Voting Solution

All the rhetoric from republicans about voting fraud made me decide to provide a good solution to forever fix this problem. I think most Americans are sick and tired of the recounts and disinformation or outright lies about our election process, so here we go…

I think all voting whether local, state, or national should be done online or by computer or mail on a federally manned website(s), one for national, one each for state, and each county. You have a secured login with your name, address, password, and phone number. You register your email separately because it goes into only the auditor’s file. Then, after the vote is counted or tallied in real-time, election officials conduct a randomly selected one percent audit of the voters (can be chosen by computer) to ask them in a questionnaire (can be computer generated) if they voted the way it shows in their files. 

In fact, it has always been my thoughts that we should each have a copy of who or what we voted with our name, address, and phone number on it, so that it can be audited. This way, we can download to our devices our ballot for future reference, too. Paper ballots with permanent marker are also an option as a second counting verification of all votes (both voting machine and then hand counting), but I still think we can perform voting using an online website. Only the auditors know the email addresses of the recipients and can provide email proof that the voters voted in the election and even how they voted or who they voted for. Not only that, but the audit system can also send your submitted ballot to you so that you can save it to your files or print it out. This system of verification is an easy, secure, and cheap way to assure all voters that their vote is truly counted.

Of course, the audit would have the voter provide a kind of “revote” ballot verification button during the audit process as verification to the auditor that the voter did vote the same way as the files show. The computer audit ballot is also proof in the audit system that the voter is the same person the auditor checks against their original ballot. The original ballot cannot be changed nor can the audit re-ballot. Some people might decide to change their vote based on polls, but this way they must revote before election results are shown. This could be done minutes into an audit verifying the online ballot. Some might say the verification should be all voters online. This is a possibility as well. This would put an end to any controversy over the election and voting in this and other countries. It would also keep extremist views from blaring at us all over the news.

Simply put, by verification of the vote in this way we know our vote counts. If, however, just one discrepancy is found, then we could re-examine that particular voting block to determine if the person simply changed their mind from one minute to the next or if there is a problem within their information such as another person voting for them on the website. There will be no "voting" sites or poll workers open to the public. There will be no intimidation of election workers as they do this most important duty.

Another part of this solution is that I think we should make it mandatory (unless physically or mentally unable or disabled) that all citizens aged 18 years old and above be made to register at age 18 and then made to vote in every election, both nationally and in their home state. In effect, citizens are automatically registered for life at age 18 to be able to vote and they can elect to vote online, by mail, or in person. Beginning now, we can put in place the system it takes allowing everyone, all citizens, to register to vote in the next year's elections. But the main takeaway here is that they have penalties or fines if they do NOT vote. This is incentive for people to make their views and vote count for all elections. Also, there are no religious exemptions. No exceptions except as outlined above. 

On the ballot you may elect to vote for any candidate who wants to run for the seat. Candidate like or dislike (thumbs up or down) tells you who is in the lead as a real-time polling. You can click on that person to see why people may be flocking to that page. The other benefit of mandatory voting is that jury selections can be random chosen from the entire pool of voters for a pending trial. This increases the possibility that a jury may be selected that represents both sides of the issue as well as the possibility that a jurist may be selected who knows nothing about either side. It is a well-known fact that much of the reason people do not vote is because they do not wish to be selected to sit on a jury. Making mandatory registration and voting eliminates this refusal to vote by any citizen and positively impacts elections nationwide.

As another possibility assuring unbiased equality during jury selection or processes, I think there should be professional juries. This means that there can be people in each state who are trained knowledgeable upstanding citizens deciding your fate in a court of law. No more familial bias, dumb jurists, and sometimes, no need for extraneous explanations of law or procedures to the jury hoping that their feelings win the day. No more time away from your family, burdens of financial and relationship considerations, no worries about being summoned for jury duty because you decided to vote. 

For seniors or disabled citizens, this may be of greater concern. The professional jury can be a college degreed profession. People trained specifically to understand and process reasonable doubt in an unemotional factual manner which provides consistency for every case, especially homicide or drug trafficking. The jury would no longer be an issue with voters. And candidates on the ballot can be qualified no matter their wealth. Jurist professionals can be gathered from other counties in the state because that is their job. They go where needed or hired. These are winning voting solutions for our society.

This also means that there are no runoffs. Candidates still must register to run, but they do not have to pay anything to put their name in the hat. The website allows you to choose who you want to view or hear. You do not have to scroll through thousands of would-be officials. You can simply click on the person's link to go their page, which is usually a video of their stance or stump. This keeps every platform equal opportunity to run for public office, even if you do not have much money or followers. Remember, this solution also mandates equal national broadcasting and internet website airtime for each candidate. You are allowed to see and hear each candidate several times on television or view their page on the federally run website so that you can better know where each candidate stands on the issues. 

This way, we can be assured that the true majority of citizens and our collective society move forward in a common-sense pathway. We can know for sure the real Constitutional voice of the United States of America. Just like you have to register your car and pay taxes, you now must automatically be registered to vote and then vote your choices for elected representation in any public office those candidates you think are best for that job. In this solution, you are only mandated to vote for your city, county and state, then national public servants and representatives. Ballots for any position up for election can be sent directly to your email or mailbox with return postage already on it. It is that easy.

Also, I think that Native American Indians with at least one-sixteenth blood should be given the right to vote twice for any election. This is only fair as they have been outvoted for hundreds of years! This would give more weight to the original owners of this land and make politicians in this country care about what American Indians want from the United States government occupying their territory. Treaties have been broken between Native Americans and the U.S. government and have not been addressed by any politician, thus far. Giving an extra vote to each Native would provide them the opportunity to have their voices heard in Washington and around the world. The popular vote would take on a new meaning to politicians and we would not need an electoral college anymore.

The popular vote is the best and fair way the majority of citizens elect people to office. The electoral college is simply another way greedy…politicians and other deep pockets hijack your voice and add to their clout and bank accounts. Read my article called Election Solution for more on this subject.

© Copyright, Voting Solution, 5/18/2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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