Light Trail Solution

I got up early from bed recently because I couldn't sleep. It was about 3:00 a.m. I made myself a cup of coffee, turned out the stove light, and sat in the dark in my living room, just thinking. Soon, I noticed a shadowy figure making its way under the light of an electric pole I could see outside my window about a hundred yards away. I could tell that it was a girl on a bicycle, and she was coming toward my apartment. As I watched her, she began searching other apartment porches, each one, then mine. 

She had a large shoulder bag under her arm which appeared to be able to hold any “goods” she could steal. She walked her bike behind my unit and continued her pilfering up and down my street. The streetlights and porch lights (mandatory in my unit and complex) made it extremely easy for her to see to steal something, anything she could lay her hands on. I did not call the police but made a mental note. She would have been long gone by the time the police arrived. I sipped my coffee, thinking about it.

My solution preventing many burglaries and drastically reducing energy consumption worldwide is really very simple, effective, and the right thing to do. You see, burglars need to be able to see too. If every streetlamp and porch light did not shine on their intended target or the street or sidewalks, then the criminals would necessarily need to shine their OWN light to be able to see. This makes it very easy to see ANY light shining so police may apprehend suspects. If cities made streetlamps and porch lights to be ALL motion sensors, then when someone walked or rode a bike or traveled by vehicle throughout the city, motion sensors would trigger the light to come on AS THEY COME NEAR THE LIGHT. Also, video, or live streaming could be triggered or at the very least a camera system that takes a picture of travelers from dark to daylight as they come through city streets or even small towns.

Remember, motion sensor lighting can be made to not come on in adequate lighting inside your house, or business, or on the street. If light is needed during the daylight hours, the motion sensor knows this and provides instant light if you are in the room and light is needed. Many sensors lighting can be stronger or softer light, too. The best part is that you CAN turn the motion sensor lighting feature off and simply flip the switch if you prefer. For highway areas of deer crossings or other animal crossings, we can have motion sensor lighting that comes on to illuminate these places or roadways, but otherwise our headlights show the road ahead just fine. 

Animals along the highway will trigger the light to come on farther away from the road giving us a heads up that people, deer, dogs, cattle, horses, bears, cats, alligators, or other moving animals could be crossing the highway. The sensors could be pointed or directed, not on the road, but into the median or beside the roadway. Most Game and Fish, Rangers, or highway maintenance personnel know where the high traffic crossings occur, and the electric company can erect sensor lighting along these areas.

Correctly positioned cameras could clearly take pictures of people, vehicles, or license plates, which police can do a quick check on their computer to see who is coming through so late at night or early in the morning. If they wear a mask, police can be quickly dispatched to intercept someone or detain them for questioning. What are they doing in that neighborhood so late or early, anyway? Some may be just taking a walk, but if it looks like they may be casing a place (police can tell this) then law enforcement may be necessary. Police get to know certain vehicles or people going to work and will not bother them, just monitor their safety. For businesses, at least, this method of justification may be the difference between being robbed or vandalized and a peaceful night’s sleep. 

Oh yeah. No neon lights at night ruining your sleep either. It is easy to see the would-be burglar or crime committer as they must illuminate the dark or else run into a light pole. As they run, every sensor will make that light or light pole light up temporarily (only as long as the person is detected) showing police exactly where to look for the person they took pictures and video of or may be chasing called a “Light Trail”. Each sensor will show a trail of illumination and direction of person or vehicle making it very easy to see and catch or intercept them. If a business light comes on or inside a building light comes on, the police can clearly see it and investigate.

The best part about this solution is that energy that had been used keeping lights burning may be a reduction in everyone’s energy bill, even businesses. They can have motion sensor lights for interiors of businesses and homes, as well. Your electric company will howl at the Moon and try to destroy this solution any way they can so that they can continue to burn through the public pocketbook, but you and I both know the Big Lie now, don’t we? It is up to you to howl at them as they fumble for a sane reasoning as to why the lights must constantly shine. Liars. 

Can anyone calculate the savings using this solution and get back to us? I think it is immeasurable, but all you math addicts can give it a try. The added bonus for not having any lights on at night in every city, town, home, and business, is our sudden illumination of the stars over our heads. We no longer need to go to the country to be able to see the heavenly bodies. Just turn a switch in your house turning off your motion sensor on your porch, step outside and look up. What a beautiful view. I think the kids will love it, too.

No more stolen people as they jog, unseen vandalism, stolen products from businesses, or kids taken from their beds as we track every movement using the Light Trail technology. I mean, seriously, are we in this century or in the stone age? You throw away millions of dollars chasing solutions when it has been cheaper and easier than adding police force or more lights all along. And you read it here on my website and it didn’t cost you a dime. However, I would appreciate any gifts or funds your integrity may send me helping me defray costs and provide even more solutions lifting up humanity to a better quality of life. Thank you now if I forget to tell you later. And you’re welcome.

© Copyright, Light Trail Solution, 2/5/2023, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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