
Welcome to my solutions page! Click on highlighted solutions to some of today's toughest problems. 

This Halloween I had an inspiration and would like to share my idea from my brain to yours this Halloween or subsequent holidays like Christmas! Enjoy! Copyright, Reverse Halloween, 10-21-23, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved, but you can still do this because I agree that you should implement this right away! See photos below:

-Kids make candies and toys and give to hand-type bags or baskets on doors or porches to elders, shut-ins, disabled, other needy families, or veterans!! They can also give cards or letters as Pen Pals so they can talk or write to disabled kids and adults, seniors, and veterans or shut-ins like those going through treatments or who may be just physically disabled and need a friend to talk to or correspond with. Kids (and adults for holidays) can make lasting beautiful crafts or artwork, quilts, poems, tapes of songs, or anything of value that will lift the spirit of those they touch! Reverse Holidays like Halloween is a giving of yourself that creates memories lasting a lifetime!

As the author, keep in mind that these are a publication free to read and personal views, tips, theories, aid, or funny chapters, however, I would appreciate any gifts of appreciation if they helped or created value for you. I also want you to give me and my company credit for any of these ideas as they are my personal solutions, theories, and tips. Please do not plagiarize. I deserve to be noted as the originator of this book and its contents. I have clearly documented publication dates on every article to help others determine who said what first. If it were yours, you would feel the same as I do about intellectual property. I do not have a paper form out yet (I love trees), so I am relying on your integrity to quote my website and me when you brilliantly produce "your" information. 

If you do decide to use my solutions or ideas, I am also relying on your integrity to send me what you can as an appreciation for this knowledge.

This is a reverse payment process. You receive value, then you send the amount you determine the value is worth.  I believe that you know when you have received quality goods or services, and your conscience dictates payments accordingly. 

If you do not read your solution here, you may read further below what I need for contracted services. The non-link solutions are some of my contracted services. If you enjoy reading my listed solutions and think they are viable possibilities, then I just want to ask if it might occur to you that my contracted designs are even better?

Leaving Babies in Hot Cars Solution (This solution also works well for freezing temperatures or other applications helping everyone keep track of not just their babies, but all kinds of people or things.)

Dog Pile (Recently, October 3, 2023, I heard on the news how many countries have implemented a lake solar panel system. First, this does not cool down the lake or protect the inhabitants from the hot sun. It actually heats up the water to extremely high levels because of the metal reflections and the heat emanating from the collectively large expanse of solar collection. Secondly, it does not give fish shade; thereby, cooling them down. That would be the depths of the lake that does that job. What it does do is to prevent the sun from providing photosynthesis to the many plant life and tiny organisms that fish live on that you, sometimes, cannot even see. The fish know it and see it and you do not! Sometimes, a seeming brilliant idea is simply crap. All that the production or manufacturers of these eyesores want is to sell, sell, sell you the big idea that they can save you on your electric bill. Liars and thieves! I have a calculator that uses a tiny strip of original solar panel on it. I have had it closed up for years, yet whenever I need to use it, I simply open it up, it absorbs any light source, even my lighting in the house, and provides me with instantly accurate mathematical magical answers. I do not know if there is a battery source within its casing. I have never looked. I am just thankful that it is the most reliable calculator on the planet...for over 25 years! So, what I know about solar is that they are lying to you, they are lying to you! They have solar panels aging out in about two to three years going to your landfill to make sure that they can keep producing more money for their fraud. The same way they use lithium batteries to try to convince you that your old-style car battery is a horrible piece of junk, they do this over and over again with many really great quality and longevity products so that they can keep in business. What happens do you suppose when most everything quality and useful gets made on the planet by me and my company lifting up other quality companies and their products and services in the process until we have absolutely everything we need, want, and whim? I'll tell you what. You are out of a job! Who cares? Our ability to give each other what we must have to have quality of life becomes the norm and when we finally do drop out a design or service, people will be so eager to have something to do that they will perform like a circus monkey to make sure your product is the next on the belt. Am I a genius, or what? If you listen to these liars and thieves, you may hear them talk about my mental disability. I may be mentally challenged because I am wondering if there are any other intelligent people like me who can see through their cons and see the crap. Remember your older reliable products, please. Corelle dishes are still the best made in America and I plug them when I can. As far as my mental state, I may be in the stratosphere, but this should comfort people as they may want me to explain in detail about the crap and how to get rid of it. It is everywhere! But then, you knew that (singing bass on the wall people comes to mind). I am not saying that you can't have your crap, I am just saying that we need to have a warehouse full of it so that you can rent it out for a time then give it or exchange it for other crap. The crap will last for a while until its lifecycle gives out (not a very long process) and then you may find that the quality products at the other warehouse are so much more fun and interesting and not crap that you ditch the crap forever more. Okay. So, there will be some who cling onto their crap for antique or collectible reasons, but honestly, we can also have a warehouse for THAT! Simply go to that museum and look at it, play with it, admire it, or be amazed that it lasted as long as it has, then be thankful it is not cluttering up your house and environment or ending up in a landfill as toxic fumes to us and the animals. I may be crazy to some people, but then again, it could be that those naysayers just want to sweat it out in the factory jamming to their favorite country music..."Just a Swingin' " hoping to be a useful and productive part of society. I and other quality companies have real jobs for intelligent people, but first we have to remove the crap by not buying it or buying into the hype to make more solar panels to cover most of our lakes crapping our beautiful view, not giving us value for the horrible design, and killing our animals, trees, and us. It is up to you to make the right choices. I choose not to bury my head in the sand as they take away our voices and quality of life. I may be "out there", but then, I am not in their box. I am thinking outside their box, and they hate that.)

