Tree Lovers Hacks

It is because I love trees so much that I am sharing a few ways we can eliminate cutting down our forests. Using these methods, we can significantly reduce or eliminate timber industry production as well as cut down on waste.

One of the first things you can begin doing today is to stop buying and using toilet tissue, nose tissue, napkins, and paper towels. How? Easy. You must retrain yourself to be a responsible consumer.

To begin, cut up old cotton clothing or other material underwear or t-shirts into hand-size squares. Almost any material will do except maybe jeans or other thick material. These you may wipe your nose, mouth, or butt with and then take them to your sink and wash them out (scrub together vigorously under water) using a couple of squirts of diluted dishwashing liquid if needed (never). I must confess that unless it smells bad (never does) or is a little funky (never is), I do not even use my diluted dishwashing liquid! Cold water washing works for every kind of washing! (I toss my cloths into the cold wash every week - also no detergent - to disinfect them.) Then, simply squeeze out the excess water and hang them over your plunger handle to dry or take them to a towel rack to dry. 

For those of you worried about the possible poop on the cloth wipe, I can assure you that if you immediately wash out the cloth wipe (I named them Poopee cloths) in the sink it comes right out and off your hands. No residue at all left on your hands. Also, no more stinky butt. With the damp cloth, you clean it every time you use the restroom. Unless overnight, the cloth hanging up in your bathroom usually stays damp all day. Take your Poopee cloth with you wherever you go in a plastic baggie or cloth bag. Dampen it first if you like a wet wipe. If you love the planet, you will not mind to very temporarily getting your hands dirty. You already wash your hands after you use the toilet anyway, you might as well go the extra step and save our planet. 

*Special bonus: When cutting up t-shirts or other clothing, if you cut out the seams or have leftover material to put in the trash, go ahead and cut inch-wide strips about four inches long. Birds pick these out of landfills to make nests. Also, you may use longer strips as ribbons for hair or crafts.

Women have been washing out their underwear because of their monthly flux for centuries (using only cold water gets the blood out). They all know that you scrub it under cold water (no detergent needed) on the cloth, and it comes clean along with their hands. However, from my experience, the cloth gets completely clean, no residue, using just water. Some people will try to say how nasty it all seems, but they are just lazy and ignorant about this woman's life and how washing out your pee or small amount of poop from a cloth saves trees, them, and the planet from climate change. For the men out there, who think washing out a poopy cloth is nasty, you handle your penis every day and many are nasty penises, then they do not wash their hands. Then, you grab doorknobs or other things the rest of us must use which in my mind is waaaay nastier than a washed-out cotton cloth!

The next time you use the cloth, it may still be damp, but you may also wet the cloth before you go to the bathroom if you think that you would like a cleaner bottom. When finished wiping, simply toss the cloth into the sink to be immediately washed or place it on the floor, pull up your underwear, then pick dirty cloth back up to take it to the sink. You do not want to leave an unwashed cloth in the sink! Wash it out immediately after using it! It DOES NOT stain the cloth or stay on your hands! Also, remember to remove or give away all paper products like toilet and nose tissue, napkins, and paper towels. I did! I don't even miss them. As a matter of fact, I feel very relieved! I have extensive experience doing this every day and have even given the cloth the sniff test and it is perfectly clean - no poop or pee left on the cloth! It smells like dishwashing liquid, or in my case, nothing at all but clean.

 Here are mine (above photos)! It is easy and very sanitary! See? You can have different colors for guests, though, if you like. I just used the pink ones to make them stand out a bit to show them off.

If you live alone, you only need a couple of cloths (a little larger than hand size) for yourself in your bathroom. For larger households, you may have a rack by the toilet to dry your color (you choose the colors) of cloth for daily use. For businesses, you can have a basket for clean cloths by toilets, then have people wash out their cloths and toss them into a basket that goes to the wash every afternoon or weekly. Or you can require everyone to supply their own bathroom wiping cloth! The idea here is to retrain everyone - even the general public bathrooms - to stop using paper to wipe your butt or blow your nose! For some remote areas like parks, etc., we can also have a basket or container of cloths or people can bring their own. They can stuff a couple of cloths into a cloth bag or small purse or your pocket and into another small cloth bag (it is easy to make these) when they are finished to take home and wash. 

