Theory About Evolution

Scientists and archeologists teaching the evolution theory explain that man descended from apes as a gradual growth from a creature that walked on all fours to a very tall human such as we have today. My question may seem simple, but I think it debunks the theory of man’s evolution from apes to humans.

My questions are these: If man evolved from apes to the human form, why then do we still have apes in their original form? Why didn’t they evolve along with the rest of us? I mean, how is it possible that their DNA is so perfect that it does not need to “evolve”, too? Also, why is there historical evidence of extremely large giants who roamed the earth as granite footprints and bones found all over earth, yet Darwin theorists coverups are allowed to continue propaganda refuting physical evidence? 

Archeologists have clear physical evidence of American Indian bones and culture proving that my family, the giants, lived here long before any other humans on earth. The caves and mounds hold skeletal remains of my giant ancestors. The effort to cover up the truth that human existence was long before the Christian religious stories of God or a son of God were told. Giants are my relatives. They are my ancestors. They are real. And I am still here. We were not killed off and for people on this planet that pray to God or Jesus Christ as their savior, I know for a fact that he isn't coming back. However, I am here to help the planet and humans as my ancestors did long ago. I am of ancient history and knowledge that I hope to share with good people on earth. So, what you may think or say of me, you should carefully consider how I may help you and your family in the future. It is personal. 

You want to talk about racism? What hypocrisy by blacks, whites, other races and tribes! Begin with the oldest human race on the planet when you want to highlight the race most degraded or ignored or exploited and recipient of extreme racism! My family, the giants and American Indians - not black, not even a little bit by the way, and never were, are important to humanity. We are the oldest and largest known bones on the planet. Thousands of other bones have been found all across the world and in America of skeletons over eight feet to over eighteen feet in height. But it is my estimation that giants were even taller and able to pick up very heavy rock or granite to build pyramids and platforms on which to sit and eat or get away from high water.

This destroying evidence and crushing media coverage of us is to squash real history. They have been on a religious mission to back the Darwin theory of evolution, which is the Big Lie, or the God theory, which is unprovable. The original humans, my family, are millions of years old, carbon dated, and giant in stature with bones to prove it. And I, as a smaller stature descendent, am here to help other humans because that is what my family have always done in history. The fact that you are all equally human, not just separate races, is how I value your existence. This allows me to offer my abilities helping you live better longer. Take that, you racist blacks, browns, yellows, and whites, etc.!

You know what really pisses me off, though? The pyramids all over the world, but especially here in North America, Cahokia, Monks Mounds, were built by my family, the giants. You HAVE heard of the Giants of New York, haven't you? They were not humanoids, but real humans with culture, forts, and civilizations. Who did you think the team's name referred to, anyway? Not pigmies! They were an actual tribe of giants who lived mainly on Long Island, New York and up and down the East Coast. So, the truth of the matter is that my ancestors physically picked up and moved those massive blocks of granite to build, not only the pyramids here in America, but also in Egypt, Mexico, Spain, Peru, etc. as landing cradles for ancient spaceships. THAT is how they were built, people. Try sweeping that under the rug!

The most hysterically funny part, if not so serious, about it all is that the so-called intelligent archeologists, historians, and scientists have not even given one sentence of credit for these feats to my family!!! Outrageous!!! They KNOW giants lived millions of years ago up until a disaster and other tribes killed them off because of their size, but they still refuse to admit the clear physical evidence proving their existence because it totally debunks the Christian theory of God. I must say that I am glad to be of average height now (although I also think that I am almost as tall as the Sequoia tree in California called, the Captain), because more likely than not, I would be hunted down and killed if my height were anything above eight feet! That must also be why the "ignorant" chopped down our large oxygen-producing and air pressure-producing trees! Idiots!

