Election Solution

Sometimes it takes a mess to make progress. The United States of America has a problem with their election system. There are too many fingers in the pie when elected officials can’t seem to do the job they were hired to do. So, I have come up with a solution that I think is fair that ends political positioning in this country and others.

Simply put, I think funding, backing, or any lobbying of politicians or would-be elected or nominated officials for office should be illegal. No outside funding or party affiliations are allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS!! And I think the federal government should provide a website dedicated to political candidates for national, state, local, and other offices. Click on the icon for national election and you see all the candidates running for office on the national level. So on and so forth for county, state, local, and nominated offices.

As far as state legislature district candidates go, I think that there should be no more gerrymandering. For example, district five could vote for the district one candidates, and vise-versa. This way, the whole state could vote for any districts' candidates, making it impossible to vote count or gerrymander districts. This system of voting would allow character elections instead of political affiliation elections. For candidates running for President of the United States, the House of Representatives or the Senate or even state legislature representing your state and district, there would be no more gerrymandering for one party or another to have advantage. It would also open up the field for many non-party candidates to run for public offices. The government-run website with qualified candidate names as links to their biography web page would allow the entire state to see, hear, and know each candidate running for any office. 

This would also give candidates a platform to introduce themselves as possible public servants and why they would be best for the job...no matter their party affiliation or not. And, because we do not allow ANY funding of any kind for ANY candidates, only volunteerism, we are assured of an equal playing field. Of course, candidates may still stump, have rallies, or any volunteering to try to convince voters of their sincere humble aspirations as a public servant. But the main idea here is to prevent one party or affiliations with big companies or billionaires from controlling the majority of votes. The representatives make decisions affecting state citizens, just like the representatives in Congress affect national citizens. This system can be implemented in both. With a little tweaking, we can have non-partisan or non-party elections that truly allow people to have good character candidates with issue driven agendas the opportunity to represent the majority of that city, state, or national citizenry. 

Read my Voting Solution for more information about how our voting system can work with this solution letting everyone in the country breathe a sigh of relief that we do not have to worry about losing our democracy to foreign interference and influence as the majority of people are not fooled by the fake news or even fake candidates who have been elected to offices across the country by foreign funding. So, in effect, both of these solutions prevent foreigners from dividing the nation by funneling vast amounts of money into election campaigns by any candidate running for any office, even such offices as Secretary of State, or Attorney General, or Governor. This way, our elections are secure, free, and fair. If you are exhausted by the entire political process, these solutions take the stress out of government public services. This new election and voting solutions systems permanently fixes democracy, for good.  - Miracles do happen. -

I also think that any candidate or elected official blatantly lying about anything in a consistent manner that does not concede the truth when it is an absolute proven fact should be barred from and/or fired from public service positions or authority positions. No exceptions, not even the President of the United States. Then, also, any company or person in the media who also consistently lies about things or news should be barred from broadcasting or should be disallowed on news organizations and prosecuted by the federal government for propaganda meant to divide national democracy with the intent to overtake our country. Protesting policy is democratic, but obvious political false or fake news or promotion of right-wing extremist fanatical religious ideology or left-wing extremist divisive anti-social activism should be absolutely forbidden. There is an obvious difference between treason and patriotism. Separation of church and state is still the law. People have the right to freedom FROM religion, foreign infiltration influence, or extremist ideologies. I am advocating for the middle, moderate, centrist common-sense moral people of society who are outraged by both far right and far left agendas and want it to stop.

Any public office candidate must be able to pass basic qualifications, which are: truthfulness, honesty, integrity, intelligence, common-sense, compassion, good judgment and character.

Every qualified candidate is allowed to upload a video or presentation about themselves and who they are or what they stand for with a time-limit of about an hour. They may provide graphs or other slide material to prove their views. This website is federally run and maintained to prevent hacking and to provide fair representation of all candidates. This website is free to the public and lists candidates in alphabetical order by national, state, local, or nominated office. Also, federal polling is provided to give an equal platform for all candidates running to fill office seats. The poll numbers are posted before elections as several views per candidate or length of stay at that web page, etc. Candidate like or dislike (thumbs up or down) tells you who is in the lead as a real-time polling. You can click on that person to see why people may be flocking to that page. This would prevent news organizations from suggesting that a certain person of political bent is ahead of another candidate when such may not be the case.

Furthermore, I think that every office up for election should have a web page dedicated to that particular job, what the job entails (job description), how much the job pays, the length of time for the job and other pertinent information. I also think that every political or judicial position must pass a competency exam to assure the public that they are qualified to be in positions of power. I mean, really, would you be okay with bombing Mexico like Trump suggested? Not me. This is especially helpful, then, for the presidency of the United States of America and Supreme Court Judges or others presiding on the bench! Good character, integrity, intelligence, and truthfulness matters! This is so the public and the candidate themselves understand that this is simply a job and not some kind of power trip for the ultra-rich, religious fanatics, extremist or fringe groups, or extremely large corporations such as pharmaceutical, tech, energy, or other companies with deep pockets and agendas to make profit from the political process.

As another deterrent of dictatorship takeovers of our democratic system, I think we should make every would-be officeholder or candidate for any government office whether local, state, or federal have background checks, psychological character assessments, as well as a general intelligence test before they can run for office in America or any of its' territories. Also, the would-be officeholder, especially the office of the President of the United States, should not have any history of affiliation with our hostile enemy countries or any anti-government or anti-democracy groups. Nor shall any candidate have history with seditious movements or false narratives about the American government or Constitution. Their online activity and texts should be searched for any anti-democracy rhetoric citing socialism or communistic views about our democratic election system. 

