Land Mass Theory

This is my newest update to both my Gravitational Plane and Resting Force Theories: Please read these theories first in previous blogs to properly understand and compare theories: 

Think of it this way: If the Earth gives off a vapor or gases from it surface and the Earth is rotating faster than 17,000 miles per hour on its axis, the vapor trail would go around in a circle around the Earth’s surface creating a thick barrier that we call, the atmosphere. This vapor trail is held in place because of the force of the rotation pulling it close to the Earth and the gases cover the Earth unevenly. On the axis, there may not be as much pressure on the poles north and south. Not only are these areas extra far from the Sun, they also are at the opposite ends of the pressure rotation around the Earth. That is why the air is thinner at the poles and at higher altitudes. This makes it easier for snow and ice to accumulate in these areas. Just look at Flagstaff, AZ and how it is always at a cooler temperature than its surrounding desert lands. 

Meanwhile, the Earth continues to give off gases as vapors adding to the layers of the atmosphere. Our use of carcinogens contributed to the dissipation of the thinnest layer of the atmosphere creating a hole in the ozone layer. These layers of gases press DOWNWARD onto the Earth’s surface because of the rotation of the Earth creating pressure we call gravity. The vapor trail cannot float away because it is in fast rotation. If the Earth were to stop rotating on its axis AND around the Sun, the vapors would simply float away into space. Some gases are heavier than others creating layers in the atmosphere.

As a young child, my father was a tour bus driver and guide. He would sometimes take me with him on his trips to Dog Patch USA in Arkansas where I would get in free to ride the amusement rides. My favorite ride there was called, the Barrel Ride. On the Barrel Ride, you would go through a door and step into what looked like the interior of a barrel. The ride operator told everyone to line the walls of the barrel before the ride started. Then, the barrel would start going around and around, faster and faster, until you felt your body plastered to the wall behind you. The thrill came when the floor under your feet suddenly fell below you, while only the centrifugal force of the barrel going around kept your body against the wall. The ride ended as the floor came back up under your feet and the barrel began to slow to a stop.

I never forgot this phenomenon and my Theory of Resting Force takes into consideration that our bodies are being plastered to the Earth’s surface because the atmosphere is pressing us to the ground as Earth rotates on its axis trapping the vapor (gases) in a circular pattern around the Earth’s surface. The vapors cannot escape this pattern and simply float off into space because the force of the rotation keeps them in a tight ring around Earth. The weight of rocks, trees, and us is not as heavy as the atmospheric pressure and are not allowed to float off the Earth’s surface. If not for this even atmospheric pressure, why else would different weight objects fall to the Earth at the same speed? However, we can provide enough downward pressure to project us and objects into the air and even past the layers of atmosphere. That is also why some people can jump higher than others. They have more force in their legs propelling them higher into the air. Think of a tornado as it pulls objects off the Earth's surface just with an upward force of wind. Also, helium is very light and floats upward at a faster pace than other gases. That is why lightweight balloons are carried swiftly upward.

This new theory may completely replace my Theory of Why Gravity Exists (Gravitational Plane Theory). Or, it may simply add to this theory as each 'ball' in the Universe adds to the entire vat of gases in the Universe; whereby, they expand the pressure on every planet's surface contributing to the gravity of each planet or sphere. As planets expand by turning gases into land mass through volcanic activity, their atmospheric pressure increases; accordingly, thereby, creating more gravity on 'balls' or planets in the Universe. I think these gases to mass is also a theory and how solid mass began as an accumulation of compacted gases. In my theory, the gases were the only makeup of the Universe, but they then compressed to such a degree that the thin almost gaseous minerals in the gases combined to form solid mass. This may have been the magnetic properties found in the gases that attracted other metals and minerals to, at first, form the mass ball of energy. What do you think?

In fact, I theorize that as volcanoes erupt under the oceans all around the world, they add to the land mass on the ocean floor, which, in turn, makes the waters rise. Of course, melting glaciers could also impact the ocean depth, but frankly, there is not enough glacier melting to impact world-wide ocean water depth by the inches and feet per year that scientists say the ocean levels rise.

This Land Mass Theory also may explain what is happening on the Sun's surface. Many scientists believe that the Sun is made up of a huge ball of gases that are burning on the surface of the Sun. I disagree. I think the Sun is made up of lava type rock with a deep mass of hot lava all over its surface. Just like lava in our Earth's core, the lava stays hot because it is insulated by the temperature of the surrounding space. The temperature is not cold enough to cool the surface of the lava activity to make it crust over. The same can be said of the Sun as it shoots out hot flares from its surface as it gets too hot and seeks the cooler surrounding space around it. I also think that the Sun has both positive and negative magnetic properties and that is why we see flares bow out from the surface of the Sun and then curve right back into the Sun’s surface. Gases alone would not create this kind of bowed activity, even with the Sun’s rotation creating gravity.

I think that the Sun, at one time, was an extremely large mass in space made up mostly of molten lava at its core, fairly close to the surface. And I also think that is what we see on its surface now. As do volcanos, long ago the lava built up a bubble on the surface of a gigantic mass we call the Sun and eventually exploded from all the pressure. This bubble bursting on one side of the mass began the rotation of the Sun, while at the same time, throwing bits and pieces into outer space, which now makes up our Universe. The rotation of the huge molten lava mass (the Sun) kept throwing out “rocks” or planets until it reached what we see today as the molten core still rotating, but only throwing out asteroid-sized lava rock.

I also think this is where asteroids come from. The lava flares shoot bits of lava rock into outer space. It travels as fast as it was shot or blown away from the Sun's, or other Suns located far in outer space, surface by exploding gases in the lava. Some asteroids or comets get sucked into rotations. That is why we see them again every so often. Comets have trails, which probably means they still have some heat left trapped in the rock that spews out a heat trail behind them.

This theory is at least as good as the all-gases Sun theory. It is all just that, theory, since we cannot get close enough to the Sun to clearly see it. You can study the Sun all day long and still not have the right answers for how the planets came into existence. However, I think this theory has merit, so I am sharing it for others interested in science, physics, and astronomy who might want to explore this theory too. You may begin the conversation below if you have something on this subject to share. Please do not include links, graphics, foul language, or video. It will be deleted. This is purely a discussion forum on this topic.


© Copyright, 8/7/2016, Land Mass Theory, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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