Immigration and Border Solution

For many countries, migration and immigration has become a slow but steady stream of humanity wanting entry and permanent residence in a country other than their origin. To most migrants it really does not matter which country they move to as long as there is humanitarian relief. Most are simply looking to remove themselves and their families from horrible and frightening circumstances. This solution is a good beginning and possible remedy for not only America, but other countries as well. Please read to the end of this solution for the complete and alternative ways to solve this problem.

To help people at borders to any country, there should be an online website that is specifically dedicated to the movement of immigrants across the world who want to immigrate from one country to another. Most immigrants just want to go to any other country than the one they come from. The website can be maintained by the World Health Organization or other humanitarian organization. Any country in the world can be listed on the website with their immigrant limit per year clearly listed for all participating countries on the website to see. Also, the immigration list is a "turn" or top of the list process that means that if Canada is at the top of the list welcoming immigrants, then all those countries who encounter undocumented immigrants or who have border crossing immigrants in their country, send any of their immigrants to Canada until Canada reaches their limit. Then, Canada goes to the bottom of the list and the next available country, such as, let's say, France or America, becomes the next available host country for any border (collaborative country's world-wide) immigrants or undocumented people found either already in their country or crossing their border. 

No matter where in the world, if at the border, immigrants, and those family members with them are put up for a kind of adoption to any welcoming country on the website. Any country border agent, according to next available country on the list, simply assigns the immigrants to that country. All participating countries on the website pay for the website and its maintenance. Then, possible flight plans are made right there at the border for the immigrant(s). The flight is also paid for by the receiving host country. Or there can be a collective fund by participating countries set up for this purpose.

This part of the solution does two things. One, it relieves detention at borders and investigates smuggling activities. Two, it spreads the distribution of immigrants world-wide instead of just to one country as a destination. When immigrants world-wide understand that they do not get to choose their destination, but that they will be taken to their host country, this may prevent a certain percentage of impulse migration. It may also give people an incentive to fix their own nation.

This is also a possible solution that involves undocumented non-citizens who may be living in a country as unwelcome inhabitants. For instance, in America, when I.C.E. or Border Patrol finds any undocumented person or family, they can immediately detain them and using the immigration list place them with the next host country willing to take them in or they can list them as sub-citizens subject to taxation such as income tax, social security tax, and Medicare tax. This means that any non-citizen now or those let into the country as asylum-seekers can instantly become a sub-citizen in the country paying their fair share of taxes and authorities and the government will know where they live nationwide. All non-citizens, when known or found, should be made to either sign up as a sub-citizen, or be deported. They can apply for regular citizenship, but they become a sub-citizen first and must learn English to be considered a regular citizen of the United States of America. 

This method will allow all non-citizens in America the ability to apply for regular citizenship and be legal residents paying their fair share into our tax system. They no longer need worry about being deported. They will have all the rights of a regular citizen except that they cannot vote or seek political offices. The ability to vote is a privilege given only to documented regular citizens, which is a goal of many immigrants living here. This is not a green card just allowing them to work here but will give them legitimate authority to live in this country until they die. They do not have to work to receive sub-citizen status and will receive benefits from social programs just like a regular citizen. Their children may become regular citizens with all those rights if they learn English and apply for citizenship before age 18. The Daca program will no longer be necessary and the country benefits from talented immigrants and their children staying here to work or start a business. Just because you are an immigrant does not mean that you are an unlawful horrible person. If you are not a Native American Indian, then YOU are an immigrant, too!

The whole idea here is to give respect to people you may not know. Because you never know, at some point in your life or the life of the ones you love if you or they will be unconscious on that person's operating table. There are horrible citizens out there who live in this country, and you really cannot condemn non-citizens saying collectively that they are bad people. That is called being a hypocrite.

This is a huge problem for America as it is estimated that we have around 11 million to 18 million undocumented and migrant people in our country. This is too many people who may not be paying their fair share of taxes, but who are receiving medical and government assistance. I think we should implement this partial solution share immigration policy to discourage undocumented occupation within every participating country.

But this is not the only way to handle the mass migration to our country from others. I also think we can simply welcome with open arms all asylum seekers or migrants who wish to qualify for citizenship into America. Because we do not have enough housing for even our current homeless or citizens who need temporary housing, I suggest that we can pay Motel 6, Super 8, Best Western, and other motels across the country as temporary housing for all these needy people, especially migrants. We can guarantee the motel owners full occupancy of the motel payment to turn that motel into shelter for these groups. In fact, the migrants are needed in our workforce, and we need space to house them. Why not go ahead and place people where there are more jobs than people by busing them to available space at any of these government guaranteed motels? We can pay the motel owners a lesser amount per room, but they will still make more because we guarantee to pay them for full occupancy. 