This means that those who say our social programs benefiting our citizens elevating them to a safer, better quality of life and standard are communist or socialist in nature should be investigated for seditious danger to our collective democratic institution. Even news organizations promoting lies or conspiracies may not have a platform to spread misinformation, because free press does not mean that they can lie or mislead voters into believing false information about the government or any party or candidate. They must investigate and report accurate information or be taken off the air. 

Those who would protest this as big brother or socialism are ignorant about real communism and dictatorships. In the United States of America, we have election-heavy democratic procedures and voting to ensure that dictators do not undermine our collective freedoms given to us by law in the Constitution. Elected leaders have terms of office. They are held accountable for their governance of that office. Collective voting assures this accountability as does our legal system. This is the exact opposite of autocracy and dictatorships or monarchy.

What happened in America was the long-term seditious undermining of our election system by foreign actors like Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran to take down American democracy from the inside-out. They maliciously spread false news and social misinformation to convince extreme religious groups that our elected government was making laws to take away their freedoms as a patriotic duty to protect the American way of life. This was the real Big Lie that was perpetrated or spearheaded by Trump and his Russian-backed supporters and then by the extreme religious fanatics who were used to stoke the fires of false patriotism to overturn the election that President Joe Biden legally and rightfully won. 

These right-wing religious extremists are the same ones who have studied the bible for 10-60 years and still must go to bible study every Sunday and Wednesday night to study it some more because it is a mystery to them. I say, if you do not understand it by now, you should give up and join normal society in pursuing happiness and peace, not suppression and oppression. I understood it the first time I read it. Just like any other book, I put it down and started living my life according to my good character. The constant criticism and restrictions of faith do not control my life, nor do power-tripping preachers, religions, or dictators. So, do not let your insecurities of yourself interfere with my confidence in myself. You will lose the argument.

I ask. How does it feel to know you were duped in this scheme? Are you strong enough to admit that you were used to actually take away your Constitutional freedoms so that a dictator and his oligarch wannabe could control your life? Are you ready to take back your life, your liberty, and freedom from so-called patriots, blowhards, infiltrators, save America con artists, QAnon and other fringe non-Americans gangs, MAGA puny hands agenda dictators, liars, users, thieves, and murderers? They played many Republicans for fools. They are still trying to infiltrate your media with outright lies about good people and our good government. I think that they should all be booted out of this country along with any of their horrible supporters who went along with these twenty yearlong schemes or put them under the jail. The problem is that no other country wants them either! 

As a further deterrent, I think that for any district in a state or even other elections we should have an extra check mark box choice that says, "For Hire". This For Hire means that the state's legislature or governing body would be able to hire a competent good district representative if the ones on the ballot are not acceptable to those people living in the district or on the ballot. Sometimes, people do not like any candidates running for office. This way, there is another, possibly better choice. A two-thirds majority of the legislature would be required to hire the representative for that district or other election position, possibly even national elections. The voters would simply select, or check mark the For Hire box to allow their state legislators to hire and pay for that district's representative. 

The pay scale would be set for any position, so that any hired know what the job pays and the description of job duties. This gives the people leverage for qualified candidates to be on the ballot because they would understand that there is no guarantee that they would win the election simply because they are one party affiliation or another. The For Hire could simply be an education and experience qualification candidate whose name is not on the ballot at all, but who may be hired to do the job for the people they represent. The For Hire would also have a background check to make sure they are not infiltrators from another country or affiliated in any way with foreign bad actors or extremist groups such as Orban, CPAC, etc.

By the way, those outrageous Trump supporters who are elected officials or candidates for government offices continuing the Big Lie...who are they, really? Are they Russian born or backed by Russia, etc.? In fact, just look at their names and faces, especially in the Trump world. They look Russian to me! Their names are Russian, even Drumpf (aka Trump) and his wife and family members. (Not all Russian U.S. citizens promote the little Russian Hitler -Putin- dictator, though, just saying...) Now THAT is where we should check who they talk to and where they come from to determine if they are foreign actors infiltrating our government system. Then, we should make all of it public so these people cannot be put into offices in our government. They must be pro-democracy, or they are not allowed to hold government offices. 

Just as an aside, I want to commend all peoples of every country on their collective work eliminating oppressive regimes. You go, Iranian women! It is time that the will of free people cut ties with money and power-hungry religious groups (holier than thou), organizations, and governments. It is time for all people to be free from tyranny or violence of any kind either political or religious. It is time for peace on our planet and boycotting planet-destroying companies and governing.

Elections do work. So do election workers and officials. They just need to be lawful citizens who agree with our Constitution. Fair and free elections of our governing body are how we keep our life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! If you do not agree with what I am saying, then maybe, you are a communist yourself and not a true patriot at all - free speech and all that! I, for one, believe in our elections. If you are a true patriot, you do, too. Period.

In conclusion, government offices should be treated as sacred job positions. If you go into a job for monetary reasons, then you are not the person for the job. These are service jobs. They service society as a whole and should not be subject to the whims of party affiliation. I want my piece of the American pie, but I do not want to share the whole pie with a select few parties or corporate owners with more money than they have brains.

© Copyright, Election Solution, 5/18/2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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