The cloth bags are about the size of a regular plastic sandwich bag with simple closures or fold-over style and are washable and reusable too. Even when going to the grocery or department store, pack your own wiping cloth, then pack it back out. Stuff it in your purse in its cloth bag, use it, then wash it out, and pack it back out of the bathroom when you leave. Simply do not put toilet tissue in public toilets - even portable ones! Trash receptacles are not needed in restrooms because people will not be throwing away diapers, paper towels, or tissues. Also, if you have feminine napkins, pack these out of the bathroom as well. You know, even these can be made that are washable and reusable - just bleach them in your washing machine!

Further, you may also do this for a replacement of paper towels or nose tissue. I have experimented for a long time with this process eliminating tissues and paper towels and believe me when I tell you that I now feel that I am doing my part in saving as many trees as possible. These repurposed cloths work really well as tissue or hand towels of all kinds. They clean up the mess and are completely re-washable and reusable. For people who use paper towels to clean out their pans from grease or to sop it up, simply have a small kitchen towel dedicated to this chore that you can wash out over and over again. After sopping up the grease, squirt highly diluted dishwashing liquid on the greasy kitchen cloth and the grease comes right out. Hand squeeze out the small towel or thin cloth. Then, hang up the kitchen towel on a rack to dry and then throw it in the laundry basket for that end of the week washing. The difference between using tree paper and any old cotton or other materials cloths is that we keep old clothes out of the landfill, and you are being a more responsible human being. 

Do you know what is really crazy? You wipe your butt, blow your nose, and wipe up spills or messes using oxygen-producing life-saving trees. What do you think paper is, anyway? You are helping greedy businesses use your ignorance to make them money. And you are quickly contributing to deforestation and drastic reduction in oxygen on Earth. Deforestation is one of the main reasons we have climate change and extreme weather. The trees throw shadow or shade onto the ground cooling Earth. They put moisture into the atmosphere as they release oxygen. Their deep roots suck up water and clean it to re-release it into the air to fall back on Earth as cleaner rainfall. We need their leaves blowing in the wind to prevent wind from traveling unhindered faster and faster across the ground. That is also one of the reasons for more tornadoes or high wind events. What is to stop the wind except trees? We need them for our very survival! Without air, you cease to live.

In fact, all those people buying and making or promoting books in paper form are mass contributors to deforestation! We should all, worldwide, be viewing books, newspapers, magazines, school texts, manuscripts, news feed for media presentations or anchoring, or articles, and coupon clipping ONLINE! Buy a Kindle or subscribe to Apple books or any other online publication to read (usually only once) any type of word. It would also help if all you artists used a painting program for kids or even adults to use on a computer or digital tablet until they graduate to canvas (which is NOT paper, but cloth)! You should all be ashamed of yourselves for this ancient practice, and you need to retrain your brain to promote book scanning into computers or programs that can be read (usually once except for textbooks) any time of the day or night! Get a clue people!

For those times when you, in the past, have used paper towels to pick up a smashed spider, or maybe even a dead mouse. Go ahead and use a small hand-size cloth, smash or pick up the yuck, scrape it off in your trash or outside, then take the cloth to your sink and scrub it vigorously together using both hands. Any yuck comes right out! It may take a little more of your time, but soon you will have those small cloths all over the house ready to clean up anything - even to dust with. There are many uses and ways to use cotton cloths. These can be cut up underwear for things like blowing your nose or wiping your hands or mouth and old or worn t-shirts for larger messes. You can even cut out even larger pieces for odd jobs around the house, garage, or business. 

For your information and to clarify, cotton comes from a plant and is renewably grown year after year. We take the cotton bolls and make all kinds of things including clothing. One hundred percent pure cotton is best and breaks down in the environment if not super-treated with chemicals. It is different from a tree in that it can easily and quickly be grown one year to the next. Trees take many years to get to the eighteen inches in diameter necessary to cut them down and make lumber or paper. By the way, RRDD also has a new product to replace, you guessed it, lumber! In the time-being we can simply use metal or earth products like brick, tile, or concrete to make our housing foundations, bones, and walls, etc. It just takes volunteers and funding helping us produce these environmentally friendly products. As far as messy jobs are concerned, please think about your own existence when you grab something to clean with. You know, a broom and dustpan also do the job. Make a list if you must, then when the time comes, just remember the list and head for your stash.

