Worms and Minnows

What you have been eating and putting on your body has been killing you! Every day people are bombarded with advertisements telling them the latest and greatest products making them feel and look better. What many do not realize, however, is that too many vitamins and minerals in your body accumulate and could cause cancer. And, most lotions, body washes, and perfumes can seep into your skin advancing problems like asthma, allergies, psoriasis, and fibromyalgia. In fact, allergies, on their own, to foods or chemicals, can cause topical skin conditions.

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you smell great just the way you are? Sure, you could spray on enough French perfume to mask your true scent, but when this wears off, does anyone really notice? Or do they only notice the overwhelming waft that trails behind you as you walk past them? People should take a step back to the old days when kids played outside, got filthy, and built up their immune system. They came inside, washed up before dinner, and had a bath before bedtime. In fact, people should remember to use actual worms and minnows when they go fishing. These old-fashioned, yet hardy, immune-building activities are what is missing in our eco-technological era. Picnics on the grass, climbing trees, and swimming in the Blue Hole are all worthy keepsakes from the past. And they don’t cost a dime.

I can understand people wanting to use makeup to cover blemishes or scars, but the truth is that glitter eyelid makeup can get into the eyes, travel to the backside of the eye, and cause all kinds of problems. If this can happen, why then can’t it be possible for mascara to do the same? Ever get that feeling that something is in your eye, and you can’t get it out? My advice is to do an eye wash as soon as possible, lifting up the lid of your eye as you either plunge your eye under water or splash water up under the lid. This may help remove the intruder and save your eyesight. Also, when you wear lipstick or gloss, don’t you lick you lips and swallow these chemicals on a daily basis?

Just think. Could this be what doctors are looking for as a cause for some cancers? They are continually digging into the reasons why some cancers occur. With all the chemicals in our foods from dyes, preservatives, chemical taste-alikes, and additives, where do we draw the line? I say it should stop at your front door! Refuse to give into the enticing ads everywhere you turn and resist the urge to buy everything you see either online, or on the T.V. Don’t fall for the hype of a better you or for reality T.V. or web. It is all fake, and for most of you, you really do not need it! You look great just as you are. Try it out for a week to see if anyone really likes you any less the natural way. You may be surprised to learn that they don’t give a damn how you look; it is all about them!

By the way, using toothpastes, whiteners, and mouth washes may remove the good bacteria from your mouth. When you use these products and other extreme measures to clean your mouth, you are taking away your mouth's ability to attack the food and break it down for digestion in your stomach. Your mouth needs these natural enzymes to help your stomach process food properly. Not only that, but food will also taste better on your tongue! You can gently brush your tongue with a toothbrush or simply use your finger to remove slime that has accumulated there. But remember that the tongue is very sensitive to chemicals and may "roughen up" with prolonged use or introduction to harsh ingredients or applications. 

If you want to have a clean mouth, use floss after meals or before bedtime to remove any possible rotting foods. If you do have bad breath, it may be that you are having stomach or digestive issues. At the point where you can't get rid of the bad breath, that is the time to see your doctor. Have you ever thought about what happens to your gums and teeth when you brush them with plastic? Think about it for a moment. Denture wearers understand what I am talking about. It may be okay to remove morning yuk from your gums using a very soft toothbrush, but I would not press very hard and definitely would not scrub the soft enamel with it. It is called erosion. Water jets can erode your teeth as well! Also, you can go ahead and run scalding hot water over that soft toothbrush to sterilize it and then use it over and over again until it absolutely wears out. It's okay. The toothbrush companies may go out of business after a while with this information, but you still have your finger.

Why not go all the way and try removing these chemicals from your body? Some whiteners have bleach in them! Do you think these "cleansers", when used daily, could have a cumulative effect on your body's ability to shed the overall number of chemicals you encounter? Could it be that if you brush your teeth using just a simple soft toothbrush, or floss, then gargle with water, that you may be getting just as white a smile and fresh breath than scrubbing or melting away the enamel or swallowing toxic products? If you really want extremely white teeth, visit your favorite dentist and ask them to scrape off plaque and then polish your teeth. It is no more expensive that the chemical method and you could save yourself time and possible poor health conditions in the future.

So, put down the supplements, vitamins, food additives, dyes, preservatives, teeth and mouth cleaners, and makeup and say, “hello” to a cleaner, wealthier, and smarter you. Eat foods as they were meant to be eaten, one at a time, instead of glass-full or blender-full. Too much intake of one product could be bad for your body. That is why nuts come in a shell. It takes time to get it open and you won't eat as many. This is the natural way to eat, a handful at a time. 

Take away your kids’ cellphones for one day a week and take them OUTSIDE to breath fresh air and soak up real vitamin D in the sunshine. And, for Pete’s sake, take them and you fishing. Handle Earth worms instead of plastic plugs. Put a minnow on a hook, add a bobber, and catch a catfish. Exposing you and your family to this favorite past time is more than worth the effort and the memories last a lifetime. Try it. It won’t kill you, but the junk you put in and, on your body, will.

©Copyright, Worms and Minnows, December 1, 2016, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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