High Rent and Mortgage Solution

Recently, I was watching the news and they had a piece on about how much rents and mortgages are across the country. I was shocked to learn that some “bungalows” in California had rent bids upwards to $5,000 per month! Even in Austin, Texas a two bedroom was going for more than $2,700 per month. I think I may have a solution for professionals out there who don’t mind address stigma if their rent is reasonable.

To begin, I know that many disabled, elderly, and welfare recipients will probably cry foul by my solution, but honestly, we are all in need here. And maybe this solution will galvanize politicians to ramp up funding for more affordable housing for everyone.

Many people think of HUD or any type of government housing as dilapidated, crime ridden areas, or undesirable interior living conditions. However, it has been my experience that this could not be further from the truth in many communities across America. Housing in these areas have monthly inspections inside each apartment to make sure renters do not have holes in the walls or food out for insects and mice. Further, the bug eradicators also provide monthly spraying and inspection to make sure there are no infestation issues. Renters are informed monthly when their unit gets inspected. Also, you do not have to be impoverished to rent government housing. You just must have a need for housing. In fact, if you sign up for government housing or Section 8 Housing, the rent is based on your income (nowhere near the amounts above). Disabled and elderly qualify for lower rents because they are usually on Social Security, but I think that if you make larger income, you may still qualify for housing. It doesn’t hurt to check it out, anyway.

You just must apply at the Housing Authority or HUD office near where you would like to rent. They then put you on a list and will call you when a unit becomes available. You may not be able to choose your unit, but you may request a certain size of unit as you apply. Of course, if you want a one-bedroom unit, you must tell them as you sign up that you prefer that to a studio apartment. Studios are a little smaller, but easier to clean. If you have children, you can get on the list for two-to-four-bedroom units. The rents are much better than a regular house or apartment in better districts and the police patrol government housing areas every day!

Oh, yeah! By the way, there should not only be renter's rights, but also rental owners' rights. This means that if a renter punches holes in the walls, purposely floods an apartment, or otherwise causes ten times the damage to their apartment or rental house before they are evicted, then that history should follow that renter world-wide so other rental owners can prepare a contingency plan and charge those renters ten times the amount of deposit to rent their property to them. Yeah. I said that. Fair is fair after all.

Most times, at government housing, you get lawn maintenance, free internet, and very low energy bills. These units are usually very close to industry or downtown and many times there is city transit available. Many residents of these communities buy bikes or trikes (electric or not) and easily go across town, even in the rain. Some even have outdoor park or green spaces for kids to play. The only thing that may hinder you're getting a unit is the time you have to wait before your name comes up to the top of the list. But if you are living with your family or friends this can give you and they hope that someday you can move on.

Another way you may cut out extreme rental or mortgages is to buy or rent an R.V. and park it at any type of R.V. park at anywhere between $20 to $50 per day. I know this could be upwards to $1,500 per month, but that is still cheaper than an apartment or house. Sometimes, monthly rentals are much cheaper than that. Many times, these R.V. parks have swimming pools, a convenience store, and more! Simply go online and search local R.V. parks, costs to buy a used R.V., and amenities available if you move your R.V. there. You may also be able to move to a mobile home park with your recreational vehicle. Just check around a little. Camping in a tent, of course, is way cheaper (about $10 per day), but some people have learned how to “Glamp” and wouldn’t trade it for the world! Just be sure to pre-secure your space in these parks because they fill up fast!

I hope you have good luck in your search and application finding a decent rent house at a reasonable price. But if you think about it, this solution may be the under $500 per month rent solution you need to get you out from under that impossible mortgage or rent weighing you down. The kicker is that you may find that government housing and R.V.’s is way easier, cheaper, and safer than what you have always been led to believe. You can thank me later.

Copyright, High Rent and Mortgage Solution, 8/19/2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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