Round Robin Distribution Designs, LLC (RRDD™) has designs and methods to simplify and beautify our lives in the future. However, it takes good people contributing to The RRDD Project to make it a reality. There are many machines, inventions, and solutions that work for us, and we work to keep them going so that our world makes for a common-sense intelligent existence.

The RRDD company's main motto: Business is about progress, not just profits! Exchanges for artwork, inventions and designs, or insight, or qualitative statistical measurements and lean technology processes are considered. When you understand how we all work together toward a shared vision and goals, you will want to move forward into a future with a beautiful view:

Please donate to the cause for humanity! The RRDD Project is a personal project. Donations are gifts and will be sent to the owner to help make new designs to donate to the project and to help defray personal costs incurred during project planning. You must be at least 18 years old to donate gifts or verified guardian approval. If you need to donate with check or money order, please use our contact mailing address located on the Contact page in the menu. Amounts over $10,000.00 U.S. dollars must be approved before gifting using the PayPal Donate button. Remember, if you are donating anything other than funds, you must first email us with a promissory note email with a description of the donation to the project or the owner before you can receive your Originator/Contribution number! After donating or canceling you will be taken to Thank you for your help!

This project is not an offer, a negotiation, or a contract! This is your official notice of my distributions and donation policies for RRDD and The RRDD Project. And these are my rules for those who wish to donate or contribute or join my project.

Your number is important as it is relevant for the RRDD company rollout of designs and who gets first previews. RRDD, the company, is positioned as an entrepreneurial start-up with integrity and an artistic ownership that consistently delivers excellence. RRDD, the company, simply manages The RRDD Project. The RRDD Project also has these same criteria throughout the project for each contributor; however, please know that this is a personal project and humanitarian environmental benefiting all good spirits. I may use your gift to me as personal funding or donations to hire professionals to run the project at the beginning and I am very transparent about how your money is spent unless I and my company use it to build secret designs.

The end goals for The RRDD Project to make the world a better place to live for all living things will always be the vision of the leader. That will never change.

Thank you for your interest in the Going Green Machine! Join now! Donate now and become an Originator and forever a part of history helping us clean our planet and build a highway to the stars!

By donating, I certify that:
  1. I am lawfully submitting funds or contributions of my own free will.
  2. I am making this contribution on a personal card or check with my own personal funds, not those of another person or entity.
  3. I am not a federal contractor under government authority.
  4. I am at least 18 years old.