Can You Read? (Salt water is undrinkable, huh? Salt water corrodes metal pipes, huh? Really? We are we made of and our bodies have a lot of...salt. There are metal pipes on the bottom of the ocean floor that are NOT corroded. But today 9/26/23, on the CBS News Show Live Streaming Online, they had a news piece about how the Mississippi River has the salt water from the ocean overtaking areas of the river that are used for drinking water and making it undrinkable. They say that millions of gallons of bottled water will necessarily be bought by the government and residents so that they can have a decent drink of non-salt water. They say that we cannot drink salt water. Liars. People can drink it but may need to drink it strained or filtered like they already do to fresh water. Of course, this information totally screws the Capitalist progress to separate you from your money. They love to crap our planet with plastic bottles (all kinds) and lie to people about what they can and can't drink. Is it water? Do you drink filtered fresh water? Are you all so brainwashed or stupid that you cannot come up with an invention, you know...a filter, to filter out most of the salt in the ocean water? What do you think has been going on in your alternate reality life? Liars, Liars, Pants On Fire!!! Don't ask the so-called "experts" to tell you the truth. They have an ulterior motive or two. One is to make money from keeping you in the dark like a mushroom. Two is to make you believe that they are more intelligent than you and Mensa (Intelligence Community - NASA) and that you need to be a follower instead of a leader. As the most intelligent know-it-all in the entire universes, I will explain. I rely on smart or clever people, or even babies' intelligence to figure it out and to fix it. I am the Original Fixit (one of my many names), but I think that normal (non-queer and horrible character or evil people) are extremely intelligent. I know that you can figure out now what is going on because you have been waking up after being snowed (brain fogged and blocked) for many years. My request is that you use your commonsense to blast the stupidity into evaporation. Yeah. I know. I am asking for your help. They think that I blame you for everything that happened to me and that you blame me for "allowing" it all to happen in the first place. However, when we have totally annihilated evil from the planet, good people will understand the necessity of monitoring people's character to make sure we never have "trusted" people aspire to be at the top. That is my position, and I will NEVER relinquish it. Get over it now and just go with the knowledge that I am Goode, and they are Evil. Here it is people. My happiness and goals and interests are making YOU happy, safe, and secure. That is my favorite thing in life. They hate that.)

Love Matters (Thinking of getting married? Don't until you read this article and the one below called Me-Time Relationships. They are worth your time and effort as your eyes are permanently opened and your love-life climaxes.)

Income Tax and Deficit Solution (Your life becomes Utopia as you read. No more tax returns, ever. You get to keep eighty percent of everything you make. It also pays for every kind of human services, even food, energy, transportation, housing, head to toe body health, burial, childcare, clothing, daycare 24/7, eliminates the deficit, government services fraud, tax fraud, and more.)

Native American Indian Heritage Solution (Let me warn you all right now. You must implement this solution if you decide to use or implement any of my other solutions. I am the White Buffalo Calf Woman = HIR (Her Imperial Royal) Majesty Empress China Moon Evergreen BabyBull Love Heaven Goode Maleficent MoonEagle Powhatan - my name for the White Mountain Apache tribe. I have many names one for each tribe communications in the future. This is the first stage of my promise to give the indigenous peoples their territory, wealth, and dignity back. I am still the ruler, but they are allowed to inhabit the best places on earth that money (for now) can buy. Later, when I build our future designs, they get to ride for free. Of course, my inventions are free to those who qualify. I love you, too! The amount property tax per acre can be lowered to $15 individual and then $25 per acre per business. But you must put the money into my ruling tribes fund = HIR (Her Imperial Royal) Majesty Empress Evergreen Powhatan = ruler of the entire continent of the Americas, the world, the universes, all planets. I am the ruler of all the real Native American Tribes, and I will distribute the funds as the leader of the real League of Nations. 

