Citizen Militia Solution

As a citizen of the United States of America I understand the second amendment to the constitution that gives us the right to bear arms. However, I do not think that this right gives us the right to give every citizen weapons or ammunition. I believe that what most citizens want is what the framers intended in that the citizens of this country could rise up with weapons and overthrow a dictator type of government if need be.

This does not mean that when over fifty percent of the population vote for one person that the person is a dictator. On January 6th what we saw was a large number of rioters trying to steal the election results from a duly elected person. The duly elected president was not stealing the election because the majority of citizens elected that person to be the representative of this country. It is a job…nothing more.

When you have a large group of people unhappy with the election result willing to “bear arms” against a duly elected official and their governing body, then you have an insurrection, not a militia. A militia is made up of citizens who represent the majority of citizens in this country who swear to uphold the laws made by representatives of the congress.

So, how do we allow for the original intentions of the second amendment yet keep guns out of the hands of terrorists. One solution is for gun control (read my article called Gun Violence Solution). The other solution is to give concerned citizens an opportunity to join a citizen’s militia that is nationwide and has yearly meetings to discuss their role in keeping America safe from wannabe dictators or oligarchs of another country establishing themselves and their followers trying to overthrow the duly elected government of this country.

We allow only these citizen militia to own guns. If you do not belong to this group, then there is no good reason to own a gun because the statistics show that many homeowners are shot using their own guns or weapons than the NRA wants you to believe. The citizen militia is different from the government-run military. They register in this group, get background checked, have mental evaluations, and are qualified to own a gun by the group themselves. This means that they are given extensive practice on how to clean, handle, shoot, and store their weapons and ammunition.

I believe that the right to bear arms should be restricted to only military and law enforcement with a local weapons room where registered citizens may check out each gun or weapon for events such as competition or practice. Weapon rooms have no windows and double metal doors with no windows and is monitored by the local police property room attendants. 

Hunters may howl at the moon, but as a former hunter, I know that illegal poaching and hunting on game refuges and in national forests is common. Over-hunting has contributed to massive decimation of wildlife of all kinds, not just deer. Hunters are shot yearly on purpose or accidentally by untrained or stupid hunters. I think that if you need meat there should be trained registered hunters who can check their guns out of the local weapons room but that hunting of all kinds should be greatly restricted or stopped for years until wildlife regains proper populations and health.

I also think that gun or arms laws should be enforced by police or other agencies by allowing houses or other establishments to be invaded, searched, and any weapons seized from those who break the law or are considered a danger to themselves or others. This means that if they are reliably reported or caught making, selling, or amassing weapons, then they are subject to search and prosecution. If citizens who are registered with the citizen militia are needed to protect the area, a homeowner, or the nation against a domestic dictator or wannabee like Trump and his supporters, then they can go to the weapons room, get their guns, and oust the illegal dictator and insurrectionists in the country. However, if they are insurrectionists who would attempt to overthrow democracy and a duly legally elected official, like President Biden, then they would not be allowed a weapon, even if they were registered with the citizen militia. This prevents rogue white supremacists or other racial or foreign infiltrators from committing domestic terrorism.

Using this solution for local weapon rooms, there is no need for regular citizens to worry about gangs or mass murderers using my solution and they can secure their homes by removing inward-pushed windows (no windows at all is best), making their doors metal, and installing a security system that shows the exterior of the home. Why do you need to see outside other than with your security system? If you have a back yard, great! Otherwise, don't worry about it. 

Push open your window outward for fresh air as it will have an outward-pushed screen as well. If you hear something, look at your security system cameras to check it out. Make it a habit when it is set up. Do not go outside until you know the coast is clear! Your home security system can allow and alert the police or fire department or any of your allowed people like family members entry at any time of the day or night as they will have a passcode on file. You choose. Sounds great? Yes, it is. I have not marketed this production and method yet, but if you really need help establishing your security, that is what MoonEagle Security does. So, use the contact form on my websites and even though I am busy with other portfolio designs, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

There would no longer be weapons out of their locked gun cabinets. Children, young adults, mentally disturbed people, or extremist would not be allowed to obtain a gun, steal a gun, or use a gun to kill their family or mass murder in this country. The government itself would not control this group. It is a self-governing body made up of any qualified citizen in this country. This gives them the right to organize (just like NRA members) and to object to any unlawful activity in this country. The key word here is unlawful.

