Value-Added Education

What is really going on with the “education system” is the indoctrination of children into capitalist society. Children are made to attend school memorizing a massive amount of information in the shortest period of time with only about fifteen to twenty percent retention of total information in their adult years (remember the show, Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?). What is happening is that corporations and government officials who are compensated by corporations promote education to exploit talented, gifted, intelligent children while at the same time demoting those not as smart to burger joints. 

The hierarchy corporate ladder is set well before the child reaches college. The child is allowed to enter Beta Club, FFA, Talented and Gifted, Mensa, or even classes like Physics or French class evaluated by educators as intelligent in those areas. This leaves behind those children whose test scores are consistently low or on the bottom of the scale or just not from the right family. What the system fails to take into consideration is that many gifted children are late bloomers or simply are horrible test-takers. The evaluation also relies heavily on the educators or evaluators who may be biased against that child or family or who may feel undermined by the possibility they will be replaced by that child in the future…job security.

Children want to learn and most wish to please adults and believe them when they are told that they are not as smart as another child based on their test scores or individual assessments. This child, now adult, was given the news in High School that even though I received two band scholarships, college was not for me. I was steered at an early age toward lower wage aspirations because I only made mostly A to C grades. What they did not and could not know back then is that I am an off-the-chart concept design engineer inventor and solution provider with extremely pinpoint insight capabilities which is highly valued in the corporate world. Their loss, my gain. I am mechanically inclined but was never given the opportunity or support or confidence to explore this area of study by anyone. I realized my abilities at an early age but was constantly told I could not possibly understand engineering because my grades in math were good, but not genius, so I gave up trying telling others what I know. My sister always told me to say that I think I know, not that I know. Now, however, I can say I know. I know myself, my abilities, and my value. I do not need her or other people’s evaluations to be important.

Now, I work for myself. I attended college, got a couple of degrees, and figured out early my passion for the environment and all living things. This helped me be able to make my business plan and plug away as I worked hard to build my dream. Now, I work smarter, not harder. And I am sharing this view of the unseen possibilities your child may offer later in life while they explore their own values so that you can relax your stressful push for them to excel and memorize absolutely every text to take a test that pigeonholes them for future societal, corporate, and government exploitation.

I realize that you want your child to have a better life than you had or that you want them to maintain the wealth or status you and past generations may have accumulated, but when you are dead and gone, the only thing that really matters is the happiness and contribution your child makes for themselves and others to live quality lives. Teaching them to follow the leader may be telling them that even though the one in charge has the power and is stupid, they must run with the herd over the cliff into the intellectual abyss. Case in point: NASA’s intellectual community has put out the possibility that Moon dust will prevent the Sun’s rays from warming the Earth preventing climate change. And they are exploring this possibility as a future mission saving our planet.

Let me stress right here that I appreciate intelligence and value everyone else’s brain to help me offer insight or value. What these overrated supposed intelligent people are debating is absolutely stupid. Let me give a short explanation. If you take weight from an orbiting object, it permanently changes trajectory and path. Our planet is dependent on the Moon’s consistent orbiting properties to move our oceans and the magnetic field of the planet. In fact, going to the Moon to establish a lunar station is ludicrous. People are not meant to live on uninhabitable planets, especially not the Moon or Mars. News flash! The real reason the Aerospace community wants to inhabit other planets is to put technology on the surface to further cage your data; thereby, giving them the ability to groom you or your child to perform for them like a circus monkey.

My insight into the education system is meant to raise the alarm about the stress children have been subject to by parents, corporations, and governments. We should change how we offer subject matter to children. And, oh, by the way, your child will not suffer social anxiety if they do not attend public school. In fact, home-schooled children are much happier, centered, with more commonsense than children who are bullied, too early sexually active, illegal drugs peer pressured, made fun of by biased teachers and envious students, test measured inadequate, unable to study what they want at any time of the day, subject to worries of being a mass murdered victim.

[Visit my No Public Schools and Welfare Solution found on the Solutions page in the menu for viable ways to pay for home schooling.] And for goodness sake, do not allow your children to play blood sport or bloody gun or weapons fighting games on any such technology. You wonder why mass murders; one reason is the bloody desensitizing ideology of evil glamorized by techies making these programming enticing your child glorify killing anything with anything. You are at fault for not explaining in detail to your children or citizens why these types of products are harmful to future society, relationships, acceptable behaviors, and self-control.

Your child should have a family social support group or local community child playdates. Good fun can be had without the expectation of sports or academic excellence. If you want your child to be happy and successful, simply offer them the basic three R’s (reading, writing, and arithmetic), then offer them any other information or course to see if they might excel or like to pursue that subject. Explain to them that if they want to be a doctor, they must pass the coursework required to be able to work and help others doing that job. Then, explain that to be a neurosurgeon is a more intense study that requires higher levels of education and information retention than, let’s say, a phlebotomist. Think your child cannot understand this process? You are wrong. When you explain over and over in detail what it takes to attain higher education in a certain field and keep assuring them that you support them as much as you can as they attempt each level, then your child will feel empowered to at least try. And you do not need to do anything but give them the space and technology to learn what they need to test for that particular subject or field.

If you are honest with yourself, you will agree that one of the main reasons you push your child is to be able to claim a one-up on your neighbors child or one half-way across the world. You think that climbing the corporate ladder means a better quality of life for your get and the generations that follow. You are wrong. Quality of life is what makes a person safe, secure both physically and mentally and socially, self-assured with self-love and the love of others. Your child’s ability to make the world a better place by helping lift up other people, animals, or planet is what makes a human being happy, healthy, and wealthy. Because, after all, when it is over, and they die wouldn’t you want your child’s name to be synonymous with value-added life? I do.

I hope I have added value to your life and how you treat your child or look at the possibility of value your child offers society and our planet. Just remember, if you live to old age, it may be that child who is responsible for your happiness, health, and living conditions. Be good to your child. Do not stress them out with public school. Offer them online courses, then maybe hands-on education for things like art or welding. Online studies allow your child to excel and be undisturbed as they absorb the information. No photographic memory required. Be supportive of their wildly changing interests and clang pots and pans with a wooden spoon when they are a baby to introduce them to music, not noise. Give them a baby flute or mini-guitar or xylophone introducing culture. Expand their horizons by offering ways for them to learn about the outdoors, animals, and trees. Let them breathe life with arms wide open, with confidence in themselves, you, and society. The benefits are immeasurable, especially by the education system. I am sure after reading this article, however, that you can quickly and intelligently calculate your child’s true value-added possibilities.

© Copyright, Value-Added Education, 2/15/2023, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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