How To Quit Smoking Solution

Many people who want to quit smoking have found it difficult if not nearly impossible. Some begin smoking at an early age. And, like millions of others, the habit stuck with them through their teens and twenties. They want to quit smoking, but could never seem to find the willpower, until one day, a major tobacco company sent a magazine publication. This magazine told all about the harmful ingredients of cigarettes and the chemicals they use to make them. And the more you read, the angrier you become. 

In the magazine, the company seemed proud of the fact that they were killing people with their product.  We can't say the exact article or tell you here which company put out the magazine. For all we know, they may still be in publication. This was back when the government got involved and began putting regulations on the tobacco industry because so many people have been dying of lung cancer from cigarette smoking. What we do know is that it was so upsetting, we knew we had to find a way to finally help people kick the habit. In effect, people are paying the tobacco company to maybe kill them with their product! This one thought may make you mad as hell and helped give you incentive to stop the nasty habit. So, to begin, try following these five easy steps below. This works, but you have to be angry enough to start the process in the first place. 

First, do not put down the pack. Keep it handy just like the ball and chain it is. 

Second, every time you feel the urge to pull one out of the pack, do it, but do not put it to your lips. Instead, hold the cigarette by the butt end up in front of your eyes and look at it. Stare it down. 

Third, while holding the cigarette in front of your face, say the word, "NO", and picture in your mind that emblem of the word "NO" in a circle with a slash through it. 

Fourth, slowly and with purpose, put the cigarette back into the pack and put the pack back where you got it. 

Fifth, and finally, if you ever have the urge again to light one up, repeat steps one through five. It works every time. Soon, you will find yourself forgetting the pack at home.

This method helps you establish the willpower necessary to finally kick the habit. Just remember, it is very important not to put the cigarette to your lips! Your lips are the key to the whole habit. Also, remember to intently look at the cigarette while saying in your mind "NO". Once you have trained them not to hold the butt, your fingers will automatically put the cigarette back in the pack.

Try it, then use the comment box to tell us how it worked for you. If it doesn't work after about two weeks, you need to review the steps again. Keep trying these easy steps until you succeed. Your eyes may go cross-eyed for a week or so as your body adjusts your nicotine levels, but after about a year or so that mucus ball in the back of your throat will go away and you won't cough all the time. Then, after another year, you will notice how much clearer your lungs feel. Good luck out there, good riddance to the habit, and hello to the money saved!

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©Copyright June 2015, How To Quit Smoking Solution, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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