Evil Extermination

Evil begets evil. In the Supreme Court decision handed down yesterday, evil had a temporary victory. In effect, those people who are evil crap to begin with made laws making sure their get or their children are born into existence. As a result, evil births are going to try to take place in America and you are at fault for this. It is all an evil plan.

Let me be very clear at this point in your reading. What I say here may be the view of many centrists middle or moderate Americans who have had no say in what they think about the subject matter below. Although not everyone feels so strongly about these subjects or may not totally agree with this article. I am merely providing an alternate view and explanation of what I think may be how some of the quiet population really think and feel. What I will stress is that violence of any kind is horrible and if you must protest what you believe is wrong, then use your voice or pen to tell others how you feel. Just as you have your right to what you consider the truth, there are those people whose mind may grasp the ulterior motives brought to light by this piece. My personal view is that we are in a Constitutional national security crisis and are under a social and democracy attack from the inside out.

I am totally against Hungary's leader Victor Orban, former President Trump, and CPAC agenda! They are insidious liars who want to control every kind of culture by changing laws preventing Democracy. In fact, they are commissioned by autocrats and dictators like Putin, China, North Korea, Iran leaders, and other countries who are attempting to take away America's ability to elect diverse leaders as a checks and balance of governing. I am not a Christian or other religious faith. I believe in equality and compassion for all living things. However, what you read below is a spanking of both political agendas in the United States of America. I am a moderate, a centrist, and very good person and good character. However, I believe there are things that true independent middle people would love to read about how they may be feeling about both the extreme left and extreme right who have no business being elevated in equality politics.

Make no mistake. I am indigenous to this country. Many, like me, do not live on reservations, but are integrated and inter-racial or mixed race. I am mostly Native America Indian and a little French and English. My history in my country is important. I am important. When you attempt to discount my history or ignore the fact that it was right-wing conservative white people who committed atrocities and genocide of my race as they flooded my country, you are making a fatal mistake. What is happening in the white world explanation of right verses wrong is pure evil. They use extreme ideologies and religion and whiteness to further oppression, subversion, suppression, and rile up mob mentality for purely monetary means. They intend to take away any rights or freedoms in the United States of America. When you attack my quality of life, you will find that there is a flood water behind me that will wash over your thinly vailed attempt to conquer us. We are ghosts in the system that you cannot even begin to calculate or control. My people see you. We will stop you. You will not succeed. For religious fanatics, I simply use your faith to explain your part in the whole communist scheme. Shame on you.

In the Christian bible is the question, "Who can understand evil?" The main question people think of when someone or something appears evil is, "Why?" There seems to be no real reason for the actions of evil. However, my definition of evil is that it is stupidity. Evil is stupid. There is a vast difference between ignorance and stupidity. You can eventually overpower the reasoning of an ignorant person so that they understand to a certain degree common sense and decency. A stupid person has no reasoning. Indeed, they will tell you blatantly they did nothing wrong even in the face of mass murder. You see, they do not understand good people. They, not so secretly, perform with every breath they take constant planning to rid themselves of the influence of good. Hence, for evil to exist, it must, like good people, breathe to live.

Let me explain in detail. In the Christian Holy Bible in Genesis 2:7, it says, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” For all you God fearing people out there you must take this passage word for word exactly as it is said and cannot sugar-coat it or take it out of context. It is what it is. The breath of life is air. If you do not take a breath of life = air, you do not get to be a living breathing soul. Therefore, if you are a temple waiting for a soul at the first breath of life, then you are not living as a soul inside a woman’s body, you are only a vessel waiting.

Just like mosquitos wiggle around in the water waiting for their opportunity to morph into a blood-sucking flying insect, it is not a living soul until it is “born”. Birth is just that, being born into a living breathing soul. People talk about the “unborn” all the time and have not been hearing themselves talk. If you are not born yet, then you are unborn. Do you want that soul to be born? Be honest. Do you want a blood-sucking disease-carrying soul to infect you or your family? Be honest. Well, that is what you unleashed onto you and your family by allowing the Supreme Court to hand down their ruling yesterday. You, as a fanatical and evil piece of crap, screamed and hollered for there to be all babies “born” because they are all beautiful, intelligent, gentle, and good people. Liars.