Oh, yeah, just as a side note, it doesn't matter what your cloth shopping bag says on the outside where it came from. The idea is to stop using plastic bags altogether and take in several cloth bags to put your groceries in. Let me tell you, I have found that using my cloth bags I can actually stuff more items in those bags and easily carry them than I ever did with those horrible ripping thin plastic bags! For people cleaning out litter boxes and emptying it into those plastic bags, now is the time to stop! Simply use a reusable cloth bag or an old box to dump litter in, then pour that into your trash can inside or out. It is easier than the plastic and saves our environment.

By the way, for people who may not have old t-shirts laying around, this new idea replacing paper products gives you an excuse to go to a thrift store and buy a couple of old t-shirts - any color you choose - even very decorative or matching color of your decor. Sometimes, you can bargain with the cashier on the price which is always under $1.00 anyway. Then, go home and wash it or disinfect with color-safe bleach, cut it up into hand-size squares and stack them in a coffee tin or Coffee mate container by the toilet for others to use. They can drape the washed and rinsed hand cloth on your toilet paper roll, or you can get very fancy and make or buy a rack for your decor. Beware of companies trying to sell you really expensive cloths! You do not need to wipe your butt or blow your nose on fine-stitched hand cloths! It is a colossal waste of money! Besides, the idea here is to replace paper products world-wide using old or worn clothing! This easy and cheap hack also saves millions of trees world-wide. By taking responsibility for your own wastefulness and washing out these cloths, you also save money!

Go ahead. Add it up. How much do you spend on tissues for your nose and butt, then napkins when eating and paper towels for your kitchen? I dare you to do the math. You may be surprised at how much money you save, especially for a large household or business. Oh yes, you can make your employees wash out their cloth wipes in the sink, then toss them in a basket to be washed. It is easy and cheap and responsible. Just post a sign explaining the process and do not supply any paper tissue. Allow your people to be responsible too. 

In the house, you will find that the children understand this method better than older adults who have been taught all their lives to throw paper tissue into the toilet, nose tissue in the waste basket, and wiping up spills with paper towels only to toss them in the trash. When paying at the drive-through restaurant sternly request that they do not supply paper napkins with your meal. You have your own. Also, you can reuse straws over and over again. Just wash them and keep them in your car. Be very vocal and demanding that businesses must also do their part cleaning our world. Now is the time to make the changes necessary to save all of us. Elders too must be responsible for our future on this planet. It just takes simple measures to make people do their part.

I have also experimented with dilution of old standard products on the market like dishwashing liquid and laundry detergent. I have found that it only takes a couple of tablespoons per squeeze-bottle of dishwashing liquid then fill the rest of the bottle with water. The same thing can be done with laundry detergent. Yes, it is diluted, but trust me I have experimented with diluting it and it works just as good as the original or concentrate. Better yet, you can use dishwashing liquid (squirt a couple of tablespoons into the wash) to clean your clothes, especially if they are greasy or dirty! It works even better than a lot of laundry detergents and is better for the environment if you use the free and clear kind. 

And, for Pete’s sake, stop putting scented laundry detergent in your washer and on your clothes. It is bad for you and the environment! Your detergent needs to be free of dyes, perfumes, and additives if you even use it at all. It should be hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Frankly, I do not even clean my clothes or dishes using detergents unless there is a stain. This I put a spot of detergent on, scrub, then wash and it comes right out! My clothes smell clean and freshly washed, anyway, without putting suds into our drains. The best part is that the chemicals do not cling to your body as you wear your clothes which may prevent all kinds of skin problems, especially for sensitive-skinned or allergic people.

I do NOT use the highly diluted dishwashing liquid or cheap, cheap diluted (quarter size in palm) shampoo to wash my hair and body! Nothing at all! Wow! No tangles, no frizz, no gobs of hair in my hairbrush! Who knew? Many times, I just scrub down using a washcloth or just my hands and hot water then rinse off with cool water. That cleans the pores, then closes them up again. How much suds goes into our ground water and drinking water supply? How many millions of people wash their clothes, body, or hair and dishes on a daily basis? The truth is very horrifying if you allow yourself to think about it. Our cleaning products should be organic and should help the environment when we use them, especially on such a large scale. 

