Gotcha! Drug Dealer Solution

After all the controversy surrounding how police detain and abuse people who evade apprehension, I would like to provide a very effective simple solution helping both citizens and police during enforcement activity.

The first thing to understand about what has been going on in America between the police and those they wish to detain to question or investigate is that much of these confrontations have happened whenever a citizen is perceived to be breaking the law, is about to break a law, or have been determined to have already broken a law. When a citizen sees a blue light (you know it is for you), it means that they should halt whatever it is they are doing, even driving, and should pull over or wait for the police to engage them or others to investigate or possibly arrest someone who may have or has broken a law. Everyone knows this. 

Likewise, when police tell you to step out of your vehicle, they expect you to simply comply. If, however, you decide to drive or run away from the police or law enforcement, the police are duty-bound to follow you to apprehend you for questioning as it seems you are in violation of the stop for the police law. It is a well-known fact that most runners from the police do so because they have contraband or drugs in their possession they wish to offload or pitch as they run so they may not be caught with it and pay fines or have jail time for breaking the law.

Now. What I am providing is the solution for all concerned during these situations. A new law is required for all law enforcement nationwide using this solution, but it is easy, effective, and solves not only this problem, but many other smaller problems as well.

If a person drives or runs from law enforcement, the officer or officers may decide at the time the person runs away from them if a proper picture or video or other concrete identification has occurred. If not, then the police may follow or chase the individual ONLY to get a good identifying picture or video of that person or persons. Then, the police simply leave the person or persons alone to go about their business. Then, later, the runner may be caught at the grocery store or other location and taken into custody by several burly police officers who capture the perpetrator off-guard, charging them with evading police.

The new law dictates this: If a person correctly visibly identified or known runs from law enforcement, it is a mandatory and quick sentencing in court that the runner pays up to $25,000.00 fine AND a mandatory two-year prison sentence in federal prison with no parole and a felony permanent on their record. They should also have mandatory daily group or should perform community service such as bagging up sacks or boxes of food for the local food bank or other community-based activities promoting empathy with locals and others.

What this achieves: Street drug dealers will not want to run from the law. Two years in prison is a long time taking them permanently off the street. Drug dealer managers or owners of the drugs will run out of small-time street dealers to peddle their drugs and will be forced to do this job personally. Then, those big-time drug dealers will also go to jail.

How this works: The current laws for being caught for drugs on yourself or in your vehicle should be exactly the same as if you run from the law. This way, either way, we GOTCHA! And we remove drug dealers on every level off our streets. Walla! No more running from the law and a significant reduction in dealers on our streets or just driving through our neighborhoods.

That broken taillight takes on a new significance as it may allow law enforcement to search for drugs in your vehicle. If you believe a plant of drugs has taken place in your vehicle, then you may offer immediate swabbing of your person, or the police may impound your vehicle to check it for fingerprints. If your vehicle has been disturbed (alarm goes off) or if it has been broken into, you may call the police to report a break-in and they will examine or document it (they examine the vehicle on premises) to make sure no drugs were place inside.

This solution helps police as they are no longer concerned with a physical confrontation unless they see a weapon, etc. The police may breathe a little as they ascertain whether a good photo or video of the person was taken by their bodycam or any external cameras nearby. Physical altercations and possible deadly encounters would be drastically reduced using this solution and help take all levels of drug dealers off our streets. There is possibly more this solution may help with, not just evaders. There is the real possibility that other crimes are being committed and the person is running (burglary, murder, domestic abuse, massive number of drugs in the vehicle, runners who allow police to chase their vehicle in order to distract police away from illegal drug running or trafficking, etc.) and this new law gives enforcers and prosecutors time to tie the person with the crime they committed.

Just get their picture off any business, citizen, or police camera or video and prosecute the hell out of these runners. If you still do not understand, then use the contact form asking for clarification and I will attempt to spell it out O-N-E W-O-R-D at a time.

© Copyright, Gotcha! Drug Dealer Solution, 1-27-2023, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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