No Public Schools and Welfare Solution (Prevents mass murders at schools, bullying, teacher intimidations, pigeonholing children for companies to make profits as users, drugs introduction, sex grooming or rape, long exhausting bus rides, segregation, memorization stress, one-upping clothing or trend products promotions, dumbing down, and algebra.)   

Famine Solution (How easy is it? Reading is good. Of course, the Income Tax Solution helps this problem as well!)

Combating Cancers, Diseases, and Viruses Solution (Please consider switching from peppercorn black or white pepper to cayenne pepper to sprinkle on your food! Black pepper causes prostate cancer in men, and I am not exactly sure what it has done to women except that I think it may cause breast cancers and other maladies in the vaginal area! Anyway, real vine ripened red peppers (a vegetable) are used for the cayenne pepper (pure only please) and it actually tastes better and has a better heat distribution within your dishes. There was a news piece done on this issue a few years ago, but they refused to take peppercorns off the market even though there was viable evidence that it is the cause of prostate cancer in men. What have you got to lose for switching? Red pepper cayenne tastes better and does the job better than the peppercorns. My theory is that this and other such plant seeds can kill you! It is a drupe stonefruit, according to my Google search, that is a flowering vine. It is red, turns black and hard, then is crushed for sale. It is NOT a vegetable or an edible as far as I can determine. They call it fruit, but it is not like the coffee "bean" which is actually related to cherries. The fruit cherry seeds come from the evergreen coffee plant and the goat herder Kaldi, an Ethiopian and where it all began, noticed that his goats became very energetic whenever they ate the fruit. As far as I am concerned, the coffee cherries from Ethiopia are the absolute best on the planet! Coffee "beans" are, according to the coffee websites that I visited, a real cherry, dried and edible. Check it out yourself! I have more thoughts about this solution, but these compliment some of the tips below about your body and life.)

Light Trail Solution  (I think this solution cuts energy consumption almost in half. No hyperbole! But honestly, I think I have come up with my latest invention that does away with electricity, power lines, batteries, and light bulbs and still gives us unlimited power - portable large or small. We'll see.)

Bombs On Planes Solution (Are you thinking of flying anytime soon? I wouldn't if I were you. From what I  have observed, planes cannot fly. Neither can rockets, crop dusters, drones, or helicopters. They put your vision and eyes on someone else where you are supposed to be going and when your eyes get there you do not even know that you never left the airport and at the airport you are surrounded by their people. Just a thought. If you understand about how planes cannot fly because they cannot turn left or right and cannot pick up such a heavy load using the stupid design (not mine) that pushes the vehicle forward 900 miles per hour until it hits a mound of dirt, then you may be able to believe that I am a real. As evidence I will put it as simply as I can, and you can investigate and decide for yourself using your own brain to ask questions of the so-called experts how they achieve the seeming impossible on a daily basis. I worked in a fabrication facility making airplane parts. That titanium is at least two or more inches thick for the aircraft, then you add furniture, interior, wiring, electronics, luggage, engines, fuel, average 150 lbs. a piece people - about 120 - per jet, airline crew, captains, cockpit equipment, etc. Then, you calculate how much heat would be generated by the engines trying to push that forward fast enough to lift it all off the ground using only thin flaps on wings midway on the plane to lift the craft's heavy frontend. It can't. Necessarily, there would need be a jet engine located underneath the front of the plane to push the nose off the ground, then a tail engine or two to provide counter air pressure for the backend. Then, you also need extra jet engines or pressure apparatus either under the plane or each side of it to make the extremely heavy equipment turn left or right. Because, you see, the jets only make the craft move forward. They are not on an up and down or around swivel to push the craft in any other direction. Also, the engines would get extremely hot and melt the engine as the intake blades in the front that suck in birds also fuels the fire making it get hotter and hotter. If the engines were off, then the air intake would, indeed, cool down the engine, but when jet fuel is supplied in abundance (and ignited?), then the air fans the flames and heats the expulsion or backside of the jet to such an extent that it has flames of fire shooting from it. Landing would also be difficult, at best, as the engines and "flaps" would not be able to prevent the nosedive that would occur as the plane dips down (on one side?) as the engines push forward was incrementally decreased to slow the planes forward movement. How big are those flaps, anyway? I have watched the supposed flying of planes and cannot see them actually working! They provide a little wind interruption, but if you used one to try to turn the plane, it would dip down on that side. Yes, this is disturbing and possibly insane, but then again, maybe I have provided pilots and astronauts with enough thoughts about it all to investigate on their own and get back to us about it. Video/audio crapping your vision? all over the world? on every pole? on towers, telephone poles, and other tall things with electricity like transformers we do not need to boost energy down the line from one pole to the next after it has been heated up? and re-energized the lines? to send the same substation current of electricity further down the line? Why do transformers need to SUCK energy off the electric lines to REHEAT energy with acid to send it...Oh well, I am crazy they say. Still, I wonder...Planes still fall from the sky killing millions though, just saying...). Of course, it could also be that the energy suckers are simply sending free energy to their family of homes and businesses...down the line while you pay your energy bill monthly through the nose!