Also, I have found that my clothes do not need dryer sheets. If you want to prevent wrinkles and such, simply make a palm-size ball of aluminum foil and toss it in the dryer with your wet laundry. It works cutting static electricity and you save money as well as our Earth. For those who think they need to smell better, you may not realize this but everyone else thinks you stink to high heaven because they smell you coming from ten feet away! Perfumes should be real organic flower or herb-based and be faint and pleasantly aromatic. Your clothes do not need to smell like a hothouse for others to like you. Besides, your natural smell is what attracts the opposite sex to you anyway. (Read my other articles on this subject.)

For the kitchen area, the larger kitchen towels can be stacked on your counter or in your cabinet or drawer and quickly pulled out to clean any mess, anywhere, even the floor or in the garage. I know you have a washing machine. Use it. Or are you working for the tree-cutting paper industry and have just now come to understand that you may be losing your job before long?

Also, just as a side note, you can reduce plastics in our oceans by washing out and reusing over and over again any plastic storage or sandwich bags. It is super easy to wash out the inside then quickly shove a dry hand towel into the interior to dry it, then shove it back into your kitchen drawer. I have been using the same plastic bags like sandwich or freezer bags and for waste baskets grocery bags around the house for many years now. You can also rinse or wash out plastic cups, plastic utensils, and paper plates. I know the reason you bought them was convenience, but your laziness has contributed to the massive garbage in our oceans and landfills. Suck it up and reuse or simply do not buy plastic dinnerware or paper plates at all (Corelle works better anyway). 

Pack out what you pack into parks by simply carrying your washable containers and dinnerware with you. Become a naturalist and minimalist. It is easier than you think. Waste basket thin plastic bags are also reusable. You can simply dump trash out into your larger trash can or do not use any trash bags at all! Just dump your trash from your smaller waste baskets into your tall kitchen basket or better yet make the garbage collectors allow you to NOT use any plastic bags at all and simply dump out your outside large garbage container into the back of their garbage truck! 

This is the problem with most people who want to eliminate trash bags from our landfills. The trash collectors are the ones who prevent us from simply dumping trash in our large garbage cans. They should be made to take our trash no matter if we have trash bags or not! We should all have large trash receptacles - even New York City - at the curb or in front of the apartment complex to dump your smaller 10–13-gallon kitchen waste basket into. We can have the sanitation department issue colorful and even decorative or artistic-looking large garbage containers to be put all around the city. All trash containers are washable and reusable. Don't let your laziness get in the way of your responsibility to be environmentally responsible! The garbage department can rake out the garbage from the inside of garbage trucks to help us eliminate all trash bags in our landfills and oceans! 

I have personally observed garbage collectors doing their job and the truck actions. What I saw was a real eye-opener (got up at 3:30 a.m.). It is because of pure laziness on the part of your garbage collectors that we use plastic garbage bags at all! They can pick up the large container at your corner, they just choose to flip the lid open, reach inside, and pull out bags and place them or throw them into the back of the truck! Then, when the back area gets too full, they use an automatic raker hydraulic panel to smash and cram the bags toward the front of the truck. All this time the sanitation department could have made its employees lift each outside trash receptacle (this is part of their job description - must be able to lift 80 lbs.) and dump loose trash into the crush zone. Then, when they get to the recycling center, push it out again. Okay everybody. YOU are in charge of how YOUR sanitation department does its job! MAKE them do their job!! Eliminate all garbage bags from our planet! Are you really serious about reducing waste? There you go...

As a further reduction or elimination of paper products - all of them: No paper books, no writing paper, no magazines, or newspapers = use computers, tablets, phones, or iPads. No packaging, no packing material, no shrink wrap, no pallets, no cardboard boxes = RRDD's new retail methodology and transport inventions. No wood houses, furniture, pencils, frames, or art paper (use canvas) = use metal or canvas or cloth. No paper-rolled cigarettes or filters = use cigar-style leaves then smokers probably will not smoke as much because they are more potent. In fact, we can completely cut out the timber production and industry right now! Kick out foreign country companies or any other international ownership, production, logging, planting, or sawmill activities or companies using wood products that have contributed to our country and other countries' deforestation which has accelerated climate change!

We should also stop expanding or annexing any property or existing or new towns, cities, or personal properties or developments (except existing sites) and stop highway expansions or construction which is one of the worst tree-cutting events in the world! We have plenty of roadways now. I know. I used to be a long-haul trucker and intimately know most highways and freeways of Americas' 48 states. RRDD new transportation will eventually eliminate using most highways in the future using my new inventions, anyway. So, let's start making progress by stopping deforestation first.