Evil people want other evil to be born and then unleash these unapologetic killers, rapists, thieves, pedophiles, incestuous, arsonists, terrorists, domestic abusers, traffickers, prostitutes, masochists, autocrats, dictators, warmongers, queers, cowards, and con artists onto society. Be honest. Do you want a rapist’s child or murderer’s child put into your family unit so that someday they may grow up and be just like their father? And I do not exactly quote here because it is throughout the Bible, but it clearly states that the sins of the father shall be visited on the son. For those that still do not understand or believe me, simply search for this text in the King James Version online. It is right there in black and white.

Know this. Evil is a deformity of spirit, not body or temple. It is as a puss pocket or cist that must be cut out and eliminated from the body so that good spirit prevails. Sometimes, this cutting out involves applying antiseptic to prevent further infection. If you allow evil spirits to invade your good spirit, you must first recognize its agenda, then resist its temptation or suggestion, then liberally apply good character and actions proving time and again that you have eradicated any essence of its influence from yourself or those around you. In this way, you remove any vestige of happiness evil may derive as it rampages outward from your housing or temple body or designs or products. It will by force of your good nature leave you and look elsewhere for weaker subjects to invade. In this way, too, you can more easily recognize evil intent or lack of good values in other people, products, or nature.

Systematically, you must divest yourself of condoning, partaking, or uplifting any of these symbols of hate, discontent - usually by political dictatorship design, criticisms of control - many times religions, lying, thieving, murdering, pedophilia or sexual deviance, arson, conning, or any other horrible character traits found in your circle, country, or environment. If you do not eliminate or at least attempt to eradicate evil from your existence, then you are pure evil. What is evil? Evil is stupid. As a good person, you know it when you see it, feel it, or hear it. It is that easy. So, there are no excuses.

You know, sometimes dogs and kitty cats eat their newly born puppies and kittens. This is proven fact. Do you think your dog or kitty cat is evil? Or do they know that the newborn puppy or kitten is not a good baby? Now, I am not saying we should go around killing babies. That is what happens to good babies, though. They get cancer, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, or other horrible physical and mental problems. The animals do not want their other good babies in the litter or that one to suffer. Fanatical religious evil pieces of crap rejoice when they think that their views about slow-death or murder occurs. That is what they live for. If we can prevent even one baby from being born with any of these debilitating and devastating diseases or deformities, then good wins.

Evil people, though, howl at the moon and have extremist ideology that to any sane person sounds totally whacko. Commonsense only belongs to good people. What does your intelligence tell you about this subject? Do you love your dog or kitty cat? I do. I do not think that they are evil. I think that they are intelligent and know if they birth an evil get. Remember, they do not have a choice whether to abort that puppy or little kitty. They must take care of that evil as soon as it is born. So, they eat it. Here we are again with the "born" subject. Do you understand now?

So, when the sins of the father are visited on the son for several generations as it says in the Bible, you never know about that unborn child in the womb, do you? In fact, you only see or hear evil after it is born. True? However, I believe that a woman knows if the vessel inside her could possibly be horrible material capable of housing the spirit of evil. I believe that a woman and her doctor can look at images or that vessel in her and run tests that prove that the vessel is corrupt and determine to abort it because they do not want a good person to be born into a horrible body. Have you ever heard people say he must be from a “bad seed”? Is that a bad egg? No. It is a bad seed from a man, not an egg from a woman. They call an evil doer a bad seed. Bad seeds means that that person inherited evil from their father. They do not call a good person a bad seed, do they? No. Then it must be concluded that evil comes from a man and not a woman. A woman knows if she is housing a bad seed from a man fertilizing her good egg. And even though she may have not understood this because it was never explained before, she is the decider of life and death of that bad seed. It is up to her to make the decision to have that evil get or not.

