Lemonade Stand Theory

Whatever happened to lemonade stands in America? When I was a kid, I remember having my own lemonade stand. And when my daughter was old enough, I helped her set up her own. Nowadays, I have learned that some states have made it a crime to set up a lemonade stand, or they make a child get a permit. I think that this is one reason people have all kinds of maladies such as arthritis, intestinal and bone issues, or cancers.

Let me explain. If you go to the website, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scurvy and read about vitamin C deficiency you will understand better this theory. People need to drink at least one eight-ounce glass of lemonade per week and if they have fatigue or have had Covid 19 or other problems with their body, they need to drink it once per day until they feel better. The reason I think this will (in a few weeks) begin to clear up their malady is simple history.

Long ago, voyages across the ocean took many weeks or months to travel from one continent to the next. On these trips, the ships stored lemons and other citrus to keep them from getting rickets or scurvy. What has happened in this country and around the world is that people have decided that they do not like citrus, or it is too expensive to buy. Therefore, they have cut most of it out of their daily routine.

As a matter of fact, the citrus grapefruit has become a sort of pariah because many people take blood pressure medication or other pills, and this produces side-effects when eating grapefruit or juice. But my theory is related to this problem because I also think that people have blood-related problems like high blood pressure because they have not been eating or drinking enough citrus. When I was a child, I can remember how grapefruit and other citrus was cheap and plentiful. At a very young age, I learned how to cut out each section, sprinkle sugar on top to cut the tartness, and spoon out the delicious sections of my half of the fruit.

Although I am no doctor, it is my theory that these tart citrus squeegee out or scrub glands, membranes, muscles, and the interior of veins and helps flush out of your body extra vitamins it does not need or plaque buildup left from virus organisms. Thus, there is no accumulation of cancerous activity, muscle or skin issues like fibromyalgia, psoriasis, ALS, MS, emphysema, bone or skin problems, Parkinsons, or even advanced aging. Citrus also gives your body the opportunity to repair tissues and bone. This is especially important for Alzheimer’s or brain tumor patients. Your tongue taste buds may need continued tart citrus for some time to cure or scrub away the slime accumulated from having Covid 19! 

Citrus may also play an important role in curing Covid 19 long haul symptoms. You've been slimed! What I think happened when people caught Covid is that the interior of their bodies were slimed like when a snail leaves behind a trail of slime on concrete or pavement. So, this slime acts like a plaque in your system until an astringent agent like citrus can scrub it out of your body as it alerts your body to produce or excrete natural acids. The inability to taste food may be because this slime plaque clings to your buds and down your throat, even to your lungs, sinuses, heart and brain (all soft tissues). Some people received more slime, some less, and some have been eating daily citrus so they may not have any symptoms at all.

My theory about Covid 19 long haul and other flu, RSV, or cold virus' may be helpful to those people who have tried everything else to feel better and still have brain fog, aches and pains, or debilitating fatigue. Now, I am not saying it will immediately cure your problem or cancer, however, it may be the preventative measure you need to live a healthy lifestyle. Please use your search engine to look up scurvy and rickets, which are conditions of the body that lead to many seeming mysterious illnesses, weakness, or mental problems due to lack of vitamin C and D. 

Another part of my theory is that your body, when you eat citrus, excretes through your glands a kind of natural acid to scrub you from the inside out head to toe. Also, I think that your antibodies get very excited and multiply exponentially which fights off viruses. It also attaches to any foreign substances that may cause cancer in the first place getting rid of it as you poop or pee. That is why sometimes your excrement is more acidic. As you begin your citrus regimen, remember that cancers love extra vitamins and minerals and seeks out those excessive pockets or bone weaknesses to set up shop in your body. If, however, you bombard your body with your daily citrus (a glassful 8 oz. until you feel better, then a cup daily) your natural scrubbing agents flush out any intruders making you feel good in brain and body.

