Workforce Solution

You know, disabled people or senior citizens would like to work but many of them do not have transportation, or they are afraid of losing their benefits. I think businesses should pick up and take home these kinds of workers. The elderly may be slower than young workers, but they are often more skilled and accurate with their production. Many are simply tired of retirement. As for disabled workers, many have no vehicle, or they cannot drive. Therefore, I think there should be a hotline to call for people who want to work that day (daily workers) for daily pay.

There should be a number those workers can call to hear about available jobs in their area and the pay for the job as well as how long they can work that day. Businesses who opt in for this type of workforce should be willing to pick up the worker and then take them home when their shift is done. A simple phone number of the business can be supplied to the worker to call to be picked up for the job. This is much cheaper than using a recruiting service and often the business gets a highly skilled and diligent worker.

Further, to assure these types of workers and to encourage them to go to work, the Social Security Department should send out to all recipients a letter explaining that the workers can work as much and make as much as they can and still receive their benefits. This work group needs the stability of base pay to reduce their anxiety of becoming homeless if they lose their job because of illness or injury. No reduction of benefits means that disabled people have incentive to get out of the house and socialize in the community. They will feel supported by their government and the community. And even though some may have to visit the hospital at times because of their illness, daily work relieves stress and anxiety for many and gives them a sense of accomplishment and recovery.

The main idea here is that businesses will have a new pool of available workers for many of the jobs they cannot fill because of lower pay or shorter hours. Also, picking up and taking home the worker assures the business of the ability to fill that important position. Online posting with a number to call or simply “click to pick” for the worker to claim that job for the day helps businesses know their daily schedule of workers. The posted jobs should tell the worker the pay and hours of work available that day. Of course, picking up and taking home the worker may require the manager to do this job, but it could be the difference between staying open for business and having to close for the day due to a lack of workforce.

Paying workers by the day is not new. Migrant workers have been doing this for many years. They gather in the morning at a church or street corner and wait to be picked up by the business. Most times, they do not know exactly what job they will be doing that day, they are simply willing to do whatever is asked of them. Pretty soon, the migrant is familiar with almost every job in their area and becomes skilled in many different positions. The same can be done for almost any daily worker.

In conclusion, this workforce solution is the best way for businesses to stay open, service their customers, or ramp up production. It fills unwanted positions and gives people a sense of pride and belonging. It also helps the economy as the money earned by this large group of workers makes its way back into their communities. It’s a win-win for all of us.

©Copyright, Workforce Solution, 2/5/2022, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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