Another thing to think about when considering evolution is that humans have growth patterns inconsistent with ape structures, in that, we gain height as the atmosphere on Earth decompresses. This decompression elongates our frames the same way that astronauts in space tend to stretch out and grow taller the longer they are in outer space. Some years, humans tend to grow taller than other years. Have apes done this? As far as the bones tell us, the apes have pretty-much stayed the same height from the oldest bones to those of today. Along with genetic inclination, the atmospheric decompression could explain why some people grow taller than expected during their growing years. Also, it could explain why people shrink in stature as they grow older. Their tissues and bones are not able to withstand the compressed atmosphere and the human body gradually diminishes in size. Apes are closer to the ground, hunched over in a crouching position that may resist atmospheric compression or decompression. 

Now, I am not saying for sure, but there is rampant theory that a human in the past DID mate with a gorilla and produced offspring. It is a possibility. That may be why there is evidence of ape-shaped skulls on the planet today promoting the evolution theory that we ALL came from apes. Not me or my family, however. Our heads are more human-shaped and familiar, though larger, and much, much older than the ape-skulls. There may be some speculation as to which species of human IS related to the gorilla, though. Very controversial, but interesting. That is up for debate, but here we are again. Where did those ape-skulls come from, anyway? Could it be that Lord God and his gang snowed under the real God, myself, for centuries and then made his DNA with black ape DNA and other animals using my animal machine for this planet to make ape-like humans? Some "people" = dust-humans from Lord God, not the real God = look like their dog. They shove Tarzan the Ape-man in your face and tell you that humans really evolved from apes hoping to convince you that they are the superior race and the originals of this planet. Liars! I am not an ape! I am truly a giant human, the original Creator, the Mother of all inventions, and can prove it. Just saying...

It might also be noteworthy to point out that the apes brain function is nowhere close to that of a human. Sure, they can learn about a hundred words or so, but can they perform math functions in their head? Monkey see, monkey do. It does not make sense that our supposed ape ancestors had hair covering their bodies, either – head to toe – still do, yet we humans (especially the females) have specific hair placements. The females, for example, do not have hair on their backs. As an important feature, the hair would cover the back of animals to keep them warm in the winter or to shed water, as the apes do. Many human males have hair on their backs, but females are smooth skinned. In the ape world, they all have an abundance of hair covering their bodies. So, why do you suppose humans and not apes have a ‘head of hair’? If evolution were correct, the apes would also have a full head of hair like us.

My final point here is that our language and mannerisms are so much more superior than apes that if the apes had “evolved” along with humans, they would have had a larger vocabulary and brain function than they do today. What I do think about humans is that they are born of different species, just like a flower or a dog. There are many genetic differences such as hair color, face shapes, heights, weights, etc. from one person to another. My giant ancestor's skeletons have been found with red hair still on their head. If you go to Scotland, you will find light-skinned ‘Scottish-looking’ people. If you go to Africa, you will find different tribes of dark-skinned ‘African-looking’ people. Native Americans also have many tribes with different features, yet they are mostly olive-skinned, which makes them related. The giant families were this color, not red, but a green tinge skin. It is when different cultures inter-married and produced offspring that peoples skin color, facial and body features, changed.

One of the reasons the ‘experts’ in the scientific field came up with evolution is that they are against religious explanations of human existence. They are Atheists. I am simply non-religious. I do not follow religious restrictive doctrine, rather the natural order of things. I do explain, however, some theories using known ideologies. Now, I am not here to debate that theory, but I do believe in a supreme being as a creator or designer/inventor/solution provider like me because knowledge is powerful and however we came to be had to be the work of a master. The evidence of that is all around us and is so detailed that the greatest minds of our time up until now cannot explain it all. As a human, I am giving it my best shot.

I must confess that I am a concept big picture design engineer. So, I may expound a bit as to my reasoning about God and the possibility that I somehow inherited knowledge about subjects that may be interesting or important to some scholars. Some would put limits on such a powerful artist thinking that a supremely intelligent being can somehow be explained using their limited knowledge or experience. I disagree.