Do you want a downs syndrome child to be born into misery? Be honest. Would you prefer it? Be honest. If you do not want children to have to suffer with no legs or arms, do you still prefer that the vessel house a good person? Do you want a possible good person to have cerebral palsy, or any other equally or worse physical condition or undeveloped brain or body parts? If you do, could you qualify as an evil person yourself for believing and wanting to make a child and her family suffer horrible physical or mental conditions? Be honest.

Do you want to be made to adopt a physically or mentally challenged child? Just to clarify, not all of these types of children are evil, just their vessel or body. I believe that all evil crap people who want evil children to be born should be put on a list and then randomly chosen to receive into their home the possible get of an evil person. This means that if you believe that any child should be born, then your name goes on a list where the federal government picks you as the next recipient of a child from an orphanage for adoption. You do not get to choose which child comes to your house. It is a random placement. You must feed, clothe, educate, and physically, mentally, and financially be responsible for everything for that child. And, if that child does evil, then you are held responsible for it. This means that if, before the age of eighteen, that child commits murder, then you are going to jail.

What this also means is that if that adopted child to your family decides to commit the sins of his or her father, then they may decide to kill you or your entire family. Remember, “the sins of the father shall be visited on the son” and “evil begets evil”. How do you know if you are making a woman have an evil child? You do not, but she and her doctor do.

Do you want an evil child to be born or have the “breath of life”? Evil begets evil. You do not get to choose for the woman to have a good child or an evil one. She does. It is not just a personal decision. It is also a societal decision. The woman knows if the vessel is good or bad. She must be the one to choose life or death of that vessel. She would not choose to have a good person born into a bad body. Would you? Be honest. I do not think that evil spirits go into bad vessels. I think they wait until they can inhabit good vessels. Do you know any evil disabled people? I don't. Good spirits do not look for body perfection. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and they love every body. God is Love. As the Bible says, who can understand evil? Evil loves the mirror and image most of all. They lie in wait for what they perceive to be perfect-looking. This does not mean that all good-looking people are evil, though. In fact, who looks good to you may not look good to someone else, even aesthetically pleasant-looking people.

Do you think that evil people who die also go to Heaven? They have bodies too. They have a spirit too. Do you really think that God will let those spirits into the perfect place? As the Creator, God is a kind of engineer that invents really cool things, a creator of inventions, methods, concepts, ideas, and people. That is why the Creator is called the Creator, the beginning and end, the alpha and omega. All creations begin and end with God. If God thinks an invention is obsolete, God will create a new and better design. Like an avatar, humans may also be reinvented. Bodies may be improved as with any invention or design. It is as simple as that.

The book of life that the Bible refers to is real. If your name is not in that book, you do not ascend into Heaven, but turn to dust with the vessel or body. They call the Bible, "The Good Book". For all you preachers, parishioners, priests, and other holier than thou Bible thumpers that have studied text for 40 to 60 years or more and still must go to Bible study to study it some more, let me say this. If you do not understand it by now, you should give up and just ... BE GOOD. Because, you see, I read it one time and understood it right away. It simply says, be good. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. To add or subtract from this simple easily understood meaning is to attempt to profit from it in any way you can con others into believing you know more about it than they do. Shame on you! The Bible also says that if thy hand offends thee cut it off, it is better to go to Heaven without it than to be cast in the sea of fire. Now, do not cut off your appendages because of this phrase. It is meant to say that you should change your behavior or the learned behaviors of your appendages so that your spirit soul is not corrupted by evil. You can train your appendages to do good instead of evil. You train your children to do and be good, don’t you? It is your and society’s collective job to teach people right from wrong. Just like the oath a doctor takes after receiving their degree, simply do no harm = be good.