As a matter of fact, most southerners know that when you cut up an apple that you intend to go into a dish or to eat later, you spray or coat the slices with pure squeezed lemon juice. We even put lemon juice in our pies and cakes! This prevents the apple or other foods from decaying or turning brown. I even think you can spray or coat other foods like bananas (even the outer peels to keep them from going bad fast), other fruits, meats, cheeses, vegetables, salads, or even put it onto the tops of pastries or in bread to preserve anything. Celery in large portions (nitrates and nitrites) is bad for the body and may lead to allergies, headaches, rashes or pimples, and other disease catching or maladies. The same can be said of Iceberg lettuce and other translucent foods. Food producers have been pushing and pumping us full of these cheap foods for decades and you should read every label to make sure they are not in your processed foods! I don't know of anyone who is allergic to lemons! 

Get a small spray bottle, or you can sometimes find a lemon juice spray on the market and lightly spray your foods to preserve them. There is no side effect, and it does not make the food taste like lemons! This old fashion preservative was used along with two other preservatives, which are salt and pure cane sugar. Any of these three may be used instead of chemicals to preserve or even to can or freeze foods and they are totally natural, organic, and good for your body. As one of my theories, as well, I also think that my lemon-based topical keeps skin from turning brown or burning in the sun. And it may also be good for keeping the skin fresh or as an anti-aging product (I don’t have it on market yet and may be contributing this product to The RRDD Project).

You may even find out that eating actual citrus or pulp and citrus juices (not taking pills) prevents all kinds of body issues from presenting in the first place. Some health-conscious people may try this simple trick to help their muscles heal from over-strenuous exercising or to regain lost muscle mass. Those aches and pains are your body’s way of telling you to take it easy. Don’t ignore your Body Talking (also one of my theories found on the Solutions page in the menu). I also think that when you eat the fruit on a daily basis, your body begins to heal itself from the inside out. Please visit my other free to read solutions, tips, and theories articles (chapters) by clicking on the Solutions page link in the menu.

My Mother, who is over 90 years old, drinks orange juice daily and she has very few health problems. When I was young, we ate our citrus daily. I eat it when I can afford it now and have resorted to drinking it as much as I can. I have very few, if any, health problems. So, for people who may have difficulty finding affordable citrus like lemons, grapefruits, or oranges, drinking it is okay. But remember that it is better if you can peel the fruit or spoon it out in its natural form. Your body anticipates ingestion and salivation in your mouth is important to your digestion. In fact, a related theory is that mastication producing saliva has been lacking in our lives because of the soft processed foods made available worldwide. These processed foods may make it convenient for us, but they have hindered the saliva production process.

Of course, we come full circle here because teeth and mouth issues are mainly caused by the lack of, you guessed it, vitamin C, which is naturally derived from citrus. So, in theory, my solution for a healthier life is based on historical fact. You be the judge, though. How do you feel right now? Are you a bit sluggish? Do you have skin or intestinal or blood-related issues? Is your brain a bit foggy? Do you want to think clearer, faster, and pain-free? I think my theory has merit. I think we could all benefit from planting more citrus trees and distributing the fruit world-wide to help make it cheaper and for us all to get healthy again. What do you think? Comment below to help start the conversation. It takes all of us on the same page to make things right in our world.

I think it all begins with that lemonade stand. I think we should make it super-easy and cheap for a child to set up on the street-corner their own stand. You need to help by changing the laws in your state or country so that we all benefit from this theory. I think we should inform others of their right to learn how to make a difference in other people's lives and how drinking lemonade provides our bodies with necessary cleansing. I think you should teach your child about what and how they feed their body. You can fill their brain with academics or pump them full of pills or coat their skin with oil-based lotions, but the real remedy has been here all the time. And this knowledge does not cost you a dime.

What good is an A-plus student if they are getting sick and tired all the time? Try this bit of down-home advice and make citrus a daily part of you and your child’s life. Then, pass on the good news. Let others know that their easy-does-it lifestyle and exclusion of lemons from their diet has led them down the road to all kinds of health issues. Let your child set up a lemonade stand. It may seem old fashion, but some of the best solutions or hacks come from history. Down the road, your child will thank you for your efforts on their behalf. And isn’t that what we all want, anyway? It is for me. I just want to make the world a better place for us all. What I have learned will, hopefully, come full circle. Drink up your lemonade everybody! Cheers to a healthier you!

© Copyright, 6/21/2022, Lemonade Stand Theory, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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