When I was younger, I had to go out with my parents to cut down trees for our wood-burning stove and fireplace. As a further climate initiative program nation-wide, we should limit wood permit holders to gather and cut up only downed trees (trees already laying on the forest floor - or - reclaimed wood that comes from disaster-stricken houses/buildings like in Florida) for wood-burning. No more cutting down trees for your heat or cooking. We should give households who use wood-burning stoves or fireplaces incentives and discounts for electric heating and air. We can make it a tax credit or immediate discount for electric ranges, stoves, air conditioners, or fireplaces, And they get a huge discount to buy battery-operated generators. 

We can cut out fossil fuel uses by making smart choices only if we are given smart choices in the first place. These battery-run devices for heat and air or stoves and fireplaces can have a whole home large rechargeable and replaceable battery system. Yes, I have a design that helps generate energy for these older batteries and a new battery design, as well. What I am suggesting is that we go all the way and make it easy and cheap for citizens and businesses to use clean, sustainable, and perpetual (my cheap energy-producing product) energy. 

The only ones to protest are those people who have been raping our forests all their lives cutting down big, good oxygen-producing trees because it is cheaper than the electric company. Using large battery systems, especially my new designs in the works, we can assure people that there will be no rolling blackouts and they will have cheap, safe, and efficient energy when they need it - on demand. My solutions give people the knowledge, free to read and implement, so that we can all move forward with reducing or stopping extreme climate change.

So, now that you can see how cheap and easy it can be to stay cool, or warm, and cook using electric battery-powered energy, all you need to do now is scream at the top of your lungs your demand for these to be produced and offered (cheap - if not I will anyway) and given discounts for changing your tree-cutting habits and traditions.

Not only can you reuse plastic containers and bags, but you can also eliminate using plastic wrap to preserve leftovers and aluminum foil to cook food. I have non-stick pans and sheets that I use to bake foods like chicken or veggies. Yes, it does get a little brown-looking and you do have to scrub it, but I found that I do not have to cover it with aluminum foil when cooking food. Use elbow grease and clean your pans and dishes immediately after cooking in them to easily remove baked foods and reduce staining! Using the money you save by not buying plastic bags, you can buy Corelle dishes (yes, I am plugging this product made in America) and put leftovers or any foods inside the bowls or plates and stack a plate on top of the bowl or plate. The older generation has been doing this all their lives! It is easier, cheaper, and they can be washed over and over. They are made of glass but are very difficult to chip or break. I love them...a lot. 

The heavier casserole dishes go into the oven to refrigerator too! Also, you can cover plates or bowls that go into your microwave with the saucer to lunch to dinner plates. You do NOT need paper towels to cover your microwaved foods! Get a clue and go to the store and buy a microwave cover. It covers any dish you put in the microwave and is washable and reusable. These are all super-easy to wash and dry and then put back in the cabinet. Or simply use a larger piece of cotton cloth to cover your microwaved food. It works! I used to put a washcloth into the microwave to get it hot to place on my tummy when I had the cramps. So, I know cotton cloths will do the job just fine. I use the old t-shirts (about one foot square) to cover food in the microwave and they work great!

Do not let your dishes and such...soak. I usually clean cooking utensils, pots, and pans as I go while I am cooking or prepping and before I eat (do not use diluted dish cleaner for any foods other than greasy butter or meats), then I only have to rinse off my plate and eating utensils after I eat. With a little more effort you can be out of the kitchen faster and don't have to go back later to a pile of dishes in the sink. You can make these changes to help lower your stress levels and help our planet; you just have to be willing to give it a try!

By the way, cloth diapers still work. Yes, you have to wash them, but for home and most trips they do the job just fine. And, just like toilet cloth wipes, your hands get just as clean by using a little diluted dishwashing liquid to clean as well as the diaper. How many plastic diapers would this effort take out of our landfills and waters? Can you at least look into this old method and save tons of money at the same time? It is simple, easy, and cheap to rinse out the diaper and then throw it in the laundry basket to wash. 

