City Traffic Solution

I think I have the solution for your traffic problem in the city. Make it mandatory that only those people living within city limits can drive in the city. Of course, you still need trucks to bring freight, but for those people coming in cars from out of town, they can use a secured parking lot, or several lots located at strategic points just outside the city to park their car. Then, they can use public transit to visit the inner city.

This plan is similar to the plan outlined in the article I recently read by David Tanner called, "A bold plan for New York" as described in the magazine, Land Line, but what I am proposing is actually taking vehicles out of New York City traffic. Installing toll booths and pass lanes for certain major entries into the city, as Tanner states in the piece, should go a step further and limit vehicles coming into the city, unless the occupants live and work there. As far as trucks go, everybody in trucking understands that you can't be caught in town after 4:00 or you may get hijacked or mugged. So, deliveries should be regulated to daytime hours only between 9:00 a.m. Eastern time to 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. Not only that, but the city should also fine the receiver or shipper that does not load or unload trucks in this time frame. That means that the truck MUST leave the shipper or receiver with enough time to make it out of the city by 4:00 p.m. Eastern time.

This plan significantly cuts down on traffic inside the city and will help you regulate rideshare and taxi’s available for hire. Of course, public transit buses can make scheduled stops in the city from the parking lots. Some drivers may obtain day passes to drive in the city if they have special status, but limit these, too.

This new system will NOT cut down on tourism. On the contrary, it will give people incentive to visit the city because they do not have to fight traffic or find a safe parking spot. This also cuts down on possible terrorist plots, especially using vehicles.

Now, if you really wanted to enhance safety in the city, you could install toll booths or a type of toll booth recognition pass; whereby, vehicles must obtain a pass to enter the city with their vehicle. Trucking weigh stations already implement this across the nation. It would take time and money to set up this system (first on throughway freeways like I-95, then on secondary entry points to the city). But entry to the city could be regulated. And, you could know every single vehicle entering the radius. This same process can be implemented for trucks, too. Since you already have some toll booths set up on bridges and other tollways, why not go a step further and totally secure your town?

To even further enhance safety, route vehicles going through the town (like the I-95 corridor?) to go around the outskirts. You can tweak this plan to match the needs of any city wishing to cut down on traffic. When people renew their car license, they can pay for and renew their pass or readable sticker. Planning to visit the city using your vehicle? Obtain a pass for however many days you plan to be in the city, or you may use a pre-parking spot AP that gives you directions to one of the secured parking lots AND a reserved parking spot in the lot!

© Copyright, July 1, 2015, City Traffic Solution, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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