Gravitational Plane Theory

I have been recently researching Physics and found out that gravity has not yet been fully explained. The experts have explained what it does, but not necessarily why it does what it does. I explored many conversations and definitions related to gravity and air pressure and have come up with a possible theory as to why we have gravity in the first place. It is this:

Air pressure is heavy and weighs down objects to other mass. Think of a bowling ball dropped into a vat of Jell-O (I love this scenario). The level of the Jell-O in the vat rises because the bowling ball added to the mass within the vat. Planets are like the bowling ball and add mass to the Universe. Each planet gives off electromagnetic waves that give movement through the atmosphere. Think of a Comet screaming through space because of its lop-sided expulsions of waves or energy. One side of the Comet is pushing it at a fast pace through space. This may be why we only see certain Comets in so many years in our skyline. What comes around goes around theory. Our Earth revolves around the Sun because of this constant wave given off by the planet in a fairly uniform manner. However, it may revolve on its axis because the waves keep it spinning in the original direction of expulsion.


Just as if you put a bowling ball into the middle of a stretched sheet, each planet according to its mass weighs down the center of its atmospheric pressure – not so much at the corners or outer measures of the sheet (farther away from the middle). The sheet dips down considerably in the middle or center of the sheet. Now, think. There are many, many sheets (more than four) surrounding the planet slicing it into many planes that are all dipped down in the center – each one exerting pressure closest to the planet’s surface.


In this scenario, the Universe is made of many sheets (planes) dissecting every planet and every planet makes a dent in each dissecting plane, like a “Spacetime Curvature Schematic” of “General Relativity”, [remember, there are multiple planes dissecting each planet all the way around]. This multiple denting creates a heavier atmosphere close to the planet for each plane. The Moon makes less of a dent than Earth, and therefore, has less gravity. Also, every planet is not exactly circular. Some are a bit oblong. So, the gravity is different for some areas on the planet than for other areas.


The Sun, itself, makes energy from waves. Do you think, it too, spins? Why not? It may also be a planet with a massive amount of atmospheric energy. Somewhere in the past time, friction lit it on fire. And because it never cools down but continues to throw out molten lava that bows back into the Suns surface, while at the same time rotating, there is no escape of energy. The lava may get thrown out in bits and pieces occasionally as asteroids, even today spun away from the Sun…sometimes at us? People just can’t see them. At some beginning point, it had to ignite its gases in the rotating magnetic and anti-magnetic rock – possibly on one side of its surface. And even though most of the flares look gaseous, they may actually be mass enough to be magnetically drawn back to the Sun’s surface. This action of the Sun still throwing out mass as it rotates may be why the bowing or curving back to the Sun’s surface is sometimes clearly visible to us on Earth. It may very well spin because of this action. This may also be the reason we have black holes. The mass of atmospheric pressure may be so great that it creates a solid mass of energy that distorts the horizon for viewers and no planets can exist around its immediate circumference.


My Gravitation Plane Theory may explain why things are much lighter the farther away from the center of planet Earth, yet still have some form of gravity on other planets like the Mars or the Moon. Does this make sense to anyone else out there? Comment and tell me what you think on the subject. Meanwhile, I will continue to conduct research in my Physics book to learn more about our world.


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©Copyright, Gravitational Plane Theory, 2010, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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