Can You Read?

Please note that all of my websites have been hacked by Russians and foreign actors trying to use me and my brain to take America!! I love you and hope that you can send me, the actual owner, April Deanna Graves-Minton (April Minton), Love MoonEagle Powhatan some money to help me as they have me down to the penny! HELP! Address: April Minton, 608 South Elm Street, Clarksville, Arkansas, 72830. I am a former Defense Contractor (unknown to me at the time as I am the Empress Evergreen ruler of all the indigenous peoples with my own government = Nation within the nation = It was a secret kept from me, of course) who hauled it all!

A quote from the author: "Reading is the fundamental knowledge teaching others what it means to be truly selfless." - April Graves-Minton, Copyright, 11/11/2022. All Rights Reserved.

With all the trouble I have encountered promoting my websites, I am left with the question of whether anyone in this nation can read. Then, upon reading a past editorial from Sunday, April 4, 2010, a well-written article by Catherine Gewertz, who worked for the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, I found out why no one can read. It is an older article, but still applies to teaching today. So, I decided that to finally get everyone up to speed all at the same time, I need to provide another solution.

The article Catherine wrote titled, “Draft education standards elicit both praise and criticism”, details how the academic standards set by our nation are creating a bottleneck for our educators and students. Catherine goes on to explain that while current standards of student achievement mandate adequate levels of education, they are not helping our children learn enough to compete on a global scale. She writes how the formation of the skill sets needed to be successful in the business world rely heavily on our education system and that there are so many educators at odds as to the final draft that they are completely leaving out the most important issue…education.

Now, I am not a certified educator, but I will give it my best. Why do teachers need to tell a student to achieve in the first place? Why can’t we simply let the student be the one to decide on their level of education? If they succeed in learning about absolutely everything this planet has to offer, then they could qualify as genius. If not, they don’t mind living in the shadow of one so endowed. It is a trickle-UP sort of education standard, but it works.

My reasoning for this standard is simple. During my time as substitute teacher (K-12), I found that the more you push a child to learn something, the more rebellious they become. My child, for instance, is a very intelligent person, but when pushed to achieve a grade will make an F, every time. However, when left to her own devices, she exceeds the level A. Now, why do you suppose she does this? Is it because she is lazy sometimes or maybe has a clearer view of a subject at others? Or could it be that she enjoys learning about those things that excite her, interest her? Could it be that the same little girl that began Kindergarten with joy was given a signal that her interests didn’t matter? And could it be that that same little girl simply grew disillusioned with the education system? I remember her in kindergarten. She was so happy to finally ride that big yellow bus. We bought new clothes and curled her hair so-so, and when I helped her tie her shoes, she gave me the sort of grin that takes my breath away.

I want to see my daughter smile. I want to see that look that tells me she has a new secret. I want her to believe that anything is possible and that her mother knows she can achieve miracles. Why do we need educators? Is it to push children to achieve however that educator wants them to achieve? Or do we have educators to help answer our children’s questions? Why are educators working so hard? Don’t they know that the children want to learn? Could it be that their ego is getting in the way of our children’s education? I wouldn’t say that except that I have been witness to the trickle-UP effect of education. The smartest children in my class are allowed to teach those struggling to understand. I don’t have to do anything but provide that day’s education materials and time schedules. I tell them to mingle and keep it to a low buzz, and they simply obey. When they don’t obey this simple rule, they are kept in their seats until the bell. It really works and the kids seem to enjoy teaching each other. They also are more curious and constantly ply me with questions about the subject matter, which I gladly attempt to answer. I chime in, at times, and ask them targeted questions about what they have learned.

During these discussions they are eager to present their newfound knowledge to me and assured they have exhausted the subject, I send them home with no homework. Why do educators make children do homework? It is totally exhausting not only for the child but also for the parents. And it is unnecessary. Memorization is subjective. Why do we stress out our children to remember absolutely everything for a short period of time and provide on paper proof of their abject failure? Some remember some parts of a subject; others remember other parts. The smartest person in the room may not be the teacher! Does that teacher know or remember all the subject? No, they do not. If you have talked about the daily subject with your students and have them actively participate in that discussion, then that is all that they will remember anyway. Ask that A student and he or she will tell you that many times they already have a leadership role in their class. Children have a peer group just like we do in business and the social hierarchy is set by the same kids who will someday live and work together.

Why do we have educators? Some would say it is so our children learn how to read, but during my time as Director of the County Literacy Council, I know that many of our residents can’t read. Of course, my salary may have been the biggest clue. The county paid me $200.00 per month and then expected me to do their taxes! When I sat by the President of the Literacy Council at our yearly conference, I asked her the average salary for other Directors in the state and she said they ranged somewhere between $40,000.00 to $75,000.00 per year. Okay. So, I was doing charity work. This may be why I feel compelled to ask people in this country if they can read.

Why do we need educators? It definitely IS NOT to help people learn how to read. People read when they get good and ready, and no amount of mandatory education standards will force them to read. So, my solution to the Higher Education Crisis is to let the children teach each other. Peer pressure online can be very motivating as we see with social media. Provide materials, video classrooms (read “No Public Schools and Welfare Solution” for more), adults to quiet the buzz, and leave the education UP to the students. They will read when they get good and ready. They will hurry UP when they are told by other students and the teachers have less stress teaching them online or tutoring them at home.

On a personal level, I wish the education system would hurry UP and implement my solution so I can get the help I need in this country. Because, for the life of me, the solution provider, I can’t seem to provide my own solution. I need someone else to read.

© Copyright, January 1, 2015/ 2022, Can You Read?, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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