How To Reduce Gun Violence Solution

As we grieve for those lost to the continued gun violence and mass murders, we noticed that many of the shooters have been young and impressionable. It is obvious that they have very twisted views of society, and many are intolerant of other cultures. Race is not the only factor impacting the shooter’s decision to act out in anger. Religion, it seems, is also a catalyst for the mentally ill.

Some would say that guns are the problem, and therefore, we should initiate gun control. But this is not the fact. Just look at all those wielding machetes or knives. And, how about the bombers? They, too, have to be taken into consideration if we are to come up with a plan to reduce hate crimes.

My solution for the matter will be controversial, but it is the best way for us as a multicultural society to begin to heal our mental wounds. Since there are some households that generate intolerance and warp young minds with hereditary bias, it is up to all of us to band together to help shape the minds of our youngsters.

To begin, I need specific and mandatory culture classes taught every year starting at preschool and into college. These classes need to educate our children about every race and culture. And even though we may be teaching children online No Public Schools and Welfare Solution, the children must pass the classes before moving on to the next grade.

Another part of the solution involves the psychology department. We think every child should be given psychological and psychiatric evaluations starting at preschool and thereafter every three years to gauge if there is a significant change in the child’s demeanor. This way, when we determine that a child is having difficulty coping with society, we can give the appropriate mental help to guide that child to better behavior. Here, too, we can have specific classes that teach children proper social behaviors. Some do not receive good guidance at home. And, since attitude is an important part of team building, these classes should begin at Pre-K all the way through 12th grade.

Although we are not the parents and it is not our place to be parents to the child, it is a known fact that anti-social behavior usually begins at a very early age and shows up as the child begins experimenting with hurting animals or starting fires or displays other anti-social tendencies. We can have a psychologist for every district that is made available for our kids to talk to about anything in their lives so that they can receive proper psychiatric mental care. This would be especially helpful for our teens going through puberty and peer pressures. By the way, guidance counselors are NOT professional psychologists! We need the real deal for this to work.

These psychologists would be highly trained and vetted to integrate with our children just like a good teacher or mentor and they would essentially grow with our children as trusted adults (never one alone with a child and always several people in the room with the child who are in on that person's mentoring program to prevent abuse) that is available for them to receive good mentoring throughout their lives so that those children with bad home lives have someone to talk to when they need them. The psychologists would also be able to implement lesson plans to try to help children with bad thoughts and behaviors learn the right way to think and behave for society. 

If you have noticed, and it is well documented, that most children want help with their bad behaviors and will even cry out for it. Our problem has been that we have been taught that if you are receiving psychological help, it is a stigma on your personality. But, if everyone is allowed to receive psychological help from an early age, it will be a normal way of life for us all. Ultimately, we believe having this safety net at an early age through pre-adulthood will prevent much of the anti-social activity we see today such as thieves, rapists, and murderers.

Another way to prevent future mass murders is to have a national policy and law that says that if a person who has been sent for psychological evaluation because of threat either verbal or physical against another person or group of people, then ATF or other law enforcement could enter that person's residence or business and remove any weapons and any internet devices to prevent further escalation of ideological radicalism. This way, a person with extremist anti-social behavior will not have an immediate outlet for their hate. They must also be put on the list that prevents them from owning weapons of any kind, the red flag law.

Yet another prevention would be to have universal background checks and have the would-be owner of any gun wait at least a year before taking possession of the gun or ammunition. Why not? This way it gives us the opportunity to possibly prevent impulsive murders or suicides. It does not say that they cannot own a gun. It just gives us breathing room. Current gun owners would not be subject to this law giving them the opportunity to buy ammunition for existing firearms.

Also, gun ownership should be age twenty-one to sixty-five. And weapons of war like AR-15's, AK-47's, or high-capacity magazines should be illegal. We should also limit how many rounds per year citizens may buy (database listed). There is no real good reason to own military style weapons. We do not allow people to own hand grenades, machine guns, or cannons, do we? Read my other article called, Citizen Militia Solution on the Solutions page.

I understand the gun amendment. I also understand that any serious gun enthusiast would not mind a mandatory psychological evaluation to be able to own guns. We could have a national database that a seller can access to look up a gun buyer's name to see if they are cleared to buy a gun, ammunition, or other gun-making equipment. The would-be gun owner would have to have a psychological evaluation done every five years or so to be entered into the cleared database. This is not a big brother over-reach, and it allows responsible gun owners to own weapons to defend their family or country.

The seller would not be able to see any of the evaluation but would simply find out if it is alright to sell a gun to a buyer. If you are a responsible gun owner, you know how frustrating it is when some hunter is killed by another unskilled hunter in the woods because they mistook them for a deer. It is also my contention that a responsible gun owner is a trained and certified owner that knows how to shoot, clean and store their guns keeping them safe from unauthorized users like children. In fact, gun owners should lobby gun makers to implement newer guns that have facial recognition identification or other preventative measures that you wear that the gun recognizes as the only owner(s) of that gun, which would ensure that the owner of the gun is the only one allowed to use it. Besides, you know these old, designed guns are dangerous even for gun enthusiasts. They go off on their own for no apparent reason, even when you just put them down on the seat of your vehicle! And, if you are honest with yourself, you must be as concerned as we are about the school shootings and mass murders we are seeing lately.

So, think about it for a minute all you gun owners out there. A simple questionnaire to evaluate mental health could be the solution and stop the gun control measures circulating in Washington. For registered gun owners, this is just a small step that ensures we get to keep and enjoy our right to own guns as our Forefathers planned. It’s a brave path for brave Nation. God bless America, the land we love. – Solutions For Our Future!

Oh yeah! By the way, there should not be any private gun shows. If you want to sell your gun, you should have to sell it through the federal gun control bureau website or local police trade shows. If you really care about your kids, you will learn how to demand real commonsense solutions for our society! If you can read this, then you are on your way!

© Copyright, How To Reduce Gun Violence Solution, June 2015, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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