If you are on a trip, just carry a large freezer plastic storage bag that you can stuff the diapers into until you get home to wash them in your washer. If stained, use a little bleach. If it still doesn't come out, oh well, everybody understands anyway, don't they? The plastic bag can be washed and reused over and over again, too. You know, you can still buy plastic panties that go over the cloth diapers, so they don't leak when you are traveling. Wow! Your baby expects you to change their diaper when they get wet. That is the main reason they cry and become vocal in the first place. When in doubt, check and change the diaper using cloth diapers. I believe there are several different pins or clasps now too. A little more effort on your part makes for a cleaner planet. 

For those people who have been buying throwaway mopping units with throwaway cloths on them, you need to go back to the basics and use a real washable mop that is easy to disinfect and clean. A little bleach once in a while is all you need to clean it of any bacteria, and you save money in the process. Forget about buying those mopping products that are plastic and break anyway. Also, they make you buy over and over again throwaway products that end up in the landfill. A regular older style mop works. For that matter, an old-fashioned straw broom does the job as well. Forget about the convenience and retrain your brain to use products and methods good for us and the environment. 

When watching advertisements, you need to keep in mind that their explanations as to why you would want to buy their product has ulterior motives. It is called money...residual money. What I have learned as an inventor and designer, myself, is that many inventors of products make them with future sales in mind. My company does not think this way. When I come up with some new product, the first criteria are safety. Then, I look at quality, security, and longevity. I also want it to be people and environmentally friendly as well as sustainable and recyclable or repurposed. When you pick up a product to buy or put a product in your cart online, please think about if that product has any of these criteria or if their agenda is to mislead you into buying further product accessories. It gets easier to help the planet and save yourself money as you learn to guard against the propaganda and hype.

As a matter of fact, it is my idea that ALL PRODUCTS, either made here in this country or from any other country, should all be identifiable and pre-stamped with the manufacturers address and identity, so that they can be given to the mail carriers or manufacturer paid transporters to be taken back to their original manufacturer if they are in any way damaged and unusable or if the buyer does not want it anymore and cannot take it to a thrift shop. Manufacturers have been making landfill crap forever...anything just to sell us something. This has to stop! They should be made to take the product back AND maintain the product (even vehicles) so that when it has a part that breaks or goes bad, the consumer does not have to maintain it. They can either put it in transport back to the manufacturer or the manufacturer can send someone to fix it or replace parts. Even car tires should be treated this way. We should not be made to buy a vehicle for $40,000 to $80,000 dollars or more, then pay through the nose when it begins to break down after only five years or less.

Another thought is that we should make ALL CONTAINERS be reusable and pre-stamped with the manufacturers address and identification so that we put any of them into a container recycling bin that takes them back to the original manufacturer of that container for repair, washing, and reusing. This makes the manufacturer responsible for any type of container they use to put our products in, and they will most likely begin to use organic or recycled or reusable containers, which is also good for our bodies and the environment. RRDD has these new organic container concepts and inventions ready for development, engineering, and manufacturing, but we need help beginning this huge undertaking! Anybody? 

Regardless, there are other ways we can prevent the mass cutting of our oxygen-making trees. For example, did you know that your electric company CAN replace or make new metal telephone and electric poles? They already do this for very heavy cables and electric lines. Just look around sometime and you will see these large metal poles all over the place. Now, why do you suppose that they haven’t begun using metal telephone or electric poles instead of tree poles? When we have storm-damaged or broken wood poles, why don’t they replace these using metal poles instead? Could it be that they have a dirty deal with the timber industry? Or is it simply more expensive to make metal poles and they do not want to be responsible business owners and human beings? Either way, we can all come together as tree-hugging environmentalists and pressure our Congress men and women to make it the law that all telephone and electric poles (even house or business connection poles) be made of all metal.

Finally, there are many other ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint on Earth preventing deforestation. We just need to start the conversation to get the ball rolling. I love trees. If you can’t breathe nothing else matters. Share this article with your family, your friends, your elected officials, Congress people, the President of the United States, the Vice-President, and social media to get everyone on the same page. The timber industry will howl at the moon, but at this point they should have seen the writing on the wall when it was decided we should go all electric cutting our oil consumption. This is just the beginning. Round Robin Distribution Designs, LLC (RRDD) has many new and exciting designs replacing old ones and new methods we can use to finally be free to…breathe.


 © Copyright, Tree Lovers Hacks, 8/5/2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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