Potable Plastics Hack (Yes, I know that I am giving away a solution for retail using this hack, but seriously, it is important for people to begin to have relief from the trash! The pileup is ruining MY beautiful view!)

Plastic Pretenders (Are they still telling you how horrible are plastics? Liars. You can use gloves to pull out your plug from your computer now!)

The New Professionalism (They stole this thought, but you can take it to the bank that you don't need the cleaners anymore. They hate that. Also, the etiquette used is usually to keep you from being human. And might I say that clothing does NOT make the man. A very poor person with dirty clothing but with good character mostly means that they are hard-working and talented. They look nasty and usually just do exactly what they want because they understand that their "look" has been stigmatized and judged before people even know their good character. The really ironic part is that you use those truck drivers, plumbers, electricians, and construction workers on a daily basis and are very obsequious when you ask them to...fix it. Come down off your high-horse and try to train yourself to give those trendy fashion freak queers the finger as they attempt to make you like them...queer...and inhuman.)

Fat Wallet (An apple is a meal. As they raise prices, you can lose the phat body and increase your bank account.)

May The Force Be With You (Did you know that the reason whales and other marine life have been washing up on shores all over the world is that the marine scientists have been placing machines on the ocean floor disrupting the natural frequencies of marine animals so that they cannot navigate away from the beach? In fact, those humongous ugly turbines out in the ocean have been sending waves of frequencies and humming into the ocean traveling almost all the way around the world, which is killing all kinds of marine life and contributing to the extermination of coral reefs. These stupid absolute morons justify their activities tagging marine life to track where they go in the efforts to place machines along the ocean floor meant to kill them where the animals travel and live. Turbine humongous blades have been winding up in landfills, as well. The photographs online that I found show an extremely large graveyard of only two-year-old massive blades that they are filling landfills with saying that the metal blades were defective and had to be replaced. What? Metal. Hmmm. Really? If the metal is that defective then we should simply remove ALL turbines, especially those in the water, because they are crap anyway! Has YOUR energy bill decreased significantly or enough that you are willing to kill all marine life and crap up your beautiful view? Me neither. Go get 'em! Oh, yeah! The same can be said of solar panels. They are also putting these in the landfills saying that after two years they are not working anymore. LIARS! My calculator has a strip of solar on it that even with its cover over it for over a year still works perfectly. I have had this calculator for over 22 years! It works great! The solar panels just keep working, but seriously, how much has your energy bill decreased as acres of panels crap up your beautiful view and take up massive amounts of green space? Hey! I tell you what. You simply take those unnecessary acid canisters - boosters for the alien's video machines - or transformers from off our telephone poles and we will have an immediate boost of massive amounts of energy; thereby, significantly decreasing your energy bill. I mean, seriously, what exactly do we need to boost using transformers? What exactly are they attempting to do, boost the electricity as it reaches that transformer because it peters out at that point? Do we need to change the strength of the electric in those copper wires to make energy go further, faster, or can we unhook their transformers from where they are clipped onto the lines and instantly find a miracle of unlimited energy supply? I hope they hate me, hate me, a lot! The feeling is mutual.)

Eating Disorder (Having problems with your gut microbiome? Have they told you that you need medication to restore your good bacteria so that your gut and intestines return to normal good bacteria? They are liars! Simply eat...grass. Not the stick kind but the soft green sweet kind. It does not taste bad at all, and you can actually live on it! You can make salads with it adding veggies or fruit, herbs or spices, sauces, or mushrooms and flower petals. Try it. You know, puppies, kitties, horses, cows, goats, pigs, and many other animals eat it frequently to...clean out their gut from worms or other bad bacteria they may have from possible bad meats or water. I grab a handful or two of the soft green grass in my yard and chew it by itself and swallow it. The next day, my poop smells like grass! My stomach feels great and my gut, pee, and poop are completely normal with no incontinence! It could be that by eating grass and drinking or eating your citrus, your gut, colon, and body will be pristine clean! No maladies, aches, pains, or doctor visits. An apple a day keeps the doctor away but so does grass! What a relief!)