So, are evil people just good people who are confused about their evil actions, or do they know that they only exist for a short period of time on Earth and try to commit as much chaos and mayhem as they possibly can while they breathe the breath of life you gave them? Are your actions to promote the birth of evil people evil as well? Are you committing evil? Evil begets evil and I put this out there because I do not want to be accused of being…lukewarm…and spit out of God’s mouth (Bible reference). You must make a stand one way or another. You cannot stand on the precipice looking into the canyon of evil and say that you are a good person. If you promote or condone evil people, their actions, and beliefs, then you will fall into the depths never to return to solid ground. You will be labeled complicit in the destruction of good and an evil person. If you don't stand for everything good, then you will fall for everything evil. Every person has a view of this one way or the other. This is my personal view as the author of this article and not the owner of any company. I am a non-religious person. I am a centrist moderate with compassion for all living things but am taking my stand against extreme left and extreme right ideologies that I do not agree with. I have human rights too.

My opinion is against violence as a solution and my speech is not hateful when it is correct. I am a spiritual good person who believes in inner healing of body and mind. I believe in offering insight that may be controversial but dives deeper into a subject for better compromise and understanding. For those who do not follow religion, please use your online religious doctrine sources like the King James Version of the Christian Bible or other religious doctrine to understand my views. You may research this subject using any number or forums. Those who do follow religious doctrine that also believe in the possibilities that I am right could be on the road to true salvation. It is up to every good person to terminate evil, any which way we can.

As far as you evil pieces of crap, you can go to hell! The evil crap has been lying and conning good people for a very long time, especially religious organizations. It is proven history that Christians and other such doctrine, in particular, are especially cruel and critical of others. Look what happened to the American Indians and the genocide that occurred in this country. Hypocrites! How can you talk trash about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, yet still have not provided comfort and restitution of lands and dignity to the natives of America! Look at the land-grabbing taking place, or the way evil justifies their invasions of sovereign territories like American Indian reservations or National Parks or public lands as “good” for the country.

What's next for you frothing at the mouth, religious Russian Republican fanatics? Putin has your number and knows how to push your buttons to get you to do his dirty work! Your backwoods (I'm a hillbilly, so I can say this) ignorant rage over "Saving America" or "Saving our Children" or "Taking back America" is stupid. Taking back America for who? Putin or China? It was a con (still is) and you right-wing extremists played right into an evil dictator's and autocratic nations' hands. Remember how our previous 'president' cozied up to Putin? Could it be that while he was over there in Russia at that pageant that they sent whores to his hotel room, taped it all, then held that over him or worse radioactive fallout? Did he run for president at the direction as a puppet to Putin? Did he say he could stand on the corner of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and still wouldn't lose any votes because he knew there was a Russian disinformation, ads and social media campaign to elect him president as a Russian oligarch? Did the 60 Russian diplomats Trump expelled from the U.S. attempt to or actually change election results by remote computer access of voting machines, for real? It probably is just as Democrats and Republican judges and officials say that they have checked the voting machines and found no way for them to be interfered with. The 2020 election votes cast have been extremely scrutinized and recounted proving that the machines were correct when tabulating all votes cast. So, this puts to rest all "stolen election" claims by the ignorant MAGA election deniers. The real reason for the propaganda spread in this country was to break down our election process to put in power a sympathetic communist puppet to take away American power world-wide and take away your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. You complicit participants in the Big Lie(s) means that you are a traitor, not a patriot! THAT is the real truth!

The Russian-backed white supremacist Republicans probably did not count on the pandemic and how many voted via mail or absentee ballot. Although, it is a fact that MAGA Republicans led by Trump are trying to make laws outlawing mail-in voting or even ballots that may be counted past election day! (Personally, they can kiss my Democratic ass!) Was he, in effect, rushing the Russian diplomats out of the country after they had done the dirty? Is this treason with penalty of death in this country, anyway? I wonder if the promise of prolonged life and a new Moscow Trump Tower was worth it. How deplorable! This is all just speculation, but if they can listen in on your conversations via your digital coffee pot, then this election interference (like Putin did in Brexit first?) is a real possibility. I say paper ballot and permanent marker is best...although I do have a Voting and an Election Solution that may help (found on my Solutions page).