To begin all creation of lighted elements, there was first a black void which sparked brilliant lit colors as friction or ‘lightning’ occurred as elements collided in the vastness. The masses magnetically attracted or gathered creating a humongous form. This became the Sun which grew hotter and hotter as it collected friction and gases became trapped inside its orb. Then, friction again ignited or blew out one side of the orb to make the Sun spin until it exploded. Of course, to us, this takes millions of years. This is how planets were made as the Sun threw out molten lave rocks in all directions across the universe. I believe God (not a religious entity) chose to make the Sun, then planets, and universes because it is possible that God does love the light. Being able to see in the dark, God, like us, is intrigued, curious, fascinated by how the light plays with the dark, overcoming its depth in violent blooming displays of startling mesmerizing rainbows. God loves rainbows, too, I suppose.

And, because the God is all-mighty, doesn’t it make sense that the universe(s) and all in it were created from a beautiful mind? Doesn’t it also make sense that when you are God, time is limitless, and, at the same time, meaningless? Do you think that being God, it is just as easy to go either forward or backward in time, at will? Therefore, time and the events of our lives may be molded to suit His/Her preference. In other words, we are a planned event to God. God knows everything about his/her (God can be both at any time as anyone or anything or many at once – almighty, remember?) creations from seed to dust.

To all those God-fearing religious faiths who may think that the savior is coming back some day to take them to heaven, I just have these questions. How do you know if your savior isn't already here? Also, could a real physical person (not necessarily a man) have real viable creative abilities lifting up and enlightening humans by saving them with safety, security, quality of life, and longevity? If you can put down your doctrines long enough to pay attention to something or some other words than what someone else has written, you may be on your way to understanding and salvation. 

Calling names or saying someone is crazy does not take away reality or words. You cannot deny in your inadequacy the very real possibility that one person who loves all living things could be here to save everyone else. God, your bible says, used to walk in "his" garden. What is to say that when Jesus Christ came out of the tomb that he was now she and the disciples did not recognize her? Also, would a real God put a cross all over the world, even on people's skin, to remind his only begotten human son not to try to replace him or God would again have him crucified and killed? Would you do that to your only child? No? Then, why on earth would you believe that a supreme being would do that to any of creation? God so love the world...and all that. Here is the truth. You, as a spirit, are a very tiny particle of the original spirit. You cannot die in spirit. The original spirit loves itself; therefore, you. However, there is a deformity of spirit called evil. It must be isolated because it cannot die either. It is the Creators plan (you can read about it in the Christian bible text in Revelations) to rid the earth of evil, preventing it from going to and fro on the face of the earth. It is dying today all over earth and as its spirit goes up to the firmament, it is unable to come back down to earth again as has been happening over and over for all mankind. It will be contained in the firmament for eternity which will someday burn. This is the knowledge handed down that many read in their doctrine as the end of the world. The evidence that I am right is happening as we speak.

We, as humans, need to look up for answers as well as to each other. We need to believe in the possibility that someone, a real person, has the answers saving good people from disaster. You believe in words written by humans. Why not believe mine? Are you afraid I may be telling the truth? What if I am telling the truth? What does that mean for your life and those you love? My last question is, "How can I help?" For our planet and lives are miniscule compared to the vastness of God’s canvas. And, in God’s plans for us, for those of you who believe in a supreme being, I do not believe that we would be made to evolve alone. Therefore, if humans from different cultures or areas evolve differently, then apes of different species would also grow accordingly. So far, there is no evidence that apes have achieved milestones in their ancestry. Humans have. History cannot all be destroyed or rewritten to reflect ideologies or preserve the status quo. Giants, like me, still roam the earth. At last, we can put away the fearful and childish supposition that apes are humans and humans are apes. They are of a different species, altogether, and they have not evolved along with the rest of us. Else, they would no longer be apes, would they?

©Copyright, December 2016, Theory About Evolution, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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