Exercise In Longevity (Stop wasting your money, time, effort, and gas going to the gym. You look good, anyway.)

Evil Extermination (We all hate evil, don't we? Oops! Is it against the law to "hate" that? Hmmm.)

Be Clean and Live the Simple Life (Stop buying their products to improve your body image, smell, or simply just buying something for something to do. You can say no and it is okay. I promise this will work giving you more money and time and beauty than you ever had before. All the junk you slather on your head and body to clean it or make it smell good is actually making it impossible for the opposite sex to smell the real you. No wonder divorce is over 87%. In fact, read below Me-Time Relationships to divest thyself of guilt, desperation, and suicidal tendencies of loneliness.)

Btree Wannabees (We need our oxygen-producing organic machines, trees. These organic machines keep space at bay as pressure between the firmament and Earth's surface and allow the planet to grow. If you cut down your oxygen trees, vegetation, and weeds, you are heating up the planet, as well, which causes deserts and climate change to high temperatures your body cannot withstand. There are aliens out there whose goal is to turn this planet into Mars. They will take you to Mars to live in itty-bitty living conditions, provide space suits for you to go out and play with rocks, then eliminate all oxygen on Earth while you are stuck up there, then tell you in a non-apologetic manner that you are about to die on Mars because the oxygen has completely disappeared and you are about to die from lack of it.)

Beans, Beans (This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are all human...well, at least I am.)

Food For Thought (There are those that love the crap. They buy that singing bass and knick-knacks or foods with words they cannot pronounce because they rely on the experts and FDA and other government organizations to screen unsafe products or services. Just like that drug advertisement that tries to convince people that they need it to survive (a short time) even though it does not cure their malady, your life is an experiment for producing anything and everything to part you from your money, property, or assets and to kill you so that they can then claim it all with a quit claim deed at the courthouse. Crap in our food is not our only problem with the users, is it?)

On The Fly: (Short Solutions List)


Lemonade Stand Theory (Why are the grapefruits the size and color of oranges? If you take blood pressure medication, stop. You will not die. Drink or eat citrus fruits to prevent all kinds of maladies and plaque buildup. Grapefruits - half a section about three times per week - prevents soft tissues like your brain matter or membranes from accumulating crap. The drug companies love you only as long as you survive their diagnosis, medical advice, unnecessary surgeries and screenings, and drug programs. They make people think that they have these horrible problems, then they make sure they die as a result of it to prove their processes of human elimination, money production, and lies. When I was about fourteen to sixteen years old, I had severe knees pain, both knees. My mother took me to five different specialists trying to find out how to relieve my pain. All five said that I should be in a wheelchair and that one knee alone would cost $24,000.00 surgery to fix it. My mother could not afford it, so the next week I signed up for track at school. I won the all-state finals one-hundred-yard hurdles dash and the four forty relay race as well as discus throw (74 yards). These evil pieces of crap using my Spirit (Super Imposer) machine - frequency DNA onto your DNA = short explanation (I am an extreme inventor off the chart beyond your wildest imagination - I have found no end to it) to torture and kill people gave up and I no longer have crappy knees. How peculiar, yes? My advice is to completely ignore your "maladies" such as bulges for cancer, even colon cancer (read above about daily eating grass) - if you go to the doctor (I am not a doctor but I play one on T.V.) you will definitely die, tiredness, insomnia, arthritis, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, diabetes, twisted ankles, charley horses, back pains - power through it, gout, visual cuts that won't seem to heal, soars - put alcohol on them, horrible eyesight - buy several cheap eyeglasses at the dollar store - you choose the strength - spread them all over your house and car - your eyes will get better I promise because they will give up, and more. You can also torture your torturers intelligently to make them get off your butt. You can figure it out. Power walk, go swimming, play pickleball, you get the idea. Can I prove any of this. You are intelligent. I rely on Your intelligence to figure out whether I am crazy - I am diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder = manic and depressed at the same time, but I do not present with these at all. maybe I am a little bit ninety miles per hour at times, but honestly, I never get suicidal at all. I am an extreme optimist! They hate that.)

Theory of Resting Force (This theory will be debated for eons. Let me just go ahead and make your conclusion. I am right.)

E=MxM-R Theory (E=MC squared debunked.)

Earth Recalibration Theory (You better hurry, hurry.)

MUSE: Spirit adviser.

Me-Time Relationships (Freedom from relationship stalkers, having only one mate, marriage, religion, users, isolation, depression, inferiority complex, lack of self-esteem, divorce, and sin. Yes, I know. I love you, too.)