Another part of this solution is to hold gun makers accountable. Yes, we can make guns so that only the owner is the one that can shoot it. It is called an invention. I have one on the way, but as I said, I am busy building our foundational designs. The gun manufacturers do not want this technology to be available to the public because it would mean that they are then solely responsible for that design or any flaw thereof. This is the unsaid real reason gun manufacturers do not make available fingerprint or other ID technology for their guns.

Now that I have said this and you as a reader understand the words coming out of my mouth, maybe you can begin asking the manufacturers to make these guns the norm instead of the deadly ghost guns and AK 47’s and other assault weapons they put on the market today. My grandfather was a champion competition Tomy gun winner back in the day and my grandmother was a machine gun competition winner. My grandfather was awarded one of the only Tomy guns left in existence and it was given to him and hangs in a plaque on the police chief's office in Little Rock, Arkansas. I, myself, am very good at shooting guns of all kinds. I guess it runs in the family. 

My view about guns is that they should be safe for the shooter and society, should be exclusive use and identity controlled, and should be a privilege as well as a right. We do not allow non-doctors to dispense medicine or practice medicine without education, certification of that education, and a license declaring their education. The same can be said for other important services or activities. EMS (emergency) services, lawyers' education and certification, firefighters, police officers, etc. We make sure people are safe. If, however, mass shooting occurs, which they have, we should ban weapons that kill many people in a short period of time and make the other guns ID controlled.

I also think that as a further deterrent of shootings or weapons used to kill or hurt people that the person who originally owns the weapon should be held at the same level of accountability as the person they sold the weapon to if the original owner did not do a thorough and legal background check before selling or giving the gun to another. Using lawful mandatory methods, every citizen should be legally required to perform a background check before allowing another person to use or buy their weapon. If not, then if the new owner or user of the weapon commits a crime, the original owner of the gun may also be prosecuted as complicit of the crime at the same level of prosecution as the actual perpetrator. So, if you simply give or sell, person to person, any recognized weapon on the registry requiring mandatory background checks without performing those required checks first before relinquishing the weapon to another, then you are responsible for the use of that weapon just as much as the person to whom you gave the weapon. 

This means that if a sentence of murder in the first degree is handed down to the person who committed the crime using your weapon, like a pistol, AK-47, very large hunting knives or any weapon of war, bows and crossbows, or ghost gun, then you also are sentenced to the same jail time as the person who committed the crime using that weapon. Manufacturers or makers of weapons should be held responsible for selling to the public. Then, the owner who purchased the weapon should also be held responsible if they do not safeguard the weapon (unreported theft of that weapon), and do not register and perform necessary background checks when they sell or give that weapon away from their possession. This solution is cheap, easy, and the right thing to do as a weapons maker and owner or user.

Even better, those manufacturers of 3-D printers or other machines that may be used to make a ghost gun or any kind of weapon should also be on the registration mandatory list so that when a product is made using their machine, the products should have identification of what machine made it engineered to be engraved into the product - like a keystroke of an older typing machine makes different strikes on paper (Copyright). This gives law enforcement a clear tracing and tracking ID for any weapon made by that particular machine. Yes, this is possible, but again, I am busy.

Also, all older possible weapons should be registered and placed into a database with a registration number affixed or burned into them so that they may be approved and traced by our law enforcement. Old Bowie knives, hand-made long wooden, plastic, or metal knives, and other possible weapons like flip-open knives should be registered into the system. The reason for this is to discourage indiscriminate production of weapons (not kitchen knives) used for specific purpose like skinning an animal, self-defense, competitions, or hunting.

What excuse could you possibly have to want an unidentified or current non-ID gun or other weapon other than your personal intention to kill or maim someone whenever you feel like it? Owning one of these draconian weapons is purely evil and barbaric. Go ahead. Try to explain away or reason that these weapons are useful to the general public. They are not. The reasons for taking them off the streets is the same reason we do not allow people to own cannons or hand grenades or submachine guns. High-powered magazines are killing machines taking out many people in a short amount of time. Hunters do not need these types of guns. And real men and women patriots do not mind tracking all weapons in our country giving the non-users of weapons and citizens peace of mind that their child will not die a horrible death attending school, sports events, concerts, parades, dance halls, or grocery stores.

I think this article will give the NRA that deer in the headlights look. Don’t you?

Copyright, 5/25/2022, Citizen Militia Solution, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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