This federal program will permanently shut up all those voices at the borders who are concerned about alien invasions into their area. And the migrants will know where they are going and sometimes even the job they can look forward to. In fact, they can tell the border agents their skills, education, and abilities on intake so that we can send them to the company areas that need them the most. Remember, though, that these programs only apply to qualified would-be citizens or immigrants, not to those people who must be taken back to their country per current border processes or future share border programs.

In the past, it has been from my personal vantage point that I have noticed that “safe houses” for migrants are extremely colorful buildings or homes, usually purple, orange, or pink scattered all over the nation, north, south, east, and west. These houses are an underground railroad for illegal migration occurring in the U.S. They are easy for authorities to see and may be staked out then invaded by I.C.E. or border patrol to find those illegals that made it past the border. We still do not want illegal immigration, especially for drug dealers, or other horrible people, but I think using this solution, we can better keep track of and place people where they may have success as well as successful cities who welcome them. In fact, the aggressive gang activity and blatant illegal thefts, threatening drug rings, or other nationwide illegal activity raking in millions to control political offices or territories will now be "seen" by our diverse population of law enforcement preventing pockets or hubs from setting up in and terrorizing our communities.

Update Area: Here to There: 12/20/2022


Upon further thought about the extensive applications necessary to secure any border worldwide, I think that any embassy, such as our U.S. embassy located in any nation (as well as an online website or phone number) can pre-process would-be asylum-seekers, immigrants, and visitors to our country. Each embassy or border station agent located inside embassy’s or at any border can pre-intake any person wishing to cross our border, by foot, by vehicle, by boat, ship or by plane.

Designated Border Agents screen entry applications of any person by phone, website, or in person. For immigrants or asylum-seekers (who can cross their border to go to any of our embassy’s worldwide), Border Agents located inside any embassy or at our borders or within airports can take their picture, information about their resume’, possible family ties inside our country they may wish to communicate with or move that immigrant or family unit to their area, and consult with a database listing of possible needy companies located in our country or other nations who would sponsor to transport, house, feed, and otherwise integrate the person or family within easy access to work for that company. The company or family of that person or family unit wishing to enter the country would pay for all expenses or Border Agents would simply move the migrant, immigrant, or asylum-seeker to where they are needed or accepted either in this country or another top-of-the-list hosting country.

This process of pre-qualification for entry into our country from any means or methods means that we would know every entrant, what they look like, their name, where they are going, how long they are allowed to stay, and would prevent border entries unless the person is claiming persecution by the border country, such as Mexico or Canada for the United States entry processing. Any other entry is refused entry if they have not pre-qualified for entry unless they are willing to wait on the other side or in their country until they have been processed. This method makes it much easier for border control to help new immigrants plan their future and keeps them from being homeless. It also tracks people going out of and into our country.

When asylum-seekers, or immigrants pre-qualify for entry into the U.S., we can arrange for transportation to our country, housing, food and water, clothing (charity organizations help with these), and can be mediation between companies wishing for better-qualified workers (paid the same as any other American citizen) and the immigrant. This also gives the immigrant time to assimilate or learn about our country to be able to pass the test for citizenship and learn English.

For people who wish to simply visit this country, we make an online qualification, not just a Visa program, that takes a current picture of that person at the airport or border as well as their passport information, their name, where they are from, and how long we allow them to stay inside our country. Now, here is what makes this work. If that person overstays their Visa, or travel or visit time-limit, a national alert is sent out just like our Amber Alert, with a picture of the person, their name, and a (999) number that anyone can call to report the last sighting of that person. All major broadcast companies and social media MUST issue this alert as a national emergency to find this person. Not only that, but we can also offer a small reward for any tips or information leading to apprehension of the wanted visitor who has overstayed their trip. Of course, the visitor can call up Border Agents or the hotline 999 to request a longer length of stay in the country, but the point is that they must be approved if they wish to remain in the country.

This new immigration policy helps our border patrol be in control of all border crossings on every side of our border and in the air. It also allows Homeland Security to find anyone anywhere in our nation visiting, especially if they are suspected of criminal activity, such as murder or drug and human trafficking.


Also, when this solution is implemented, there will be many border agents freed up to search every tractor-trailer crossing the border and even smaller vehicles, especially in towns or locations close to borders. My Dog Pile article on my Solutions page also helps prevent drug or human trafficking as our dogs are trained to quickly sniff out any illegal activity, especially at border stations and ports. It also helps bolster the entire border watch system, especially in border cities like San Diego, California or Nogales, Arizona, where I have personally seen migrants illegally coming through the cut border fence to go to their job located in the U.S.

This solution is for any country wishing to finally repair their own immigration and border problems. However, it does take an inclusive world-wide participation for this to be an absolute answer. Some countries may want to have populace control. They may say, “We can’t take any more Ukrainians because it would shift the balance of our population.”  I am sure, though, that when lawmakers understand the compassionate method of this proposal, there may be quick collaboration to implement the process and tweak the policy to benefit all concerned.

© Copyright, 6/9/2022, Immigration and Border Solution, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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