Was this because Putin did not want NATO and American interference as he marched into sovereign territories? America? I just wonder if our former president pulled out of the Iran deal, NATO, corralled China, and did other things like that to weaken American influence at home and abroad. I also wonder if he was told to just keep the media occupied with all of your crazy antics and words so that I can do what I want. I also wonder what other countries were in on this possible plan. Just curious. What does China need with all of that hot hot Japanese pine from Arkansas, anyway? Our used scrap metals? Nuclear? But to put it bluntly, our intelligence is better than yours. I digress.

Why are you so happy and satisfied to put horrible burdens or consequences on good people? Why are you so worried about other people's children, but do not take care of the ones already living and breathing? Do you think that you can now make mandatory that women and children must wear burkas or dresses in public, can't have birth controls, or face threats of violence or jail? Personally speaking, you can kiss my American Indian rosy, red rear! It makes me giddy inside to think that evil is killing evil. I cry tears of joy knowing that evil is dying a horrible death. It makes me happy and fanatically ecstatic inside. This is probably what the framers of the Constitution meant when they said we would have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If others out there are patriots like me, then you need to vote Democrats all the way in every single election across the board. I will make a few exceptions, though. Those real Republicans on the January 6th Committee have outstanding and commendable character and integrity. Vote for those kinds of Republicans if you must vote conservative. They have commonsense and intelligence. Intelligence matters when it comes to electing our representatives. I also think that there should be a character and intelligence test for any candidate for President of the United States. This is just a personal view, but I think it has merit now. Don't you? I digress again...oh, well.

I am a moderate. However, I happen to mostly like what Biden and his team are doing and saying! (Not fond of the extreme left, though.) I think the "poles" about his popularity are done by you guessed it, evil. There is no argument possible when you see how hard the Democrats are pushing back against gun lobbyists and other lobbyists who only see dollar signs when they look at people. Those money-hungry right-wing "conservatives" who took control of the Republican party want those babies to grow up and be laborers in their sweat factories. The real Republicans are only now beginning to see how they were used and conned with fanatical lies, conspiracy theories, and false patriotism. I wonder how they feel about being a part of the Russian initiative to take over our country. Are they okay with it? They have been downplaying this knowledge for years. It is common knowledge, though, that there was interference from Putin (and China?), but I am just curious if what it really looks like is how it really went. How's that for getting at the truth? Quick, reporters do your job! Go dig up that, why don't you?

As far as queers and the left-wing Democrats are concerned, this is what I think. I do not hate queer people who are chemically altered or just confused by evil behaviors, only evil ones. I am very courteous and compassionate toward people who are good to me unless their character is evil, and they are putting on a "good" front to extract concessions and acceptance of horrible icky evil behaviors. And I do think that the best way to disagree with this group of people who have seeming no control over their sexual understanding is to change their mind about their unnatural behaviors. Homophobic is a word this group of people use to try to control the outrage non-queers feel and the views they have about sexual behavior or thinking that differs from queers' inability to be a decent human being.

What does it mean to be "decent"? I would argue that it means that you do not invade the sensibilities of others with extreme non-social ideology or physical display of nasty sexual or mocking inferences or influence. I do not agree that hate speech is the same as a disagreement with the queer sex-based (not gender-based) lifestyle. I am a heterosexual non-queer straight person who does not believe in sexual innuendos, and behaviors that make me cringe. When I hear them lisping, high-voiced, rapid movement, sweaty hands, mocking women's body movements or men-like actions for lesbians, I feel personally violated

From what I can discern, queer people are having a chemical reaction that makes them question if they can get away with abhorrent behavior and they try to make everyone else go along with their predatory sexual aggressiveness. They are singularly focused on every sexual nuance and have rapid-fire ninety miles per hour thought processes that their faces visibly discern the calculations in their minds about whether what you said to them is a sexual come-on or how they must respond to what you said as a sexually verbal or physical representation. It is obvious to a non-queer observer that they are genuinely confused. They quickly quip at every conversation promoting queer ideologies or mannerisms.

