Exercise in Longevity

Extreme exercise is highly overrated. For years, we have been brainwashed into thinking that a ‘sculpted’ body is a more beautiful, healthy body, but this is not true. Even recently, a very famous physical trainer from a prime-time television show had a heart attack at age fifty-one. To say he was surprised is an understatement. After all, he was in excellent physical health and worked out daily.

Some people think that using exercise gadgets, machines, or performing sweat-inducing routines will give them a longer life. But, if you ask one-hundred-year-old people the secret to living longer, many will tell you it is that they keep moving in daily regular exercise, not extreme physical activity. Some people also say it is either the genes you are born with, your diet, or a certain region of the world you live in that helps your longevity. But most century elders say that they keep their mind active by learning new and hard accomplishments and they keep up a constant physical movement such as walking or swimming to help them stay limber.

Just because you are a taller or larger individual does not mean that you are stronger than a smaller person. I have met several medium to small size people that, because of their strength, are called, wiry. These individuals do not pump iron, yet they are still able to lift heavy weights and perform other feats of strength normally reserved for larger, thicker muscled, human beings.

Sure, you can train your body to push past the pain of punishing workouts or intense physical efforts, but why? What is the purpose of showing others that you can inflame your muscles to the point that they puff up like a balloon? There are some over-weight people who are just as strong as thinner more muscular individuals, just as there are small people who during times of tremendous adrenaline rushes can lift a car from off someone trapped underneath. How do overly muscular people explain this strength-on-demand phenomenon by non-muscular small people? Also, it is a known fact that some tall women prefer short, small men and some short women prefer tall lean men and the same goes for men. Some men prefer fatter, shorter women and some men prefer leaner, taller women. So, all that daily sweating to pump up muscles in an effort to "look good" is subjective. You could be totally wasting your time and money.

Exercise can also be a form of self-torture. Workouts take up precious time that could be spent on more social endeavors. Although there are some romances that begin at the gym, honestly speaking, not many feel very attractive after smelly, sweaty aerobics. So, I suspect this aspect of gym membership is limited. Constantly and aggressively stressing out your muscles may actually be wearing them out! This means that you could be shortening your life, not adding to it! My reasoning is that if you can wear out your heart muscle, what is different about any other muscle in your body? They can wear out too, especially if they are not allowed to rest and recuperate. They get hot when you work them out, don't they? Heat or excessive escalation in body temperature can possibly weaken muscles. 

So, being good to yourself may be as simple as staying limber by stretching a little every morning to get the kinks out, then just doing normal activity during the day. Not only can you find time to do chores or take your kid to the park more often by not routinely over-working your muscles, but you might also be surprised to learn that you feel better or just as good by simply taking a walk or playing with your kids outside. In fact, normal play with others works important muscle groups and keeps your mind occupied with coordination of muscles as you perform certain activities. Even fishing, hunting, or golfing are good outdoor physical activities that also keeps your mind alert; thereby, promoting longevity.

Also, I believe and practice going to bed early (dark thirty) and then getting up around two hours before daylight (naturally waking up). Then, I take a short two-hour nap during the day (siesta) when I can. You would not believe how much better I feel not watching a lot of T.V., especially at night! If there is a special or show I want to watch, I tape it for later. I am not "hooked" on television, computer, phone, or internet! I am free at last! And I pay more attention to my surroundings and myself, body and soul. I can better discern someone's truth or lies or agenda because I am not influenced by trends or other criticisms meant to enslave me or to part me from common-sense and my health, prosperity, and happiness.

So, my advice to all those people out there using the latest muscle-crunching machine, or form or contortion method meant to separate you from your money is to be good to yourself. Spend more time with your loved ones. Spend zero money on products or memberships. Spend the little time you have on Earth expanding your horizons and educating yourself or others, lifting others with your presence, or trying something new that you never thought you would have time to do. You may find that taking the time spent on developing muscles and putting that time into developing relationships is the secret to a long and happy life.

©Copyright, Exercise in Longevity, April 4, 2017, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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