The New Professionalism

You look uncomfortable. Ties and collars or dresses and high heels are sooooo yesterday! The new look for intelligence is comfortability. Wearing loose clothing that covers your body, but it is not flowing enough to trip you up is the better look for this new age. Scarves, belts, or ties of any kind get in your way, and they get caught in doors or dragged through the mud.

Why do you still cling to the old way of clothing your body? Do you really think you seem smarter by binding your body in tight and uncomfortable materials? Linen, cotton, and silk are best comfort and even work better than jeans material when traveling through the woods. You are better able to avoid obstacles because it is easier to move and stretch your body or contort yourself to maneuver out of the way of danger.

Besides the obvious benefits of loose and comfortable clothing in the professional world, especially places like television media positions or the business office, your look says, “I am smart enough to be good to myself no matter what you want to sell me to wear.” I am not impressed with your sales technique of peer pressure or trending runway efforts to make me conform to your lifestyle. I am my own person and I demand comfort over “style” any day of the week. My style is comfort. My look is smart. My business is trending. It is easy for others to see my lack of stress and conformity in my smile and happiness of being.

Even my shoes are like house shoes with a flexible hard bottom that I can wear anywhere. I do not have to have shoes that my feet must conform to. My shoes conform to my feet, and I feel free and fabulous! I do not expect to go to work in a steel factory or other place that requires steel-toed boots. I am sure that within those danger zones, I can slap some on my feet for a short period of time to keep my toes from being smashed. But I am mostly just tooling around town or in the office or store and have a clean and safe place to step. So, I have decided to be myself, an intelligent human being. I have said good-bye to the old “fashion” and am saying yes to not dressing for success.

What I say matters, anyway, no matter if I conform to society trends or become the new one. Who wants to see someone’s scrunched up face as they try not to tug at their clothing trying to get comfortable? I, for one, will be smiling all the way to the bank! My new close-fitting, yet loose, clothing is from American companies and other types of t-shirt material companies and is available for under $10 to $20 at local stores! My shoes are also from there and they feel great! I bought a hoodie-style zip-up cotton jogging jacket and it sheds water just fine. I wear a cardigan sweater during cold weather, and these are sufficient for my needs as I do not expect to go to the slopes any time soon.

You look uncomfortable. How about making a week of comfortability for us all just to try it out? Why not all agree in our office or school or wherever to all come to our meetings or work as the most comfortable-looking person on the planet? You wouldn’t believe how many people will think you are the most brilliant person they have ever known and will want to follow your “trend”.

Go ahead. Tell them where to buy their new look, but make sure to give the clothing companies a head’s up so that they can make enough to clothe us all at the same time! I have mine, but I may want more in the future, so please don’t cramp my style by buying it out from under me! I love you, but don’t mess up my good thing, please! Just get yours, then give the tied-up people that sideways half-lidded expression that says to them that their "look" is out of style and sooooo yesterday!

Copyright, The New Professionalism, 2/27/2018, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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