I have rights as a non-queer normal person, too. I am not the morality police. However, I am also right about not being subject to watching a pedophile make sexual advances on a six-year-old. Wouldn't that make you extremely angry and violent toward the pedophile, too? I stress here, though, that you must use your voice to challenge the "norm" of pro-queer activism if you feel strongly about this subject. Having heterosexual or family first rallies just like queers have gay pride days combats the status quo and may allow non-queers a platform against sexual-based identity promotions. You can also boycott any pro-queer companies or organizations doing your part to change the narrative to include the non-queer side of society.

I also must use my freedom of speech to protest what I believe is a blatant attempt to entice, by confusion, little ones who may not be able to defend themselves from being brainwashed to irreversibly transform their bodies from their natural born gender. Let us make no mistake. If they do these procedures, they no longer have ANY sexual gratification possible! Tell THAT to would-be transgenders. All that is left for these people is exactly what it is, a power-trip against others as a sort of anger at their own uncontrolled sexual scenarios in their heads. There is nothing to be "proud" of when you practice queer sexual relationships. It is anti-social and shameful behavior.

Teaching children that they are a different sex than what they were born is evil. Queers say that they are harmless, but the truth is that they are abhorrent to non-queers or people who simply do not wish their children to interact with or be confused by abnormal sexually explicit suggestive behaviors queers display or promote. The attack by queers is to confuse children by telling them that they can change their gender. That is a lie. Children must be told in no uncertain terms that they are either born a male or a female. When a queer is allowed to promote queer behaviors or ideology such as what happens when they are allowed access to children (drag queens reading to children comes to mind), they lick their lips suggestively, make faces and winks at the children and otherwise uses their body movements to entice your children to become queer so that someday everyone will become queer and have uncontrolled sexual physical and vocal displays in public that is normalized.

When you are with your child and they see and hear a queer acting in ways that are not good non-sexual behaviors, they see the sexual innuendoes from the queer, look up at you, their parent, and say to themselves, "Is daddy okay with this kind of physical and vocal behavior?" If you do nothing but stand by and smirk and brush off the obscene and disturbing behavior, you are teaching and telling your child that it is okay for them to act and be this way, too. You must LOOK at your child and say out loud, publicly, that the kind of behavior or thoughts displayed or spoken by the queer is NOT acceptable to YOU! I am NOT okay with how queers of any kind behave and think! As a centrist, and a straight normal natural order human being, it is MY RIGHT to NOT be queer or condone queer behaviors or ideology, which is specifically sexual based and has nothing to do with love or gender. It is also my right as a parent to tell MY child and explain to MY child that queer behaviors and ideology are anti-procreation and not good for humankind.

This is the OTHER divide in our country that must be stopped, both extreme left and extreme right. However, promoting hate violence or MAGA agendas and outright lies using anti-queer and anti-abortion movements as a seditious and insidious way to demolish our democracy is also evil. Each have no morals or decency. On the one hand are the money-hungry liars and on the other hand are the sexual deviants. Neither are centered or normal. Having morals does not mean you are religious. Having morals means that you are not a bad or evil person. Being moral means accepting differences of other cultures or groups and presenting your views as an option changing abnormal or destructive behaviors for the betterment of society as a whole. Being moral means that you have good character without the expectation of sexual passion or sexual participation or sexual reference. If there are no laws, ethics, or morals at all, then what you have is pure evil prevailing in society, such as lawlessness, dictatorships, or public orgies. Evil begets evil.

Men who have mannerism making fun of my gender and mocking what they think a woman acts like are horrible stupid male-genitalia born power-trippers. Men are born with a penis. Women are born with a vagina, a womb, and can have babies. Period. I heard recently on a national news organizations' news piece a nationally known ultra-queer say that heterosexuals have an agenda. Well, yes, we do! My agenda as a heterosexual is called procreation. I believe that a man and a woman are naturally supposed to be together so that the human race continues into the future. The queers have an agenda, too. Two men together = no babies. Two women together = no babies. And, if they adopt your child, they try to turn them into queers as well. This is what true heterosexual people out there are seeing and understanding even though no one has said so until now. It is scary and horrible to a non-queer person, no matter what they say. But I will say now that it is up to nonviolent good people to stand up and call out these perverts for what they are...evil.

