.S. and tax that total income at this same rate and process. If you sell a widget in the U.S. (no matter if they are a U.S. company or a foreign one), we retain twenty percent of the profit from the widget giving no refunds. Period. This would possibly eliminate the corporate leakage caused by holding profits indefinitely overseas from earned income. 

My suggestion is that if companies do not comply with the tax rules, we should hold their cargo at the border or at any of our nationwide weigh stations as a 24-hour lien against their debt. A more aggressive solution might be to have the local DOT (Department of Transportation) stake out the company entrance/exit until a truckload of their goods comes out of the gate, then have the truck driver follow them to the nearest weigh station or safe parking area, like a truck stop. If, after the 24-hour notification period, the company still does not comply, we should sell their goods to the highest bidder on a government-run website set up for this purpose. 

Companies will want to sell their goods in this country even with their percentage tax - no deductions or exemptions - because their bottom line depends on our economy. This cuts out much of our IRS (Internal Revenue Service); thereby, cutting down on our budget expenditures. Let me be clear. If you pay your twenty percent off the top of your income no matter if you are an individual or company or non-profit, then you do not have to make out any tax return. It is automatically taken out before you receive your eighty percent!!! If you make income in the United States and its territories, then you should pay your fair share of taxes!

Think about it. Those of you who are math wiz's can quickly calculate that a flat percentage tax is the most-fair way to fund departments and projects. In fact, we will have a surplus to completely cut the deficit! Go figure. Not only that, after cutting the deficit, we will have enough tax income to pay for every single person to have total head to toe healthcare. This is universal healthcare paid for by the percent flat tax with no refunds. We would simply have our tax taken off the top of our paycheck before we get the rest of it and then the government could keep track of and pay healthcare providers for us! They negotiate with doctors, hospitals, medical supplies, and drug companies for us all. Why not cut out the middleman (insurance companies) and simply have healthy and happy lives? 

Not everyone gets sick or has dental work or other services at the same time. Some people do not get sick at all. This is exactly how insurance companies survive. They base their business model on the fact that not every person who pays into their service will need them at the same time! Our government can do the same thing, only better! The people who shout socialism have never been to Russia or other autocratic countries. What this proposal is all about is the American Dream! We are the richest country on earth, and we deserve to have quality life. 

I know we will have many jobs cut by this new program but using the money we save by cutting these jobs, we can pay those people to transition to a new industry. People such as IRS agents, tax preparation services, and so forth will need help going from accounting to a new job. If border control is your worry, we could train these people to help us with immigration problems. 

This is the bottom line. We never have to fill out a tax return again. They would simply take the proper twenty percentage tax out before we get paid our eighty percent and we get total basic human dignity and health services. Arguments against such relief will be from those companies and other cons who exploit the human condition for money or power.

Using this method, we would also never have to pay into health or dental insurance programs! Just think, how would it feel to not have to worry about co-pays or deductions? We would not even need life insurance. This program also pays for burial services. Also, companies would be relieved of the burden of buying insurance programs or offering paid programs to employees. This way, we could completely cut out insurance companies and simply have the government pay the doctor or dental bill directly. There would also never be a problem paying huge expenses for pre-existing conditions. We could have a simple verification system via phone, computer, or mail that notifies you asking if you actually had services performed by the doctor, hospital, or dentist or if you bought from a pharmacy or medical supplier, etc. This verification technique would significantly cut down or eliminate fraud occurring from these services. I imagine we could retain and use employees that used to work for the IRS, tax preparation services, and insurance company employees to perform verifications for the new government-run system.

Besides, isn't it ridiculous that you have to pay in monthly to the insurance company, and then, when you need to use the insurance, you have to pay again?! How much simpler could it be than to have your flat tax percentage automatically taken out of your paycheck? You'll never miss it, and you never have to file income tax again! Wait for it, wait for it...Eureka! - Solutions For Our Future!

This is an economic analysis solution that may be implemented by any country; however, we do expect credit for this solution for the thought, the idea, the solution allowing YOU to live a better life. We have published and copyrighted this solution as a "New Deal" for governments world-wide to purchase until we come together to lift each other to the same beautiful view. It also works for companies or individuals who need a way to budget their income, but the prices are set according to the application.

3/3/16: As an addition: Talking about Trade:
Some politicians have suggested that we tax products coming into the U.S. at 35%. I believe this is too high. I believe that a 20% tax per product sold, no matter if it is from this country or any other, would be enough to fund trade and border patrol. However, I do believe in equal trade such that whatever other countries are taxing our in-country based companies per product that comes into their country is exactly what we should exact from their in-country (China, for instance) companies selling products here. Also, I believe we should ramp up our border agents to include enough workers to inspect each and every container arriving at our borders. (Maybe we could retrain IRS agents, tax preparation agents, or accountants to do this job?) 

Anyway, it would be exhaustive work to begin, but we could turn away all of those knock-off products that are flooding this country; thereby, treating them as the illegal contraband that they are. Our agents would simply check with a database for products to see if that particular product has exclusive rights to make. This means that other countries could not make our inventions without a licensing agreement with the original owner of the product. 

As an inventor and designer, this is of major concern. Companies from other countries or of this one should not be able to steal our intellectual property, ideas, inventions, or designs! The leak has turned into a floodgate, and we are blaming our country’s lawmakers and politicians for this theft. They should be made accountable for this kind of activity. For too long, we have been losing our companies to overseas and they have been delaying paying taxes they owe this country for them to do business there, yet still have privileges here. We need common sense trade agreements world-wide. If you agree, start the conversation by commenting below.

©Copyright, May 2015, Income Tax and Deficit Solution, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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