Abortion Solution

All the controversy about anti-abortion calls for a solution that will fix two problems at the same time. If you are an anti-abortionist, I think you should put your money where your mouth is.

To tell a woman that she must face possible death or at the very least mental and physical health problems because it is mandatory that she has a child is abuse and should be against the law. That is why Roe vs. Wade became law in the first place.

My solution to the problem of abortion is that people who are anti-abortion should be mandatorily put on a public federal list. Then, they should be taxed every year to support the unwanted pregnancies. People who are pro-choice do not need to worry about this list or tax. They are exempt. However, the anti-abortionists are documented for all to see. Then, there should be a random selection from this list and a list of orphans up for adoption to match a person on the list with the child needing adopting. And, if that child has siblings, they should all be put in the same household together. This means that if Octomom has eight children, all eight children would be taken to the one household. Accommodations would have to be arranged, but this is important for the child to have their siblings with them as they grow. After all, as the anti-abortionists are proud to declare, family is everything!

The anti-abortionist on the list does not get to pick or choose the child they are made to adopt. Some children are not perfect mentally or physically. The new parent would also have to take in those children with physical disabilities who may not have arms or legs or can’t feed or clothe themselves. You, the parent, are responsible to take that child to all its many doctor visits and sit through countless therapies. The government does not take care of these types of children. You are on your own. Or they would adopt those children who are in a wheelchair and must be put in and out of the chair all day long or need constant physical help. Then, there are those children with ADHD or Autism who act out at the most embarrassing times inconvenient for the parent but must be understood that it is through no fault of the child. Some of the adopted children have cancer, diabetes, or other hereditary physical traits like Downes Syndrome that requires constant care and attention.

There are many other possibilities a woman must take into consideration when choosing to have a child. The child cannot help their physical and mental disability. They are simply children. When a woman chooses to have a child, she knows about these possibilities and either chooses to take on the responsibilities associated with having a child or to have an abortion and prevent not only her suffering but also the possible suffering of that child.

The anti-abortionist must provide proof of income or wealth to determine if they can support many foster or adopting children. The anti-abortionist may not choose what color or race or gender of their child or what background they have or come from. They do not get to “opt out” if that child is the product of horrible or evil people. They must take the child home, feed and clothe it and put it through school all from the comfort of their home. Of course, there has been documentation that some adopted children have grown up to murder their adopted parents, but that should not worry the truly deeply religious activist.

They do exactly what is done now to foster children. They gather their miniscule belongings into a trash bag and take that child (sometimes in the middle of the night – children are born all day) to your house and drop them off. No instructions are given as to their care, but they expect you to take care of this child as if it were your own. Of course, the child would probably be local, so you would probably already know the family background of the child and what horrible family life it would have had with its natural parents. So, it shouldn’t be a problem with your big heart to surround that child with a loving family and home life. What possible excuse or protest could the anti-abortionist have with this solution. It saves lives and gives them a new family member. It also almost completely eliminates the need for foster care in this country.

So, here is what happens when you take the rights of a woman to choose to have or not have a child away from her. She suffers. There is an unwanted child put into our national system of foster care. The child is put out on the street at eighteen, sometimes with very little support. This solution provides for all those children already in foster care or needing adoption AND the bigots and hypocrites get to put their money where their religion is. The cool part is that this law extends to all people (not just women, but men too) in the age range somewhere between twenty-one and sixty-four years old.

You do not get to choose your parents. However, you also do not get to choose your child. If anti-abortionists are so concerned about killing innocent lives, they should also be willing to support those children in their own environment without making pro-choice people responsible for their religious fanaticism. They should be made to take an arsonist, rapist or murderers child home to their family unit. And they should be made to compensate a woman for her pain and suffering.

Just a little note about foster care in the U.S. For those people who are truly concerned about children and their welfare I encourage you to personally google or search for the current statistics about how many foster children and adoptable children are in the U.S.A. Here are a few. Did you know that there are approximately 420,000 children in the foster care system as of 5/3/2021? According to googled stats there are about 117,470 children needing adoption in the U.S. Out of the foster care and adoption system: 23,000 or so age out every year. This means that they are on their own. 

Further, only about 62% of little babies get adopted each year, because people do not want to adopt those over two years old. 20% who age out at 18 years old become instantly homeless. Only 1 out of every 2 foster children who age out of the system will have some form of gainful employment by age 24. Many of them never even finish high school. And the sad truth is that the majority of children in the system just want a stable loving family home to stay put and not have to constantly move around from foster home to foster home because the system doesn't want them to get too attached to their foster family. Most of these children are hopeful for adoption and crave love and attention and are willing to make you happy if you just give them the chance they need for a normal life.

So, before you try to burden mothers with the mandatory life sentence of childbirth, please think with honesty and an open mind about all those unwanted births and exactly where those children go after they are made to be born. Where is your adopted child, anyway?

Copyright, Abortion Solution, 5/21/2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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