School Shootings Solution

My solution to the problem of mass shootings in most buildings like schools and churches is simple, cheap, effective, and easy to install and use. We already have the funding and technology to prevent unwanted entries, we just need to all get on the same page.

What I propose is that all schools, churches, hospitals, government buildings, airports, or other businesses install a Ring Doorbell at each entry door. Also, especially for schools, they should install a Ring Doorbell at each classroom door. Each teacher would have the doorbell set up on their phone, iPad, or computer – not the security officer. This way, he or she could deny entry to the classroom. The school security could easily talk to the person wanting entry and could see very clearly the entire front of the school and doorway. Some schools have already put cameras at the entry but being able to talk to the person at the door and even discuss with them their business at the school may prevent a shooter from even wanting to enter.

Also, I think that a security badge turnstile should be installed at each entry just like all secret-secured facilities. This way, a shooter could not access the school unless they have an identity badge alerting school security that a person is entering the school grounds. The badge would link to a school security computer telling who is entering the facility area. Further, I think there should be a Sallyport for any behind fencing deliveries or vehicle entry onto school grounds. This may take a PASS system for each vehicle allowed onto school grounds or a security guard to open the gate as he or she identifies a sticker or PASS on the vehicle.

Not only can we install these systems, but we can also have daily or weekly passwords that the children or parents must know to enter the front door to the school. They receive a text every morning telling them about the password for that school for that day. This also works well for other buildings or businesses, ports, or venues.

Using these preventative measures is much cheaper and less controversial than having armed teachers in the classroom or stationing guard dogs at the door. Even shopping areas or buildings like grocery stores can implement this system, if they are truly concerned about rifles or other weapons or people carrying backpacks, etc. into the store.

Upon further reflection, I think that the password system can be individualized by requiring a person to tell security (using the Ring Doorbell) their name, then they must provide their “trip to enter” password. As you know, the Ring Doorbell alerts on your phone if someone approaches your door. Then, you can easily see them full-length and the surrounding area. Security can even ask the person to empty their pockets, lift their shirt and turn around, or pant legs to look for weapons before allowing them entry in case they have a handgun. Another concern is that I think there should be no exterior windows or door windows. The Ring Doorbell system allows people to see when someone wants entry, so why do these establishments need windows? If children are learning, they may take more frequent breaks outside between classes. Of course, I think all children learn better at home. Go to the Solutions page link found in the menu to read my other article chapter link called, No Public Schools and Welfare Solution for more understanding on this subject.

For shopping this makes better sense for security to really work. Also, this could be a quick way for security to look at the terror watch list database as they screen the person for entry because the name MUST match the password the shopper was given when they scheduled their time at the store. Using the red flag laws, we can make a database of possible mentally unstable or questionable people that can be quickly checked, especially by schools, allowing them to deny entry to that student or person until they have been physically checked for weapons. Remember, the person giving their name must have a matching password so that you know it is them. But honestly, the database can also have their picture so the officer can be sure they are who they say they are.

Scheduling time to shop is as easy as going to the store website and entering your name to receive your one-time use password. Every time you need to go to the store, how easy would it be and how much safer would you feel knowing that there are prevention methods like this in use at your local grocery store? Elders could receive help outside the entry door or schedule a time to shop with their senior center personnel or caregiver or anyone can schedule their time and “trip to enter” password. Remember, the name must match the password given at the door or a security system surrounding the facility (like my new one from my company division, DeBump Engineering). Either way, we can begin to feel safe when we actually DO something instead of simply talking about it and how sad it is.

This solution may not prevent all shootings; however, it is a quick simple fix to many of the mass shootings in the news seemingly every day in America. We already have the money appropriated to implement this solution, we just need the mass production and distribution of the product for it to work. There may be even more that can be done using this idea. If you want to see this kind of protective measures in your school, hospital, or business call or contact your Congress representative and tell them to visit this site and page to read it for themselves.

Share on social media to get the ball rolling! It is up to all of us to stand up to the domestic terrorists! Our children are scared to go to school or even to the grocery store. Make your voice heard. Comment now and share with everyone you know.

Copyright, 6/2/2022, School Shootings Solution, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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