Combating Cancers, Diseases, and Viruses Solution

Lately (2015), I have been reviewing several current books on various subjects, one of which is an Anatomy and Physiology book, eighth edition, 2010, by Elaine N. Marieb and Katja Hoehn. And, on reading (up to page 143), I remembered an incident in my childhood that makes me wonder if it could help us combat cancers.

Here it is: When I was a teenager (many years ago), we had a dog named Teddy. He was still young and contracted the canine PARVO virus…human PARVO is different. We didn’t know he had it until he refused to eat or drink, and we took him to the veterinarian to be diagnosed…ie…viruses are “catching” organisms.

The vet gave us an injection tube loaded with a concentrated mixture of vitamins and minerals (is this PAXXIN 3?) to be fed to Teddy every hour on the hour. It was doubtful that Teddy would live over the virus, but we loved him so much that my mother and I took turns force-feeding Teddy this concoction for two and a half days straight. After plunging the mixture into the back of his mouth, we had to forcefully clamp his mouth shut and stroke his throat to get as much of the stuff to stay down as we could.

I was totally exhausted by the time two days rolled around, but by the third morning, lo and behold, Teddy lapped up a little water from his dish! From then on, we only fed him the mixture on and off the rest of that day – finishing up the process. Our constant attention to this cured Teddy and we had many wonderful years of his companionship.

Paxxin is an organic supplement given to dogs these days to prevent and cure Parvo disease and is used as a prevention measure promoting better health in canines. I think this concoction is the possible solution preventing, combating, and eliminating all manner of cancers, disease, and viruses. Tell me. What have we got to lose in exploring and researching this possibility for better human health? Nothing but our pride and money-making pharmaceutical companies who may want to monopolize this very easy, cheap, and basic physical health remedy.

Here is what I am wondering…Is it possible for us to bombard the human body of a terminally ill or other willing cancer patient with a highly concentrated mixture of vitamins and minerals to overwhelm the bad cancer cells and flush them as waste from the body? The book says, “Cancer cells consume an exceptional amount of the body’s nutrients, leading to weight loss and tissue wasting that contribute to death!" It is my theory that the affected cells where the cancerous cell is attached will become 'full' of nutrients; thereby, rejecting the overloaded cancerous cell as waste or extra vitamins and minerals not necessary for cell health. This flushing may also work for various other virus' as well, such as the flu.

The flu may also be blocked if our immune system has more fighters available to combat the invader. Getting rid of cancerous pockets may free up anti-bodies to ward off other disease or viruses. Just like any army, there are only so many anti-bodies inside our bodies available to fight off invaders. Also, the solution below using lemons to scrub plaque from our bodies could supply our bodies with acidity, which viruses, like the flu or common cold, find extremely difficult to navigate inside our skin. Therefore, these types of germs are ill-prepared to attach themselves and set up shop in our mucus membranes. The acidity level will elevate to normal levels if people eat a lemon per week as I will lay out below. 

As it is now, people do not eat enough lemon like they did in the past keeping them from having rickets or scurvy. It only makes sense that several maladies can be associated with some staples that have been missing from our diets because of processed foods and their easy access. It does take a little time to squeeze out fresh lemon juice (of course, you can buy it already squeezed, but I think freshest is better), but the benefits are worth the effort. 

As with any new treatment, talk to your doctor about adding lemons to your diet. You may be taking medicines that could be dangerous by mixing them with acidic foods, which could render them ineffective for your condition. Also, some people say, especially older people, that when they eat citrus fruits, they have intestinal problems or diarrhea. I think that if citrus fruits are eaten daily, anyway, that this condition will rectify itself and your intestines will return to normal as the bad bacteria and other possible plaques or nodules are flushed out of your intestines, bladder, and colon. 

By the way, Mom says that she had Asiatic flu in about 1957 Pandemic and hasn't had the flu since!! Are they using this exact strain for vaccines now? They say they have modified it, but that the original victims may have antibodies for many different strains of the flu. Talking with seniors may provide us with more information about Asiatic flu and its power to cover all other types of flu. Many people died of Asiatic flu ("one million to two million worldwide") in about the year 1957, so maybe we can isolate that original strain, if they aren't already using it. It is difficult to decipher from online searches as to whether they are using this exact strain, so any info about it is appreciated.

This is not my expertise, and I am NOT guaranteeing healthy success using this simple remedy, but I think these views have merit and may be worth the effort of experimentation. This PARVO treatment is an old remedy that may just help rid the body of cancerous cells. It works on dogs, but I do not know if it will work as well for humans. This possible solution also can kill the person taking treatment. The vet said that this concoction could kill the dog taking the doses, but if it does not kill the dog, it would cure it of PARVO. Please consult your physician before starting a new regimen. Does anyone know if human doctors have tried this yet? If so, let me know. If you have any thoughts about these ideas, I encourage you to use the comment box below to start the conversation.

