
There was a man driving along who had a flat tire and he pulled alongside a fenced area that happened to be a mental health facility with a big sign proclaiming such. On the other side of the fence stood a patient of the facility watching as the driver got out of his car, got out his lug wrench and spare tire and proceeded to change the flat.

The driver placed the removed lug nuts into his hubcap on the ground and after replacing the flat tire with the spare, he reached to get the hubcap full of lug nuts, lost his balance, hit the hubcap, which sent it flying, whereby, all the lug nuts rolled into a storm drain.

Swearing profusely, the driver stood there a few minutes scratching his head wondering what he could do. He was miles from nowhere and had left his cell phone at home. “What am I going to do, now?” He pondered aloud, forgetting the man inside the fenced mental facility until the mental patient answered calmly, “Why don’t you take one lug nut from the other good wheels and put them on your spare?”

The driver looked at the mental patient in astonishment. “Thank you!” He said, “But, how did you know how to do that, aren’t you a mental patient?” “I may be crazy,” said the patient, “but, I am not stupid.”

                                                       AGM Heart Gallery

Copyright, Stigma Perspective, 8/13/2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

If you need mental health help, you may call 988 or go to where you can find local numbers to people who may be able to help you, too. Don't be ashamed or afraid to ask for help from your government social departments or the mental health community. You are important. Be well with yourself first. If you don't love yourself first, no one else will either!

Feeling panicky, short of breath, confused, or extremely depressed and negative? You may be having a temporary (most times only a few days) allergic reaction to something you have eaten! Although a new concept, mostly as my own personal experience, I no longer have these symptoms of depression or anxiety because I have systematically eliminated foods, preservatives, and processed foods from my diet. I feel fabulous and clear-headed now. And I just wanted to give you this insight or perspective to help those people who may be asking why they feel so distraught on such a massive scale. The urgency you feel to "fix it" or feel better may be making you make life-changing mistakes that are not indicative of who you normally are. 

My personal advice is that you need to remove yourself from your significant other(s) or groups as being "sick" until you feel more rational, or the stressed or devastated feeling has passed. If it persists, you are either still eating the wrong things or you need to dial either 988 or 911, depending on how suicidal you feel in the moment. The main takeaway here is that this too shall pass. Take ten deep breaths and stop. Remember these steps for a better outcome in your relationships, work, and life. 

You can get better. Help is as easy as telling someone that you need help. The first step is up to you. Do not let your feelings escalate into disaster. Take charge by letting others know and allow them to help you. There is no shame or criticism, which is the opposite of what you have perceived about mental health. On the other side, there are people who have been through what you are going through and understand and have answers to your questions.

Sometimes, you just need to have a little perspective. Stop the stigma!  – Love MoonEagle

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