GURU: (There is more that I could add to the list of myself, but I just wanted you to know that even though I know it all, I still rely on everyone else's intelligence to figure it out. Yes, I sometimes think about it to drop it out, but this does not mean that I want YOUR job or life. On the contrary, I have a glitch. I love all life and have the propensity to fix it. I am the Original Fixit, the Originator. Knowing this about myself, I fixed it for our future so that I do not have to fix it again. All I have to do is to be myself and it fixes everything eliminating all evil plants, animals, and people from the planet and all the universes. I am THAT Goode!)

AI Copyright (Thieves. Your intellect is being sold to the highest bidder and that woman with the AI plugged into her brain they say allows everyone to see her computer avatar speaking what she is thinking is screaming inside! You cannot know if what they say she is saying is true. What could be happening is that she hates the guy with her and is possibly an important person they need to authorize some kind of contract or agreement. They hooked her up to AI to fool people into thinking that she is saying what is on the do not know for sure...then they will say for her exactly what is needed to perform legal business. This is only a theory but is a very real possibility. Can you ask her using people or authorities other than those people she is surrounded by if what she is saying on the screen is what she means to say? Of course, she may be under pressure like me and is either worried about them killing her or someone she knows, or they are nodding her head for her using this machine and an AI programming. Removing her from her surroundings for an extended period of time, removing the inserted AI programming or electric shock treatments, and preventing her from signing or agreeing to any legal maneuvers could give you human credit saving her life, someone else's, or yours! As for me, they are totally frustrated as I dance on their Graves.)

Gratuity Management (I must confess that in the past I have been complicit with evil. I allowed them to put restaurant waitresses and staff on the floor without basic minimum wage by tipping fifteen percent (who can calculate this on the fly?). Now, I do not tip, but still have that guilty feeling as I am given nasty go-to-hell looks from my server. Hey, server! Maybe you should consider unionizing and going on strike like President Biden professes to love so that you can be given minimum wage or even go so far as to demand associate pay (assistant manager pay in disguise) so that the rest of us must pay even more for our food? (Read, Union Busting.) I mean, really, you can do exactly like the Writers Guild, UAW, and other unions by getting your fair share of the efforts to jack up prices so that the top tier can lord it over everyone else. Either that or just get a better job! I need those coins - for a little while at least - to put in my piggy bank!)

Value-Added Education (They really know your child and that child's potential. It is all planned out for their future and there was nothing you could do about it, until now.)

Perspective (You never knew me. Or did you? Are you crazy? My awesome good history is important proving your insanity and total lack of good character.)


Please be aware that some of these solutions require me to build manufacturing facilities, hire employees, buy materials and machines, and possibly contracting to other companies or people to help achieve contracted services requests. However, for some of these solutions, like relationships or sovereign and anti-war solutions, I may be able to solve these in a few paragraphs. I may suggest an amount I hope to receive for any services, but most times I rely on your integrity to gift me what you believe my problem-solving skills are worth to you.

Economy Solution (Future Solutions Consulting/ R.R.D.D. and All Divisions and Affiliates) - This solution is mostly readable solutions above, but I can also tweak those or provide more precise paths for long-standing quality or permanent solutions. I expect these solutions to be on-going whack-a-mole type situation analysis as conditions may rapidly change.

Human Trafficking and Border Solution (RRDD Technology/ Future Solutions Consulting/MoonEagle Security/ MoonEagle Logistics/ DeBump Engineering Divisions) - This solution requires modification of traditional old designs but can be helpful until I make my new machines and methods replacing this temporary fix to the problem.

Opioid and Drug Solution (RRDD Technology/ Tornadic Aerospace Engineering/ MoonEagle Security/ MoonEagle Logistics/ ReBox Retail/ Botakanban Technologies/ MeBiometrics/ Sunray Energy Divisions) - This solution requires my new Retail Solution which is services provided by in-house designs and machines. 

Social Media Solution (Botakanban Technologies/ RRDD Technology/ DHorizon Publishing - AGM Heart Gallery Company and EHorizon Publishing - Popparazi Company/ MeBiometrics - Clean B Company/ Future Solutions Consulting/Fashon - Leather Threads Company/ Love MoonEagle Divisions) - This solution may be achieved by changing current processes, providing my new methodologies, programming, and applications that I must build and establish as those company divisions listed above. But I think it would not take very long to bring this solution into reality as I may be able to use existing technologies and companies to achieve success.

