No Public Schools and Welfare Solution

This is my original idea for public school totally online except for sports, etc. This method is still viable even after the pandemic. This is the way to pay for public school that makes sense.

My initial idea takes children out of the classrooms and puts them back at home, safe from terrorists, bullies, drugs, and long bus rides. Simply put, we can pay one parent, guardian, or babysitter to stay home with the child or children using the mills we pay into the public school system. One great teacher in their grade subject can teach all the children of the world for that particular grade subject. This way, your child receives the very best education in the world. No more maintenance for buildings or buses is needed except for those extra-curricular activities like sports, beta club, etc... And we can even afford to hire more security for those bus rides. Also, this means there will be less buses and cars on the road taking children back and forth to school. This means we will, overall, use less gas and have fewer emissions into our air!

This is a computerized virtual classroom that may use programs like Skype or Zoom to connect people or groups of children. We can even do this for colleges! No more college rapes! The best Harvard professor can teach all within that one subject. And the best educators in the world are available to teach your child. If both parents work, we can hire out-of-work teachers to tutor children in their homes. They may schedule their tutoring to individualize for each student. While the parent is home with the child, they can also be learning on a computer another trade or career, because when the child graduates we will need to place that parent into another job. Teachers losing their jobs with the new program will become tutors or will be trained for another career. Invariably, there will only be so many teachers we can hire as tutors from the mills (tax) generated statewide. We may have enough mills to give those teachers exit pay or transition pay for furthering their education. We may also turn those unused school buildings into homeless shelters or have them house other worthy organizations.

Instead of separate mills per county or district, we can combine all the mills (the same rate) for the entire state and distribute them evenly as payment to one parent at about $20,000 or more per household. And we can pay tutors about $40,000 per year or more, which may be lower than some are making now, but the workload will be infinitely lighter than teaching an entire class full of students. In fact, some students will not need tutoring at all, so this will help distribute the tutoring. Also, to make sure some kids do not fall through the cracks, we may institute mandatory tutoring for underachieving students. This way, some parents not willing to help their children will not be able to turn away interactive tutoring for their children. With all the extra funds opened up by this new system, we can afford to buy the students a computer (write-on tablet type) and any other necessary tools for their grade level.

There is never another test to be taken. School will no longer have mandatory teaching. We offer school. We do not mandate school. Children want to learn. This is a fact. They will ask for more knowledge with no pressure to make a grade or have academic and personal failure according to their government standards or level of intelligence. Free learning of absolutely every subject is what we should offer our future leaders. Children will know what they love to do and learn and that is good enough! No more stressed-out people or children. If they learn, great. If not, they can make something with their mind or hands. There is always something that they love to do, and we can place them in that position. This way, children can focus on a particular subject matter, and like other abilities, get better and better to the point of doctorate level.

We can still have labs or mechanics class time for hands-on learning, especially for agriculture, home economics, or tech schools. But we can significantly cut down on costs for the entire school system. Just think, only the very best teachers (and their teaching practices and procedures) will be allowed to teach all the children of the world (no matter the language or culture). We can have translators or teachers from that language. Also, each subject grade will have its own group of teachers. We should only need three to five teachers per subject grade. For instance, second grade English should have only three online available teachers for that subject and grade level for all children in the second grade English. Remember, we shall have tutors available for questions from students. So, instead of thousands and thousands of teachers, we should only have three to five teachers per subject per grade level making out lesson plans for our students for computer courses. Lesson plans can be videos that are available any time. Even band can be online and one-on-one tutoring sessions. Students already buy their own instruments, but in the future, we can afford to send them any instrument made for them to use until out of school.

Each subject shall have its own Board of Directors to assure the curriculum is correct and to hire for each subject group new teachers when one retires. This way we only vote in board members familiar with each subject matter per group. English board members for teachers that teach English, etc... Each board member shall have Doctorates in that subject of English and so on and so forth for any other subject. So, instead of thousands and thousands of Board Members over our school system, we will only need five board members or so per subject...English Board Members for English, Science Board Members for Science, etc...

By the way, the children are yours. Not mine or somebody else's. They are your responsibility to raise, not the school system or some gang. You need to take responsibility to care for your own children on your time. Either that or hire someone to help you perform this very hard and important job! You should not simply shove them out the door into schools or on the streets because of your selfish laziness or ignorance on how to grow another human being.

Overall, this will cut down on costs of hiring teachers and board members worldwide. It will also assure that only the best of the best teachers teaches our children. In fact, we may need more tutors and can pay them from the money we were paying to teachers and board members! Not only that, but this new system will also completely cut out the welfare system for those parents or single parent already at home! Can't we have that money go toward paying that one parent more than the minimum $20,000 or tutors more than $40,000 per year? This way, welfare will only be needed for the elderly, disabled or other singles out of work! How much do we pay out now in welfare for people to simply sit on their can at home? Can anybody do the calculations on this and get back to me?

© Copyright May 2015, No Public Schools and Welfare Solution, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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