Beans, Beans

“Beans, beans, good for the heart. The more you eat, the more you fart. The more you fart, the better you feel. I think I’ll eat beans for every meal.”
We have all heard this little rhyme, but it has more significance than just being funny. Beans clean from your body any pockets of carbonation. When you drink or eat carbonated items, it turns into a gas that gets trapped inside your body in pockets that putrefy. If you drink soda, the carbonation from these drinks can kill you. The putrid pockets of gas can stay in your body, taking up valuable space and infecting good cells with the putrid gas. That is why some farts smell worse than others. 
When you eat something like a potato chip, they go through the body pretty quick and come out smelling similar to a potato chip. When you drink the carbonated water, though, the carbonation from these infused products is not natural and the body traps it, analyzes it, surrounds it, and then finally tries to get rid of the putrid bubble as best it can. 
Sometimes, you get that trapped gas feeling that hurts so bad you do a handstand trying to move it in your body. If you stop ingesting carbonated or infused carbon products and eat more beans, you may live longer than one hundred twenty years. This does not have to be a secret potion to work. It is merely scientific evidence that we have “infused” and modified our foods and drinks and that these products have been made by ourselves to shorten our lives.
Make no mistake. Coffee is not from a bean. If you go to the coffee website, you will read about how the “bean” is really a fruit they call a “cherry”. It grows on a bush, not on a tree. Berries grow on bushes. Nuts grow on trees, except for the peanut, which is a root vegetable and not a nut at all. I like to call coffee berries what they really are, a nut-berry. You can eat as many berries as you can shell or dry out at one time. 
There are those mathematicians that can tell us exactly how many cups of the “juice” from steaming the berry that we can drink and not get too much of this good thing. We must take into account that we have to shell it, dry it, then grind it up, then press water over it into our cup, I am sure there are good people out here who can tell us how many cups of coffee equates to a handful of nut-berries that we would naturally eat in the wild. 
This is the only real natural way to evaluate any foods that we eat. If it has a shell, then we do not eat tons of it at a sitting or drink a cup of it at a time. We shell it, eat it, and get full on just a handful, just as we do for all shell nuts. This should be the standard evaluation for the coffee nut-berry ingestions.
All foods should have this type of naturally digested quality when we eat them. When you mix your foods together into casseroles or mix them together, they can cause you to eat too much of one thing or another. However, the good news is that we can eat mixed foods because you will naturally shy away from too much of a good thing. That is why your babies turn their heads away from their food, sometimes. They have very good abilities to smell what is coming toward their mouths and will fight you like mad to keep it out of there. But, when they “like” something, they will almost gorge themselves on it making you wonder if they are going to puke it up. Sometimes, they do!
Beans are good for some people, and some they are not. Some people have an “allergy” or aversion to beans, or they simply do not like them. The reason for this could be that they were fed beans too much as a child and got sick, or that they just do not like the taste as they are prepared. However, I do not like beans because they make you fart. I think my body makes me eat them, anyway, if it feels I need to expel putrid gases from my body, so I guess I’ll have to suffer eating them occasionally. Lucky for me. I simply LOVE coffee! I thought they were a bean until I thought about it and checked their website. Yippee! I can eat or drink coffee and still not eat a bean!
Life is good. And this research is proof that we can live longer lives if we understand that we are our own good common sense. It makes sense to watch what you put inside your temple. If your body is your temple, then you must be good to yourself. Because, as I always say, if you don’t love yourself first, then nobody else will either. Be good to yourself, please, and stop ignoring the warning signs telling you to get rid of the crap in your diet. Eat those beans if you drank a lot of soda since you were a kid. 
You will see a marked difference in your skin tone and quality. The blemishes will fade or disappear, and you will begin feeling like a kid again. You will be healthier and happier than you have ever been before. It was an experiment on my part. That is why I am sharing with good people how to live longer and better lives. Evil is stupid. If you are smart, then you will not ignore the words of wisdom about your body. Your body is the most valuable thing you own. It houses yourself. It CAN repair itself. It is THAT good. Give it a chance to save your life.
No matter what your food preferences are, your body will tell you what you smell or see that it needs to feel fabulous. No need to “exercise”. Your body will speed up your activity to get rid of any excess fats in your body and you should slim down to an average weight for your frame in no time at all. The information is for you to read and understand what companies have provided for your environment, all of them. Evaluate not only your food, but your entire existence to eliminate the fat. Eating beans is not fattening. Neither is eating natural foods that your body “craves” a bad product. Listen to your inner self that tells you when something is good or if it is evil. Go with the good every time and your life will have longevity.
The words of your life have meaning. The little rhymes we learned as children could have several symbolic meanings that explain, in detail, how we should look around instead of looking up or down all the time. It is okay to make fun of something that might sound ridiculous. However, your life is not funny. It is serious business. Teach your children to never make light of their life. It is important information that should never be kept to yourself. 
Communication is key in their understanding of their value to themselves. Monkey see, monkey do. They watch every move you make and listen to your voice even when going ninety miles per hour. It is okay for the elders to slow down and reminisce. Their stories about their lives is important information for the rest of us. Believe it or not, the children are listening and remembering your life.
I remembered this little beans, beans rhyme from my childhood and it got me to thinking about why you fart when you eat beans. I hope that my analysis of the significance of history is a valuable tool for the good people of the world to live forever and a day. I plan to listen to others and continue to evaluate what we are fed and told and then apply my own common sense to figure it out. Information can be a tool people use to control your finances or your life. I will eat beans occasionally, as needed, but I will not allow others to feed me beans that my body refuses to allow past my lips. I hate to fart.
© Copyright, Beans, Beans, 3/1/2018, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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