P.S. Update: 8/22/16: As another possible solution for Alzheimer’s disease: Lemons - Eat one per week as real lemonade. I think this citrus has a scrubbing agent for plaque in the blood system - especially for soggy membranes such as the brain or heart. This may work especially well for those with early-onset symptoms. In their case, I would eat four lemons as home-made lemonade at least once per day to see if there is any improvement. [How to make lemonade: One lemon cut in half and the juice hand-squeezed into a cup - take out the seeds with a spoon - add one cup of water and two teaspoons of sugar.] It also wards off scurvy.  Other diseases or viruses may also have an aversion to lemons. I have no other scientific proof that this possible solution will work, but what have you to lose? Other methods have not seemed to work so far, so I hope this helps my readers suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's and other disease and virus's.

As an aside concerning fibromyalgia, I wonder if this condition could be caused by the repeated and liberal application of deep-penetration lotions to the body. It seems to me that the lotion is an oil and petroleum-based product that may be building up in sinew and muscles causing bolts of pain from the upper shoulders to the instep of feet. I have not heard much about men afflicted with fibromyalgia except that it effects twice as many women as men but wonder if there are some men who have this condition who also slather their body with lotions. 

Comment below if you have any information about this possible solution to this debilitating condition and tell me if it sounds plausible, and if not, why. Also, I want to highlight the fact that, to date, there is no scientific or medical known causes of this condition. My summation and solution are purely theory, but I hope this may help my readers who may be suffering. You may try to cut petroleum-based products like lotions, shampoos, conditioners, and soaps or detergents from your life to see if this helps improve your health.

Think of it like this, for the painful nerve-endings to occur, the penetration of lotion into the deep tissue of the muscle, especially around joints or above joint areas, acts as a stringent rubbing between the nerves and muscles. This is a friction type of activity essentially making the nerves "skid" across the muscles; thereby, shooting pain down the length of the nerve. It is similar to how a tissue penetrating poison can quickly spread throughout the body causing it to seize up and constrict or swell membranes causing permanent injury or death. Inflammation also occurs making the skin "hot" to the touch. Just remember, there may be several types of products being applied daily that contributes to the build-up in your body. 

For those who may be worried about getting breast or prostate cancer, I am adding this possible solution that may help prevent or even cure this condition. As of today, there are no known reasons for or cures for either cancer. And although I am not a medical professional, I hope my insight may be useful for those with the DNA gene for both prostate and breast cancers - more often black heritage genes. As I have read the various ways cancer may present in glands, in this case, prostate glands, I am struck by the very real possibility that if a person, not just men here, eat apples, pears, and peaches (mainly fresh apples), one per day, that this could be the simplest preventative measure you can take to flush your body of excessive vitamins and minerals. 

These excessive nutrients make cells replicate and divide or cell division. When you eat fibrous fruits, such as apples, the acidic fiber in digestion and through into the bladder moves into the large veins going DOWN the inner thighs, then back up to the hips and into the heart. As the fiber soaks up or GATHERS excessive unwanted foreign materials and excessive vitamins and minerals, it deposits through urine or excrement these excesses. If you do not eat fibrous fruits on a regular basis, your body accumulates and GATHERS into a glob of attracted compatible gluttonous cells that split or divide into more and more of the same; thereby, presenting as a mass or cancer glob or blob in glands, even the colon or walls of intestines. As the fiber from tree fruit passes throughout the body, into the heart and brain, it is possible that they can prevent heart disease and brain tumors, as well. 

Let me stress at this point that my hypothesis is just that, theory. However, it may be of interest to research these possibilities within domesticated animals, which may provide us a better understanding of how to prevent cancers in the first place. Just to let you know, animals eat tree fruit too, or should in their diet. Could this be the reason your pet feels sluggish or looks a bit decrepit? The old adage may be the answer we have all been waiting for: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You may feel helpless in the face of so many diseases concern. But now, you can be your own doctor and eat your way to health, wellness, and feelings of positive action.

Do not be discouraged. It may take several weeks or a month or two after you have eliminated contact with suspicious products before you see positive results. Also, it wouldn't hurt if you change your diet to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and cut out toxic additives, preservatives, growth hormones, glutens, and dyes. This way, you can be sure to clean the body inside and out. What have you got to lose but daily agony, stress, and a lethargic lifestyle?

© Copyright, Combating Cancers, Diseases, and Viruses Solution, July 2015 – December 1, 2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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