Dog Pile

Dogs are amazing! They can sniff out most anything. This solution kills two birds with one stone. It may seem simple, but it is a possibility.

I think we should have a division of Health and Human Services called the Canine Viral Protection Program. This is a training program for dogs to sniff out any virus in humans or animals. We rescue dogs from the pound or humane society of which there are many. Almost any dog can be trained to sit down whenever it detects a virus.

Further uses for dogs from the pound could be for border patrol called the Canine Protection Program. They can be trained to sniff out human trafficking or drugs in any vehicle or trailer. Dogs alert to different contraband or humans in many ways such as turning around and around one way for human detection and pawing the ground or barking for different types of drugs. They can begin working at every border entry and airport or port to help eliminate most trailer or container shipments of drugs and humans. Not all dogs are good candidates for this program, but I am pretty sure that the majority can be easily trained to do this work.

This government funded program would save not only dogs but humans as well, especially with this Covid 19 virus and its strains. The dogs can also alert to new virus or variants. We can begin the process of detection at airports first, then venues, then restaurants, then other businesses. We can set up a nationwide canine unit in each state beginning with the most populated airports.

People say they are sad about all the euthanasia that dogs or cats suffer at the pound. Well, here is a solution for most of that activity and it does not cost taxpayers very much considering the alternatives. We save people and dogs and possibly cats as well. I have not heard much about cat trainers, but I used to train my cat to open things, and I think there is a job for them as well. I think that the cats can be trained to be service animals too (read my article called Petting Zoo on the Solutions page). They curl up by the owner when the human is sick, and they know how to push buttons on phones so they must be able to call for help. They know how to open doors. My cat would open the door to my kitchen, so they are very smart!

So, what if this new government department helps us and our animals? Would you be willing to contribute a miniscule amount of your tax dollars to fund this project? I think it would be a worthwhile endeavor, don’t you? Comment or send us your thoughts about it below. We can fix things together, we just all need to be on the same page. Our dogs and cats are our lifeline to the future. Let’s push this idea to the top of the pile…the dog pile.

Copyright, Dog Pile, 5/19/2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

UPDATE: 8/10/2022 - Today I saw on the news that a dog breeding company in Virginia was raided by the Humane Society where they began taking out over 4,000 Beagles! You read that right - 4,000! They were all slated to go to scientific research facilities for no telling what kinds of procedures and tortures! I think we should make new laws limiting the number of puppies or kitties or other animals that breeders, no matter how large, can have or sell per year! No exceptions! This means that we can take puppy and kitty mill breeders to jail with a huge fine to boot! So, that's the reason for the explosion of animals in our shelters! Please send this article to your Congress person and other lawmakers to get everyone on this lawmaking right away! Thank you for your support!

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