You cannot make me into a queer. I will never and have never been one! You cannot make me like queer actions or mannerisms. And, yes, I have a right to hate what they look like and what they do. I have rights as a straight normal person. I have the right not to be inundated with icky sexual behaviors or innuendos by chemically deranged people who should be shunned from participation in societal rulemaking. They also innuendo and have suggestive sexual connotation and behaviors toward adults and children, especially in classrooms, to promote debased ideals. Queers of any kind are NOT harmless! They threaten the very fabric of humanity! They are, in effect, human annihilators. That is why they are called queers in the first place. They are not normal. They are queer.

Queer is a bad person or an evil person and not a good person or good character or moral person at all. Period. In theory, they will collectively try to make laws that limit or completely eliminate your right to have children, citing as their reasoning that there is overpopulation. Think this can't happen in this country? It did in China. This thought process by queers of any kind LGBTQ+, etc. are what the right-wing extremists are horrified about...legitimately. They have reason for being afraid of people who have no control over their sexual gratification titillation and obscene abhorrent mannerisms that gross normal people out.

Queer behavior is NOT NORMAL. It is icky and should be called out for what it is...a sexual come-on for you to participate in that person's evil sexual deviance and perversion of character. It is not normal for a man to go down on another man or a woman to go down on another woman. It is not normal for a penis to smell like shit because of where it has been put. I saw on the show series on television called ER where a man came into the emergency room, naked with a camp stove stuck on his penis. Yes, I am serious. Go look it up. Just because you can stick it in a hole does not mean you will receive sexual ecstasy.

This is the point where you know that some people will screw an animal (bestiality) or anything to get off. This is abnormal behavior! When in actuality it is all a power-trip whereby they try to have influence over people, especially children, to eventually stop propagation of human existence. Men can love men without sex, just as women can love women without sex. This is companionship or friendship. Queerism is not about love. It is about control and shock of a person or society. Just as we have laws about right and wrong, we should also recognize abnormal behavior as wrong behavior and call it out for what it is. Anti-social and icky thoughts and behaviors played out in public should be illegal in a normal moral society. Evil begets evil.

The interest of evil people who invade other people's lives and land is only to make money from tithing, false or fake news, sexual abandonment power-tripping, selling toxic or unsafe deadly products, drilling fossil fuel, or moving their horrible materials on or through land that does not belong to them in the first place.
Money is the root of all evil.

I am not here to criticize you as a good person. Good people are normal in thought and action. Good people do not go into territories to kill off other good people…like Ukraine?...using as a pretext evil history to “save” good people. When all the while their real intent is to claim territory for monetary gain. Good people are considerate of the sovereignty of other nations, like the American Indian Nations. (By the way, Putin, you forgot one very important history. The real owners of this country will summarily boot your people out if push comes to shove! Just saying...) Phew! I know this is deep, but just hang in there. The truth shall set you free!

For all people, this is fair warning! Judgment is here! If you condone, promote, or are complicit with evil or for evil, this is what happens. Your name is your virtue. When you die, if you are deemed evil by your name, you do not get to choose to come back down to earth. You are now permanently floating around alone in the firmament which will burn at some point for eternity. You will scream, holler, and nash your teeth until the river of fire burns you alive for eternity. You will be alone in this hell. You are a deformity of God's spirit; an evil that must be permanently separated from God's good spirits. Hell is the answer to this problem. Evil must be pointed out by good people as shameful behaviors. Pointing your finger at me is stupid. I am here with the truth. What you choose to do with this knowledge is a choice. But know this, it is personal. You will be judged accordingly. Good people consider the rights of other people who prefer not to die at childbirth (303,000 women died in childbirth in 2015) or at the direction of evil people who want other evil people to be born at the first breath of life. I am only calling this latest “ruling” by supposed good people and lawmakers for what it is, an evil agenda. Evil begets evil.

©Copyright, Evil Extermination, 6/25/2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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