Energy Solution (Sunray Energy/ RRDD Technology/ MoonEagle Security/ MoonEagle Logistics/ Sobat Energies/ Batray Energy/ Borcor Industries/ Tornadic Aerospace Engineering/ MeBiometrics/ DeBump Engineering/ Botakanban Technologies/ Inventorspot/ Leafy Green Agriculture/ Animatron Divisions) - Cutting energy consumption in half or almost half may be solved using the above Light Trail Solution, but there are many more designs I have that will give us perpetual no fossil fuel sustainable cheap effective and efficient energy on demand. The complete solution is mostly services provided from in-house machines and methodologies and establishing facilities and processes for each of my divisions listed above. It would not take too long to generate sustainable energy using non-in-house designs or methods, but there needs to be a collaborative decision to use existing old designs or to simply proceed with my secret in-house services first. I do not share in-house designs, etc., but may ask you or your team questions helping me determine your budget, timeline, or interest in reversing climate change as to which way to proceed completely solving this problem.

Transportation Solution (RRDD Technology/ Tornadic Aerospace Engineering/ MoonEagle Security/ MoonEagle Logistics/ ReBox Retail/ Botakanban Technologies/ Q.E.C. - Quality Exchange Consignments/ Logisticspot/ Truckerspot Divisions) I have a non-in-house design that I think will modify existing vehicles from using gas or fossil fuels, but I need to consult with knowledgeable combustion engineers about the viability of my concept. If not, then I have in-house designs that totally take over most transportation we use today. My company is a start-up, but I expect to offer transport services for every need in the future. It does take time, money, manufacturing, and manpower to produce these machines and methods, but the sky is the limit. My transports all fly using no fossil fuels at all! They are quiet, extremely safe, do not fall from the sky, are quality, with longevity! How exciting!

Housing Solution (Hogan Housing/ Tornadic Aerospace Engineering/ RRDD Technology/ Batray Energy/ MoonEagle Logistics/ Sunray/ Sobat Energies Divisions) - My housing solution is similar to my transportation solution in that my houses fly. But they are also not made from wood products. My transport housing is also NOT all small living spaces but can be very large spacecraft. Yes, I have actual aerospace machines for space travel, too, that may be built sometime later. But as I am attempting to explain, I am in reality and my company, and its divisions must be built over time with collaborative efforts of good people who can help make it all happen.

Food and Obesity Solution (Edifu Foods/ Tornadic Aerospace Engineering/ ReBox Retail/ Sunray Energy/ Logisticspot/ Leafy Green Agriculture - Freedom Farms Company/ MeBiometrics - I B Clean Company - Divisions) - Some of this solution may be found in my articles you may read above, but there are actual formulas I think will help you achieve normal body shape. I also am interested in bringing back clean, non-chemical, original foods as an offering from my Edifu Foods and my affiliates. Affiliates may be single persons or may be a large company. I believe in giving people as many good choices making them happy as I possibly can. We are human. We deserve the best of EVERYTHING!

Retail Solution (RRDD Technology - ETIB Economies Company/ Tornadic Aerospace Engineering/ ReBox Retail/ MoonEagle Security/ MoonEagle Logistics/ Logisticspot/ Sunray Energy/ Q.E.C. - Quality Exchange Consignments/ Leafy Green Agriculture/ Edifu Foods Divisions) This is it. The most amazing machine in the world that is totally secret in-house design, but you will see it at work and simply love the services it offers. I will admit that using this one machine I totally replace all retail stores, all transport of retail and products, remove all packaging, packing materials, pallets, boxes, plastic wraps, or anything traditional movement of products as it is today! Yes. This means that many millions of people will lose their jobs, but understand that I and my company employees, along with various industry advisors and professionals, will collaborate to make sure my other factories or services absorb people from these industries so as not to negatively disrupt the economy. Relax. It is possible, but it will take time, planning, and compassion for people who have worked hard in these areas helping them transition into a new job or something they love to do. Do you believe in the endless possibilities that I am an unknown genius that even my family did not know? Think about how your stress and chaos melts away as you read my solution articles above. Then, I want you to open your mind to the possibilities that I have more to offer. Can't we all come together to make it a reality for humanity and nature? It is up to you, of course. I am here, waiting for you to make up your mind and then act on your decision. I am hopeful there are others out there who are tired of the daily horrible grind and want real answers how to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Domestic Violence Solution (Future Solutions Consulting/ MeBiometrics - Clean B and I B Clean Companies/ Love MoonEagle Divisions) - Me-Time Relationships article above is a good beginning achieving successful self-confident interactions with those we love, but my divisions companies are planned to offer way more emotional and physical solutions, methods, and help that people need to let go those feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, anger, and sadness. Using my methods and services, you can finally relax as your life slows down and you are not anxious to receive love from people. In the future, there is more than enough love to go around and there are usually several people you may add to your circle of support. Physically, you are not sinful. You are needy. Emotionally, as well. My Domestic Violence Solution involves building my company divisions adding services, adding employees or members as it grows giving us all the opportunity to help everyone else feel worthy of love and totally human.

