May The Force Be With You

I think all media outlets in America, even online, should be made to advertise at peak and prime time hours the criteria police use to detain you or use lethal force. The laws of this country, for instance, such as no resisting arrest, no running from the police, no shooting or using weapons against police or others, no thievery or stealing vehicles or other, no murdering or aiding and abetting, no conning or racketeering, no gang or domestic violence, etc. should be listed for all citizens to read and be easily and thoroughly understood (enough time seen in the advertisement).

This should be a public safety notice broadcast for at least three or more times per day for months or even years so that every citizen has no question or confusion as to what will happen when they get pulled over or are told to stop. Blacks and other cultures would not be able to say that they did not understand when police tell them to stop resisting arrest or stop running from them. They would not be able to sue police when they pull a gun on police and are forcefully detained or even killed during law enforcement. Likewise, police would thoroughly understand what actions are expected from them for most instances such as traffic stops or domestic violence situations.

No one is above the law. Even police will know how to proceed in basic situations dealing with the public. The rule of law is important. It is how we determine who is good, bad, or ugly. Without the law, you have lawlessness and no peace or community. Let’s make it abundantly clear to everyone in America that they will be held accountable for their actions against the law. Let’s make it very specific what can be expected from you as a good citizen of the United States of America. It concerns us all when a certain group of people like blacks believe that they can get away with murder or even running from the law. They are being bad or ugly. Good people do not thieve, murder, run from the law, domestic abuse others, con people, resist arrest, or shoot out car windows, especially at police.

Being racist is subjective. Claiming racism for you breaking the law should be against the law. If a Caucasian, Asian, or Hispanic person did those horrible crimes or breaks the law, they are held accountable. There is no alternative law just for black people. Police are people too. If they feel threatened by a suspect or by a crowd of seemingly racist or hostile blacks, then they may feel that extreme measures may be necessary to control the situation. If you think there are corrupt cops you should report them to your local police station. Police are not above the law either. There are some very anal police who think it is their duty to scare the public or make them cower whenever they arrive. This should also be against police policy and classes should be given to eliminate this posture among the police force. Remember, police are hired to protect and serve, not intimidate and threaten.

Police funding is important for us all. But I also think that community policing or interaction is necessary to help explain how frightening it can be for police during detainment processes. I believe the community should have full and accurate explanations about what happens in the minds of police when they are in situations where they feel bodily threatened. If everyone is on the same page as to these procedures, then there is no room for complaint or misunderstanding. Giving everyone a list of policing criteria during certain situations should be made absolutely clear and unambiguous so people cannot sue police or municipalities for police doing their duty to protect and serve the public at large.

Our national media has an obligation to provide this public service message as they too are a large part of the misunderstandings about how people should behave whenever police believe a law has been broken and a person should be detained for investigation or to keep everyone else safe from possible escalation. Basic laws broken do not usually lead to a traumatic experience for people. They run a stop sign, know it, and understand that when they see the blue lights in their rearview mirror, they may have to pay a fine. That is the law. It is a basic law and does not necessarily lead to a ticket, but as a citizen you are expected to stop for the blue lights and face the accusation and explain your side or go to court and explain it there. You do not wave a gun at the officer, speed off, crash to a stop, and jump out of the car and run. To the police it looks to them as if you are a major criminal of another crime and that you think you are guilty of something important enough to make you try to escape punishment. 

This explanation of a typical situation in everyday police life should be made very clear to the public in general so we all understand at the same level. In other words, no more excuses for your unlawful behavior. The continuous advertisements at different hours of the day assures that all citizens know how to act with police and each other. Simply put, be good.

Copyright, 7/27/2022, May The Force Be With You, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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