Love Matters

Are you soon to be married? Have you given much thought to how you and your future spouse will fund your life together? Many people get caught up in the excitement of their relationship and fail to safeguard themselves by separating their heart from the more practical issue of wealth management. It may be important to understand that what’s yours is yours, what’s his or hers is theirs, and what’s both when it comes to mixing finances before or after marriage.

One of the most significant preservation techniques you can employ before you get hitched is to sit down and write out the house budget that you will have as a married couple. Determine a ballpark estimate of how much it will take to run the household, go on vacations, and buy large, shared items (house, car, R.V., etc.). Figure into the budget for as many shared items or expenses as you can write down. Then, split this figure in half – half for you and half for your spouse. Make sure that your future housemate has the funds to pitch in their fair portion of expenses, then together you both should go to your favorite bank and open a joint bank account. At this point, you should keep your own personal bank account separate from your spouse. Never let your spouse talk you into funding something that you feel is unrealistic or does not directly benefit you.

The joint bank account is used strictly to pay the bills that come into your shared space and to help you plan for large purchases. Do NOT put your half of big-ticket item costs into this account!!! Wait until your other half has proof of their half of the item cost, then you both go to the shared bank account bank together to enter each half into the account. This should only be done a few days before the purchase of the item to keep each other honest and the money doesn’t disappear from the account before the transaction. Of course, notifying the bank officer of the pending purchase and that they need to monitor your account until the transaction clears is a must!

Believe it or not, some people have secret lives, and you may not know until it’s too late that they have an affair on the side and plan to clean out your shared bank account after you have deposited your half. Think it can’t happen to you because you are so in love? It has happened to more people than you know. Besides, what argument could your spouse have to this procedure? It not only protects you against being wiped out financially, but it also protects them as well. And here’s the kicker, you have your own separate bank account with your own money to fall back on if you suddenly find out about his or her infidelity and need a lawyer. Your spouse will not know that you hired the lawyer until they are served with divorce papers!

This is strategic on your part and is an invaluable tool for marital bliss. Your spouse will not have financial control over you and cannot force you into buying something you do not want (some people can’t stand motorcycles). How would it make you feel if you both combined all finances and then your spouse either cleans out the accounts or goes out and buys a shiny red Corvette for him/herself without your approval? Kind of rotten, huh? They could also be gamblers and it doesn’t take long for them to go through whatever is in the account – most times this occurs after they have hocked expensive items found in your house! Why not be self-assured and financially independent? Why not have a prenuptial agreement before you are legally tied to another human being? If they oppose the agreement, this is a huge red flag that they are either power-tripping or have ulterior motives for marrying you. You do not want either one in your life. This also helps cut out those con artists who marry people, then kill them for their money.

Here is another thing to consider before tying the knot. In most states, there is a law that says your spouse can have you involuntarily committed to a behavioral health unit (the nut house) for a mental evaluation. This can happen if they fill out an affidavit at the Sheriff’s office stating that you are mentally insane, and they spell out exactly how you are acting that leads them to believe this about you. The deputy comes to your house, puts you in hand cuffs, takes you to a hospital for a physical, then they take you to a half-way house for a twenty-four hour hold and psychological evaluation. The really bad part is that after you have been taken away, your spouse cleans out your shared bank account, hides all the assets – including your personal belongings, and either hocks or sells big items you both own while you spend the night under twenty-four-hour lockup.

Under extremely bad cases, the judge presiding over your case can be convinced to keep you another seventy-two hours for further evaluation. Meanwhile, you can’t bond out. There is no such option. You can’t use a cellphone. They take everything from you before you go in. You can call a lawyer, but the damage has already been done. They can’t help you keep your possessions. The way the law sees it possession is nine-tenths the law. If your spouse has the possessions during this horrific action, they can dispose of any shared money or items as they please. They could also change the locks on the house and other buildings keeping you out after you are released from the hospital. I am passing this knowledge on to others out there who may have concerns about either their current marriage or about an upcoming event. (You may want to check the marriage laws in your own country!)

To go the extra mile, you could demand that your soon-to-be spouse have a psychological evaluation and that they share the information with you and your lawyer before you and your finances are permanently attached to an unstable individual. It may also be to your advantage to have your would-be lover provide you with a health report before you get further involved to make sure they do not have a communicable disease. Their past love affairs can make them toxic to you. They could have STD’s or highly contagious genital warts that would not be easily seen or show up until you are sexually active with that person. There is nothing wrong with loving someone, but that person should not be offended if you ask for proof of their cleanliness down there. You should be as suspicious of their nether regions as you are about a public toilet seat, don’t you think?

Mothers and Fathers, tell your daughters and sons about this possibility before they say, “I do.” Better yet, share this article with them! Help them prevent disaster and keep them safe from themselves and their blind feelings of love. They say money is the root of all evil. Divorce statistics are very high in this country and demand smart choices protecting you from sinister intentions of others you thought you knew. In fact, presenting a lawful document drawn up by your lawyer outlining not only your financial obligations, but also spelling out their inability to have you committed after marriage may save your life and your sanity. By all means, fall in love. But my advice is to love yourself first. If you do not love yourself, no one else will either.

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©Copyright, Love Matters, 2015, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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