Total Cyber Security Solution (MoonEagle Security/ Botakanban Technologies/ Animatron/ RRDD Technology Divisions) - This solution may require my new satellites built in-house secret designs, but it also requires my new methodologies and lean technologies to eliminate piracy, invasions of privacy, theft of transferred media, documents, designs, or secrets, and completely secure knowledge that the person or company you think you are communicating with is actually the real deal. Also, it takes out of the loop any possibility that criminals or con artists can convince you to give them your money, your information, or even the time of day! I can implement non-in-house effective ways to prevent cyber security breaches, especially in secret facilities or departments, but the long-term solution is a service my company divisions above provide. No passwords needed.

Sovereignty and Anti-War Solution (Future Solutions Consulting/ Tornadic Aerospace Engineering/ RRDD Technology/ MoonEagle Security/ MoonEagle Logistics Divisions) - This solution is, perhaps, the easiest and doesn't require many sentences to achieve. It is that simple. And it works like a dream! I came up with this solution while watching the news. It just about blew my own mind. How easy is that, I wondered? I went over and over it in my mind, turning it this way and that and I still believe that it solves sovereignty and prevents any wars in the future! It does require world-wide agreement and collaboration, but it is probably my best solution yet!

Do you need a common-sense solution to a complex problem? Why not allow me the opportunity to help you when others have not? I only get paid when I provide a good solution. There is no fee for an initial consultation. Pay rate is determined by size of problem, but my prices are very reasonable. Many times, I will simply have you agree that I am the solution provider in writing, give you (must be a real good person of integrity as I determine) the solution as I have above if it does not require trade secret designs. Trade secret designs remain with my company and are not available as a part of my concept engineer design and invention services provided by my parent company, Round Robin Distribution Designs, LLC. Be a part of history and buy a solution, methodology, qualitative security analysis, or design today!

What I need:
Just send in English using my contact form your name, company name, mailing address, contact email, phone number, and a detailed description of your problem with a timeline to solve. U.S. and allies only. Please include your budget and as much detail as you can about your problem. You may include pictures or video to help explain the problem. For very complex problems, it may take up to 30 days or more to provide a more complete solution. If, however, you have a short timeline, I may still be able to help develop a plan of attack for your situation. If your company has a cancer, I can provide specific plans to eliminate security threats interior or exterior. 

Please explain bottlenecks with as much detail as possible for the best outcome. Also include whether this is a small (individual), medium (organization), large (government), or extra-large solution for billing purposes. Be advised that the solutions, advice, or proposals are personal views and knowledge not relying on standard licensure. There is no guarantee that this personal advice will work for you, your business, or government. However, you may find that unconventional insight is better than traditional offerings from others. 

Depending on the complexity of the problem, I, or one of my secret-cleared employees, will inform you of the price you should expect to pay for the complete solution, etc. if it is a contracted solution or you may be asked to simply donate what you think my solution is worth to you. Also, please advise us if you need a confidential correspondence. Confidential correspondence may be handled using secured couriers or contracted security transport services. I personally handle each case, and someone will contact you as soon as possible using the email with which you send your request, or you may send contact mail or email address. If an exchange of products or services is your payment, please be sure to list them in your correspondence.

I do not share my client list and your problems are strictly confidential. I want your repeat business. If your problem cannot be solved, I will contact you and no charges apply. Please review my Terms and Conditions before using any of my services. I published these solutions to provide clients an idea of how difficult tasks are approached, but some of these solutions may be bought. All contracting solutions clients are served by Future Solutions Consulting.

When I send you a good contracting solution, I will either send you a suggested payment (not mandatory) via mail or email or send confirmation of service records so you may then donate an amount suggested. Or, if contracted services, I will send a regular contracted bill that we have agreed upon at the time that I provide the solution. I only accept checks, money orders, or cash in the mail unless the solution is extra-large. Be aware that extra-large solutions require more research and possible outsourced generic consulting. However, I inform clients before contracting for outside services. In this case, the fee is negotiable, and direct billing for this service. 

Many times, there is no set fee for our services. Your integrity determines value or worth of any advice, solutions, proposals, or consulting services. Although not mandatory, you may send whatever amount as a personal gift to me, the solution provider and Guru, for advice or solutions. I believe that you know when you have received quality service and want your repeat business. There may be several different stages or steps of solutions, but I provide the absolute best and cost-effective results for clients.

Thank you for your interest! Solutions For Our Future! See you on the flip side of life!

Please donate to my cause cleaning and saving the planet and humanity! The RRDD Project is a personal project. Donations are gifts and will be sent to help me make new designs to donate to the project and to help defray personal costs incurred during project planning. You must be at least 18 years old to donate funding gifts or verified guardian approval. Thank you for your help!